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A sequence of clips showing the illegal invasions have been planned and executed. There is the current "leader of the free world" when he was a VP, sitting with his henchman talking about how they want an endless stream of illegal aliens flooding the U.S. - watch the face of Mayorkass as Brandon talks. Then their is the "leader" of the U.S. Senate, talking about how they MUST have a large flow of illegals into the country. Then an illegal alien crossing the border actually talks about how crazy it is. After Tucker talks about the danger. Then Brandon loudly gives his current opinion.

One of the EU's top terrorists pushes the WEF's agenda for silencing all truth and shutting down all communication between people so that their lies and propaganda will reign supreme.

A series of videos showing the Irish government forcing illegals into towns, as well as walking off construction jobs meant for illegals, the Guardia recruiting illegals to police citizens, and the people protesting. The country is becoming a tinderbox - rightfully so as their nation is being taken over.

This 80-minute documentary exposing the climate scam for what it is features world-renowned scientists and researchers, among them:

Professor Steven Koonin, author of ‘Unsettled’, a former provost and vice-president of CalTech,
Professor Dick Lindzen, formerly professor of meteorology at Harvard and MIT,
Professor Will Happer, professor of physics at Princeton,
Dr John Clauser, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022,
Professor Nir Shaviv (Racah Institute of Physics)
as well as Dr Roy Spencer, Prof Ross McKitrick, Prof Henrik Svensmark, and Dr Willie Soon.

A look into the potential dystopian world of 24/7 AI monitoring of every move you make.

Have previously put up articles about the technology being developed to put pharmaceuticals, like mRNA poisons, into food. Now China has developed methods to put it into cow milk.

In the meantime, Gates continues to make billions of mosquitoes. Now just what could Mr. Depopulation and shot pusher possibly have in mind with so many mosquitoes...

Let's see - they inject their snout into people's veins and suck out blood after injecting substances into the blood, like bacteria.

Hmmmmm... Could it be more of the same, like that discussed by the doctor in the snapshot.

Almost daily there are new government and media call outs that the "bird flu" is coming. Dr. McCullough discusses the subject and properly identifies the use of PCR tests, just as with "covid", to fake another plandemic. U.S. senator Mittens, who is invested heavily in big pharma, then tries to push the fear on a TV news show. Interspersed are clips from Gates and others about their intentions, plus a couple of reminders of their past insanity.

Don't fall for the BS. Don't take the shot. Don't wear the mask. Don't allow them to once again do what they did before.

This short clip, along with the added thumbnail, is another voice of reason against the absurdity of CO2 being an issue and against the entire covid like chicken little climate change industry of fear.

The onslaught against natural food sources continues. This time New Zealand has weaponized their biosecurity act to go after bee farmers the same way countries have used the PCR test to say they found bird flu in order to wipe out millions of chickens. In this case they didn't find any diseased bees, only "indications of maybe" something in 2 out of 10,000 bee boxes - yet still demanded they all be burned, bees and all. Over $2 million lost in a flash.

Australia sinks to the depths, becoming the first country to implement digitalID and is now on its way to a cashless society and the use of CBDCs. Sadly, Australia stands as an example of a people who appear to have failed to learn the lessons shared by Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago. The rest of the world needs to wake up - rapidly...and those in Australia too before the final nail is hammered home.

This video contains multiple segments with the medical and scientific discussion of the adverse effects - cancers and death - caused by the mRNA injections discussed by leading Japanese doctors recently in the lead-up to protests against the WHO treaty and the ability for the UN (which WHO is part of) to demand everyone receive a never ending series of mRNA shots and control of their nation and lives.

Slovakia's PM stood before the legislature and stated his intent to investigate the truth about events of the last 4 years, including big pharma's involvement. He also stood against other lies from the WEF and their backers - a man for the people. For this an attempt was made on his life and he was shot. This video shows his speech to the legislature, a brief clip of his shooting devoid of the propaganda portion, and how events in Ukraine may be tied into the events.

A short collection of Gates own words regarding reducing the population, mRNA, and injections. This is one of the very dark, evil ones who are behind what has occurred over the last 4 years.

Doctors, legislators, and the people of Japan are speaking out boldly against the WHO, the changes to the existing accords and the new treaty - equating it to the dropping of another atomic bomb on them. On May 31st the plan for the world's largest demonstration against it in front of the associated Japanese government buildings, following up on the rally they already held last month.

Those who wish to control and own both you and the world are in their big final push for the WHO Plandemic treaty, which is supposed to be up for a vote during the upcoming May 28th to June 1st WHO gathering. They've gone so far as to get former politicians to do propaganda videos, like the one that is part of this video by a former UK leader. The people must stand up and speak with a unified, resounding voice - NO!! Remember it isn't just "pandemic", but includes ANYTHING that the communist puppet Tedros declares is a "health crisis."

This is a montage of some of the insanity that was part of the plandemic, centered on the massive push by governments and media to generate irrational fear and strict adherence to totalitarian rules which were based on nothing more than control - NOT science as they so endlessly repeated in an attempt to mesmerize the population into a zombie like trance (and unfortunately succeeded far too often). Interspersed are also bits of truth that have emerged since it all began that show it all for what it was - utter and complete lies whose sole intent was to control the masses and prepare them for what is to come. Why the review you might ask. The answer is it is still going on and it will be coming again - even harder. From the great climate change hoax to avian flu and monkeypox and who knows what else, they are intent on trying to use the same play book upon we the people. Don't fall for it. Remember their lies and inhuman actions. Never forget. May justice be served.

The Ulez Runners continue to fight for the common man and against the attempted totalitarian actions of the Crazy Khan. Meanwhile in North America's largest city (NY) they are fighting in the courts in an attempt to stop the same insanity from taking place, starting with daily fees for entering the area on car.

This is an article by Elizabeth draws upon her personal experiences to lay out her reasoning and rationale for those who she thinks are behind the flood of evil upon the world, including Schwab's reset, the mass invasion of western countries, and the Great Hoaxes of climate and health. While her main focus is on the destruction of North America, the roots of evil are traced back to their source and control in the UK and Europe where the same destruction is ongoing and even more advanced as a result of it being the birthplace of it all.

As the WEF infested EU governments continue their push towards the end, in conjunction with the puppets they control in DC, the importance of understanding and preparation grows ever higher. France's latest littlest dictator began the most recent gambit with thousands of French Foreign Legion Losers placed on the front lines. Time for the PEOPLE of the world to take back control of their governments peacefully is running out. The words of those such as Orban's recent speech ( help illuminate the way.

France's former president rather bluntly states what one of the goals of the mass forced invasion of Europe is - and if you don't do it willingly, they actually think they will force you to do it. Guess that's their idea of rape gangs. Such darling little creeps the Davos crowd is.

Brings additional context to what Eva said at the EU CPAC event recently:

After a long, hard fight and mountains of evidence, the Georgia Election Board slams Fulton County for the massive voter fraud which occurred in the 2020 election.

Rich brought together Michael Leahy and Tom Luongo to discuss why in their opinion there is the push to ever increasing levels of war by Europe.

March edition of Intellectual Frog Legs, a mix of news, music, and humor.

Warning - Curses like a sailor during his angry truth filled rant about the massive foreign aid package passed by Congress and signed by the brain dead puppet. At the end one can see what leftists in congress think about it. They never wave their own country's flags...which they hate.

The EU "politicians" are intent upon destroying Europe through invasion by ever more thugs and Islamists.

This is about a mentally ill male who said they were a "trans female", brutally attacking one girl and terrifying another. This type of vile act is increasing in frequency. They are protected by the almost as insane leftists.


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

2371 videos

Category News & Politics

Just various video bits that can't be deleted by #Gulag ;)