A Light In The Darkness Podcast

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A Light In The Darkness Podcast



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Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

7 videos

Category Vlogging

Hello everyone my name is Kris Kinnison and I have a new podcast called A Light In The Darkness. I will be doing a lot of different types of podcasts as well as some review videos. My podcast topics will range from discussions about many different topics that I find interesting from spirituality, psychology, current affairs, to heavy topics such as drug use, childhood trauma, and everything in between. I highly encourage feedback from the listeners/viewers on quality as well as ideas for podcasts in the future. I really want this community to be interactive. I encourage discussions and spirited debate in the forums but please be respectful. Even if you strongly disagree there is almost always something to learn from a discussion with someone whom you may not agree on everything about. I try to keep things light hearted and strive to find the lesson and positivity even in a negative topic. I believe that right now should be the time for unity and collaboration. there is a lot of negativity in the world right now and division just exacerbates the situation. We as human beings have so much in common when you get right down to it and I would like to focus on our similarities rather than our differences. I think that we can accomplish many great things with collaboration. So I welcome EVERYONE to participate in the forums. I think if more people just started communicating with each other in an effective way the world could start to heal and make the changes necessary to ensure a bright future for every living being on this beautiful planet we call Earth. I am looking forward to this podcast and hope you all are as well. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. Together we can all be A Light In The Darkness.