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Quantum Interactions


Not found anywhere else isolated from the film with the name and artists name this way. Chris Farren has a biggest hits album on Youtube a 25 song playlist, but no credits to Lynda Jaxon (vocs) and these songs are not on it.

This was hard to find. I guess I couldn't remember which of the 5 interviews after a few years dust had settled. We knw about Remdesivir now protocols with ventilators and how they killed so many in that time, and now we even know that contagions are a myth in general not just the covid lie. But the way he puts it here is exactly right. Throw this in your willfull ignorants' faces please.

Wikileaks video reputedly, though I couldn't find it there as I don't know what it was originally titled by Wikileaks. With a good looking female in attractive red skirt. I say this could be real, as tornadoes do that. Also as did the Lost Ark of the Covenant, in that old movie when it triumphantly killed the bad guys and that douchebag frenchman.

They are most certainly trying to keep this from our eyes. But it wasn't that hard to find it.

The 5 hour version of the program, which is now unviewable in the former upload here on bitchute, as I discovered. I think he talks at some point about a nuke on a plane...not sure what the context is. After I got into this one, I got into the Ace Baker one which proves that there was no plane basically. This video contends that there is nukes in the NYC records as a plan for demolishing the towers before they are built, and that this is known by Russia as treaties between the countries state that all nuclear explosives must be disclosed.
You may think you know about the 911 events, but without this in your arsenal you will be incomplete.
Other things I remember from my 911 researching days that you can look up:
FBI steals all the missing gold from beneath the towers their vans are seen news articles disclosing that some major holdings in gold were being kept in the towers. That the FBI was witnessed hauling it off in the midnight hours or cordoning off the area while their vans got out.
There were PBS specials from the late 80s detailing the architecture of the core of the building, but those are completely gone from all records. Only in people's recollection.
Giuliani had the blueprints from the buildings removed from the NYC records.
Many more things...of course the things in the Ace Baker Psy op video.
At the end here D,,mitri says that Mike Harari was an architect of the 911 event. and invited Dmitri to a viewing party...well I doubt it was just him, who knew that this was going to happen that day.
Other videos that I thought were relevant about the 911 were the Barbara Hoenegger video and the Triple Cross though those I have both decided rely unreasonably heavily on blaming ISRAEL for the crime which like the crime of "COVID" "VACCINES" is easily tracked to many more sources, and also the RELIGIOUS nature of the "ISRAEL" aspect is highly questionable as "ISRAEL" seems to be an IDEAL honeytrap for those who follow the JUDAIC religion. Barbara Hoenegger again and again blames "ISRAELIS" and anyone who does that too much , without ever blaming Roman Popes, should trigger your radar as pretty obviously way off the path of unobjectivity.

i slowed hurried look till it's 4 times slow mo 1/9 till its frm x frm

started watching this the other day from here and it was just bad resolution. This is somewhat a better res version

Here we see Kyle Rittenhouse murder one man and wound two others
One count of homicide
2 counts of attempted homicide.
He should get life in prison with no chance of parole,
if capitol punishment is not an option.

People like this get out a few years later, then go seeking revenge on people like us.
This is why they always used to hang them in the old west.
He is surrounded online by a group chanting "JEW JEW KIKE KIKE" and pointing fingers at the people he shot. There is no evidence that they are with him or supporting him.

The COURT SAGA, has all indications of being a SOROS FUNDED plot to take your guns away in AMERICA.

He should have a Johnny Cash Music Collection.

And then he just kept straight on shooting. Cars going past and everything. WHAT KINDA HIGH WAS HE ON?

To the antisemite insectoids who will surely come for my free open comments section I just say this: What's wrong with having a different lifestyle than your crusty nazi one, you fucking bugs?


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

8 videos

Category Music