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Increadible story of man who spent TEN YEARS living in the woods rather than put up with his wife's nagging.

Is the tech ready yet? I go to a sex doll brothel and try them out...

Ah the joy of the live in girlfriend, that cute snuggle bunny has fangs guys. Also we discuss what relations with women should be like with Art and Bri's channel.

Art & Bri:

Just my thoughts on the infighting and the MGTOW 101 (miggy here) channel termination.
His new channel is Miggy 101 BTW

We discuss the life of a highly successful youtube make artist-er and how her life is falling apart despite her riches after her divorce

Are you stuck? Hate your job? This has some good first steps to try to get on the path to freedom

The wimminz desperation is increasing. If men won't propose, they will just do it themselves. My nose is STILL stuffed all the hell up I will get some meds so I sound normal eventually.

Henya is a vegan youtuber who lives with mom and can't seem to keep a man or woman for very long. Her life is scattered and focuses mostly on travel, going to cafes, eating hummus, and clothes shopping. Is this who you would marry? Well she also spent a year in a mental institution so that might dissuade you. But if not, contact Henya. At 28 she should be furiously seeking her life mate but doesn't seem concerned. Plenty of time. Plenty of time.

Is it any wonder men have gone their own way?

Sometimes its HOW you do things that makes all the difference in life

Cartoon Episode in new series on MGTOW and fighting the "Ham Beasts"

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Learn to use your new secret powers

I'm semi retired and I make these videos to help buy veggies. If you could toss a sheckel or two a month I'd really appreciate it.

She KNOW how to use handcuffs and you fire her? Sheesh!

It's time to fight to save society, but can we do it without being a MRA? By Information, or self example we talk about strategies to improve the balance of society again.

I don't mean to pick on this person or be mean, but merely to use it as an example of what has gone terribly wrong with American women. I also discuss the MiggyOpOlous / DDJ wars...
Please consider supporting this channel on Patreon, I am semi-retired and this little bit of income means so much to me (aka I get to EAT!). I know supporting a channel is a big leap, but click the patreon link and find out about the special rewards you get as a supporter for as little as $2 a month. thanks so much

This movie SUCKED. What a pile of shit. You are dead to me star whores. I'd take five hours of Jar Jar rather than this SJW shit

MGTOW has answers to the madness. MGTOW can help you find your path in a world entering a tornado.

Please consider supporting this channel on Patreon, I am semi-retired and this little bit of income means so much to me (aka I get to EAT!). I know supporting a channel is a big leap, but click the patreon link and find out about the special rewards you get as a supporter for as little as $2 a month. thanks so much

Idiot woman pulls the plug on her husbands Kayak and laughs as he drowns, then files for the 500k insurance money cause she's suffering without him!

Please consider supporting this channel on Patreon, I am semi-retired and this little bit of income means so much to me (aka I get to EAT!). I know supporting a channel is a big leap, but click the patreon link I promise it wont bite, and find out about the special rewards you get as a supporter for as little as $2 a month. thanks so much I totally appreciate all my supporters

Jordan Peterson, who is a douche, shows the intense stupidity of a female newscaster with ... "the Lobster Story"

We might think we have failed. The truth is we are in a societal nosedive and we are the first responders.

I'm semi retired and if you like the channel it would really help if you would consider supporting it. If you could toss a sheckel or two a month it would really be great.

Have to call out this wind bag I'm sick of his anti-male crap. He's a major loser ivory tower who thinks his PsyD means he knows shit about anything. He's a loser and annoying as shit. I also get pissed off on this notion that we can replace the white people with brown people and its no big whop. Yah go to freakin detroit for a taste of that future.

The Monk Learns the Girlfriend is seriously fucked up as their plane nearly crashes...

Please consider supporting this channel on Patreon, I am semi-retired and this little bit of income means so much to me (aka I get to EAT!). I know supporting a channel is a big leap, but click the patreon link and find out about the special rewards you get as a supporter for as little as $2 a month. thanks so much

Whore Power! Proud to be Whores the wimmenz tell no lies at the NYC march surrounded by enough soy dogs to feed all the vegans in los angeles.

I'm semi retired and I make these videos to help buy veggies. If you could toss a sheckel or two a month I'd really appreciate it.

A brief encounter with a girlscout cookie team plunges the monk into despair as everything gone wrong with "the wimminz" comes to light in one simple patch riddled vest.

I'm semi retired and I make these videos to help buy veggies. If you could toss a sheckel or two a month I'd really appreciate it.

Suffering the cube slave farm for 67 years just isn't needed anymore if you don't have the wifey and brats in tow. Time to think about how to get your life back.


Created 6 years, 5 months ago.

32 videos

Category Business & Finance

For Men Going Their Own Way Who No Longer Get Involved With Women - Monks and Red Pill Men

After 4 fiancees treated like gold wined and dined traveling the world castles and palaces none of it was good enough for them. Thank god I believed in long courtships and wasn't going to jump into marriage quickly. They all cheated or monkey branched away to loser men. The last time it was so traumatic I almost died. That's when I said enough it isn't worth it anymore. 20 years ago there was no MGTOW and no monks, just those living that lifestyle without talking about it much. I hope sharing my experiences helps men to realize you don't have to kill yourself there is life after the nonsense that women offer.