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World's largest thermometer, Baker California, I-15.

Black ice in Nebraska at night.

Homemade trailer plate, misspelled.

Crash ahead, reduce speed in Salt Lake City Utah.

Liberty man in Mesa Arizona, 93 degrees outside.

Hitting a small deer on I-70 in the Mountains in Colorado.

Still flying the flag in the south.

Plantation house in the south.

Tree Of Life at the Great Salt Flats Utah I-80.

Cooling the air with technology in Salt Lake City Utah.

Black smoke in the air, face mask for this reason.

Side swiped a semi truck in Iowa.

No parking signs in Florida.

Plane overhead, plasma image of a plane.

Homeless family in Arizona.

Car rollover wreck just happened.

Fake to real trees, emf protection now, search engine it please.

Head on car crash in Green River Wyoming at 2 am.

The truth about Gluten.

Upside down wreck.

Wreck ahead, ramp closed, Rawlins WY.

A billboard in Laramie WY, Forever Ruined...

Teleporting, appearing in front of me.

Many Orbs, Brigham City Utah.

CB mike check.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

179 videos

Category Travel

Out in the front lines away from your homes, showing you what is out of the windshields without your effort, stay safe and healthy.
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Remember your responsibility and always do it for your last name so we are proud of us.
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