Neptic Fathers

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Neptic Fathers

Neptic Fathers


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Mountain of Silence- It’s a good introduction to Orthodoxy spirituality and affordable. It’s the first book in a three part series. It covers a lot of key Orthodox spiritual terms and topics. Most of the terms are found in the Bible, and I find the usages of the root terms in scripture and have their definitions (mostly from the Vines and Philokalia) and some verses included in a study guide.

I also add a lot of other quotes for other books and include useful hyperlinks in the guide’s footnotes. I have documented sources but I didn’t not use a standardized documentation format. I cover the main topics of the book in the study guide and have a lot of quotes from the book. I have two versions of the study guide, one 28 pages long and another workbook 33 pages long. I include also PDF versions and Libre office files so the document can be edited as needed.

Covers: Western spirituality vs Orthodoxy, how to pray and methods for getting victory over distracting thoughts like daydreaming

Illnesses of the Heart: Ignorance, Forgetfulness, Hardness of Heart, Contamination, Imprudence

Terms: Metanoia, Nous, Askesis, Logismos, Plani, Theosis, Catharsis, Temptation, Discrimination, Dispassion, and more

Five stages when temped by the logismoi: Assault, Interaction, Consent, Captivity, Passion/Obsession

00:00 Introduction
00:35 What’s been going on
01:14 What I’ve been reading
02:32 Neo-gnostics and proto-Protestantism
05:05 Other related books
06:09 The workbook
06:48 Glossary and dictionary for terms
07:59 E-sword
08:47 Back to The Mountain of Silence
10:18 About the book
11:01 Quote 1
12:01 Illness of the heart and key terms
12:39 Quote 2
13:38 Quote 3
14:06 Quote 4
14:20 Quote 5
14:44 Conclusion

Saint Gregory Palamas- Dialogue Between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite

Published by State University of New York Press

This book can be purchased used, but the books is usually cheaper on the University website ($29.95). This book is not a section of a larger work such as the Triads but its own composition. It is written as a debate and conversation between a Barlaamite and an Orthodox. The main text is quite small at 45 pages, and this translation includes the original Greek. I recommend this book to anyone interested in St. Gregory Palamas and the Hesychast Controversy but willing to learn some Greek. In this video I cover a lot of the quotes that I found interesting.

Link to Orthodox Wiki on the 8th Ecumenical Council:

00:00 Start
00:04 Intro
02:17 Comments on the Translation
05:34 Quotes from the Introduction
15:43 Quotes from St. Gregory
20:09 St. Gregory on the Seven Spirits of God
24:13 More St. Gregory Quotes
32:44 St. Gregory on the Charismatic Gifts
36:07 Conclusion

In this video I discuss Lampe's "A Patristic Greek Lexicon," which is helpful for studying key Orthodox terms and finding their usage in the Church Fathers. I also mention some of the other lexicons that I use as well. These books are also helpful in assisting readers when reading theology books that have a lot of patristic terms in Greek.

Gyan Books Website link: PDF:

In this video I read from "Genesis, Creation, and Early Man," some notes by Fr. Seraphim Rose on the incorruption of the first-created world. This section is taken from pgs 649-651.

00:00 Intro
01:26 The Created World
02:14 A Note About The Byzantine Creation Era
03:31 St. Symeon Quote From Homily 38
04:02 More from Fr. Seraphim Rose
08:12 Conclusion

In this video I read the life of St. Christopher from the Synaxarion, which contains the account of when he spoke in tongues. I also read a section from The Great Synaxaristies.

00:00 Introduction
01:16 His Life from the Synaxarion
07:08 Account from the Great Synaxaristies
08:51 Another Account

St. Christopher of Lycia (249)
Feast Days is May 9th

Prologue of Ohrid- Very short life (pg 458 in Volume I)
Synaxarion- Small life (pg 99-102 in Volume V)
The Great Synaxaristies- a long life (pg 469-494, Tongues account pg 470-471 and pg489 in the May Volume)

00:00 Intro
00:39 About St. Andrew
01:14 About Fools for Christ
02:19 Book Sources
03:32 Life from the Prologue
05:56 Speaking In Tongues Synaxaristies Selection
07:45 Final Remarks

St. Andrew the Fool for Christ
commemorated on the 28th of May and October 2nd (Old Calendar)

-His life was written by the priest Nikephoros of Hagia Sophia. He was of Scythian (Slavic) descent and lived in Constantinople. He was gifted with heavenly visions, the gift of knowledge and prophecy, and tongues. He lived his life as a Fool for Christ. St. Andrew’s disciple was Epiphanius, who many scholars agree to be St. Polyeuctus (February 5), Patriarch of Constantinople from 956-970 (Source Orthodoxwiki)

Fools for Christ:
-fictional examples: the book “Laurus” and the movie “The Island”
Other Fools for Christ
-St. Nicholas of Pskov
-St Symeon of Emesa

Sources for information on St. Andrew:
-pg 356 in volume II of The Prologue of Ohrid (October 2nd)
-pg 288-294 in volume V of the Synaxarion (May-June)
-pg 1206-1280 in the Synaxaristies of May (pg 1235 gives the account of St. Andrew speaking Syriac)

The Island:

Movie Playlist:

“St. Gregory Palamas- The Hesychast Controversy and the Debate with Islam Documents relating to Gregory Palamas” by Norman Russell introduces for the first time in English documents relating to Hesychast controversy and details about his life and some of his apologetic talks.

The main text is 447 pages with a glossary in the back and a list of Patristic citations; it also includes well documented sources with a ton of important footnotes for further research throughout the book. This book contains a wealth of information important for Orthodox Christianity, especially dogmatic statements which are always very important, and during my read through I was able to glean over 35 pages worth of notes to add to my commonplace book.

In the beginning of the book, Russell has a great, 35 page, general introduction to the life and writings of St. Gregory. In this volume, the full life of St. Gregory Palamas, by Philotheos Kokkinos is translated for the first time into English. This biography was written within 10 years of the death of St. Gregory by Philotheos, who was the Patriarch of Constantinople. This life is quite lengthy at over 150 pages and includes the time from his youth until the time of his death with approximate years at which the events take place. It also includes details about his family life and also the time he was taken captive by the Turks and held for ransom.

This book also contains the Synodal Tomes (which codifies a decision by a Holy Synod, or council of Orthodox bishops) of 1341, 1347, 1351, and 1368. The tomes for 1347 include the Synodal Tomes, one from the Orthodox synod of that year and another one from the Anti-Palamite synod of the same year. The Synods of 1341, 1347, and 1351 comprise the 9th Ecumenical Council for the Orthodox. During the 1351 council they, scrutinized the works of St. Gregory that had been written and they were approved; this would have included the writing of the Triads. Also the anathemas against Barlaam and Akindynos were entered into the Synodikon of Orthodoxy for the Greek and Slavonic traditions. It also includes over 50 pages or personal letters, which contains theological discussions, and it includes over 25 pages of his apologetic debates with Muslims and a defense of Orthodoxy. In particular, St. Gregory’s letter to Empress Anna Palaiologina, happens to be a very good summary of the hesychast controversy.

“A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain” by Metropolitan Hierotheos is a recording of conversations that Metropolitan Hierotheos had with an Elder on Mt. Athos while he was still an Archimandrite. After his conversations with the Elder, he jotted the conversations down as to not forget what the Elder had said. In Greece it is a spiritual classic and has had over 9 editions with many printings in the original Greek. It has been translated into French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic, as well as English, which has had multiple editions and printings. This book is a fantastic read about the Jesus Prayer and the Orthodox interior life and proceeds from one topic to the next and is a great primer on how to pray. The book is 204 pages and at the back of the book there is a glossary of 8 pages of important terms. Currently it can be purchased for about $26 brand new with some slightly cheaper books on the used market.

In this book the Elder discusses the Orthodox Hesychastic life and how it differs with the New Age and other philosophical and religious traditions (pgs 45, 50-52). He discusses the soul and its three powers: nous, desire (the appetitive power), and will (the incensive power) (pg57). He talks about the concentration, attention, and watchfullness (pgs 58, 61-66, 81, 84). He also talks about, the body during prayer, imagination, discernment, repentance, keeping the commandments, and the Jesus Prayer, which is the main focus of the book. He also talks about Theosis, and the Uncreated Light.

00:00 Intro
02:10 Topics
03:05 Cat Problems ;(
03:52 Quotes
05:30 Conclusion

Chapter Sections:
00:00 Intro
03:11 The focus of the attention
04:46 About the book
06:47 Authors included in the anthology
08:13 Book topics and their page numbers
11:02 Quotes from the book
15:32 Conclusion

The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology by Igumen Chariton is a collection of quotes with short title descriptions and the attribution of each author that Igumen Chariton collected during the course of his life. He would write down the quotes of authors that he would read and ended up with a collection that makes this book. The majority of the quotes are about interior prayer and the Jesus prayer and these make a great introductory manual into the Orthodox spiritual life.

Apart from Theophan and Ignatii, Father Chariton also quotes on occasion from other Russian authorities of the late nineteenth or early twentieth century, such as Bishops Justin and Nikon, and St. John of Kronstadt. As well as these Russian writers, he includes a number of Greek texts—for example, passages from St. Mark the Monk and the Homilies of St. Makarios, from Sts. Barsanouphios and John, St. Simeon the New Theologian, Sts. Gregory of Sinai and Gregory Palamas. A few Syriac Fathers make their appearance, such as St. Ephraim and St. Isaac; also a Latin Father, St John Cassian.

This book covers topics such as: natural fruit of prayer vs. grace (p125-126), warmth of heart because of concentration (p136), going from human effort to divine grace (p145), illusion vs. grace (p147), spiritual hedonism (p160), our experience of grace before and after baptism (p172), description of the ‘eye of the spirit’ and what the spirit of man is (p179), the dangers of the imagination (p182), attention in the heart for everyone and also a description of what the mind and heart are (p184, p191), the heart is the spiritual faculty that is the innermost man (p190), Nepsis (p194), prayer and fasting in the world (p53, 251-252), those outside the faith receive a natural spiritual consolation not a grace given state (p259), prelest illusion and those who despise the Jesus Prayer (p264-270), freedom from distraction (p275)

Price on Amazon $16.89 and can be purchased for cheaper used for around $10. I would recommend checking for a cheaper price.

ISBN: 9780571191659

Having already quoted a number of Saints on the Orthodox perspective on Darwinian Evolution, I decided to get read some quotes of Fr. Seraphim Rose's opinions on the topic. This is taken from the book "Genesis, Creation, and Early Man." This is from the second edition, ISBN 9781887904254

00:04 Intro
01:49 Page 36
03:03 Page 36 Footnote
05:05 Page 37
06:30 Page 38
08:47 Page 39
10:55 Page 40
12:58 Page 41
13:26 Page 42
14:46 Page 43
16:42 Conclusion

In this video I review "The Orthodox New Testament," Vol. 1 and 2 for a viewer.

Purchase Here:;jsessionid=9AF75F4852BBC84A7724FE538D873371?categoryID=2

In this video I talk about the three complete collections of the Lives of the Saints in English and also two cell phone apps. I cover the Synaxarion, the Prologue, and the Synaxaristies of the Orthodox Church. The cell phones apps are "Orthodox Calendar" by David Leselidze and "Orthodox Christian Calendar (English) by Eir3 Apps.

The Synaxarion webstore:

The Prologue webstore:

The Synaxaristies webstore:;jsessionid=7B40FF1BDA4AF83DFF96DF55F38E2ECF?categoryID=4

00:00 Intro
00:24 The Synaxaristies
01:48 The Prologue
02:06 The Synaxarion
05:21 Cell Phone Apps
06:43 Conclusion

The only Synaxarion and Hal 9000 skit on the internet! It is a foreshadow of videos to come...

I made this with lots of analogue audio emulation and the Hal 9000 voice synthesizer. This is my first skit and I hope to make more, especially if I'm able to upgrade my computer. My current setup is very limited for video produciton. Like, comment and subscribe if you like my content!

In this video I discuss my favorite Orthodox book, "The Triads," by Saint Gregory Palamas. It is the best defense of true Christian Mysticism that I have ever read. St. Gregory brings up many topics in the course of this book and the topics are extremely relevant to current theological discussions. Topics include, natural law/theology, grace, the essence/energy distinction, the Light of Transfiguration, creation, an Orthodox epistemology and how we can experience God. There are a few translations in English, but in this video I discuss the full translation by Fr. Peter Chamberas.

By it here:

In this review I discuss "The Search for Truth on the Path of Reason," by Professor Alexei Osipov. It is a fantastic introduction to Orthodoxy and the only one that I know that discusses apologetics such as the teleological argument for God. He critiques the views of Kant, Hegel, Scleiermacher and Feuerbach and some of the views that are important for Secular liberalism. The book deals with many other objections to Christianity coming from the Secular world, covers the philosophy of science and critiques the secular mindset that is so prevalent in the Western world today. Professor Osipov also discusses the differences between Orthodoxy and other Christian groups such as Catholicism and Protestantism and also Eastern mysticism, and the occult.

ISBN- 10

Purchase Links:

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This is a much shorter video tour of my library (5:17 vs about an hour and a half), but still shows all the same books.

00:00 - Start
00:04 - Introduction
01:04 - St. Theophan Quote
02:38 - Another Quote
03:43 - St. Theophan's Anathema of Darwinism
06:07 - St. Theophan Predicts the Russian Revolution
07:17 - St. Theophan- Science is not the Source of all Truth
09:10 - St. Theophan- Science Subordinate to Revelation
10:48 - Another Quote
11:29 - Ending

In this video I go over St. Theophan's quotes on Darwinian Evolution.
The source material is taken from "Genesis, Creation, and Early Man," by Fr. Seraphim Rose. I would highly recommend the book for anyone wanting to read an in depth analysis of Darwinian Evolution from an Orthodox Christian perspective. The book is published by the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood ISBN 9781887904254

In this video I go over St. Paisios's quotes on Darwinian Evolution. The source material is taken from "Genesis, Creation, and Early Man," by Fr. Seraphim Rose. I would highly recommend the book for anyone wanting to read an in depth analysis of Darwinian Evolution from an Orthodox Christian perspective. The book is published by the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood ISBN 9781887904254

00:00 - Start
00:04 - Introduction
00:18 - St. Paisios Quote
02:12 - Another Quote
04:40 - St. Paisios Encounters Evolution as a Child
07:36 - St. Paisios's Vision of Christ When he was Young
08:19 - Ending

00:00 - Start
00:04 - Intro
01:30 - St. Ambrose of Optina
02:37 - St. Barsanuphius of Optina
03:13 - St. Nectarios of Aegina
05:50 - St. Nikolai Velimirovich
08:40 - St. Justin Popovich
14:23 - St. Sophrony of Essex
14:55 - Ending

In this video I go over Orthodox Saints' quotes on Darwinian Evolution. The source material is taken from "Genesis, Creation, and Early Man," by Fr. Seraphim Rose. I would highly recommend the book for anyone wanting to read an in depth analysis of Darwinian Evolution from an Orthodox Christian perspective. The book is published by the St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood ISBN 9781887904254

In this video I do a tour of the books that I have in my Orthodox Christian library. I have multiple genres that are useful for Orthodox research and study. I also have a good amount of books that aren't by Orthodox writers but deal with topics that help round out my library. Many of these books are still in print, but some of them are out of print and are hard to find. I tried to make the video short, but it turns out the video was almost an hour and a half. I'll post another video of a quick video fly by of these books as well for a shorter reference video. If you have any questions such as the publisher, ISBN, etc., leave a comment in the comment section. Also feel free to post your favorite Orthodox books in the comment section.

In this video I go over what websites and methods I used to find cheap books for my Orthodox Christian Library. I also talk about some of the books that I have purchased and recommendations on what books to look for when starting an Orthodox library. I also recommend checking out local bookstores as well since a lot of times local bookstores will have a few books if you know what to look for. Try building a huge wishlist and buy the books used when they are cheap.

Our Amazon Books:


Here is the PDF link to the "Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Monasteries"

New monasteries are starting all the time and there are already a number of monasteries that have been founded since this survey came out. Also check the websites of any monasteries that you plan on attending as these will usually give you contact information, dress codes, visiting hours, and any possibilities of overnight accommodations.

In this video I talk about different kinds of incense to use during Orthodox prayers at home, and how to make an oil lampada (vigil lamp). For personal use at home, do not use a swinging censer like the priests use, as those are for liturgical purposes only. You can buy resin incense and charcoal on amazon, ebay, etsy and many Orthodox bookstores or monastery websites. For resin incense, amazon will probably be the cheapest, but the best smelling will probably be incense offered by Orthodox monasteries and shops. The charcoals are instant light disks, and will probably be the cheapest on amazon. Use olive oil for the lamp oil, and use a cotton wick. In the video I mentioned twine, but I actually use cotton yarn, although I think cotton twine would probably work as well. I linked two Orthodox shops below that have fantastic incense. Also colored glass lampadas and hangers can be purchased from many Orthodox shops if you don't want to make your own, although the larger wider containers will allow the lamp to burn longer.

This ambient track "drone01," is the fourth release on the upcoming album "return."


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

90 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

This channel is dedicated to uploading interesting videos about Eastern Orthodox Christianity.