Outlawed Tunes

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Outlawed Tunes

Outlawed Tunes


This is a slightly different video with a very divisive subject matter, even more so than ..say .. flat earth.
This mafia world is run by the criminally insane. With most things they tell you, it's wise to do the opposite...

This is in the bonus section of a video I've nearly finished, just thought I'd put it up as a stand alone for the hell of it...

The start of this video may seem like some kind of parody or something but it isn't... Look into Bandler and Grinder's books from the 1970's for information about unconscious influencing through gestures etc. They studied the work of hypnotist Milton H. Erickson.

Here is the link for those not interested in the information in this vid...

Credit: The clip from 5:55 to about 7:40 is from a Checkur6 video...
A look at the way New Zealand "authorities" handled the approval and role out of an untested, unneeded and dangerous drug which was forced upon the masses with no regard for their safety. Proper overseas data and reports warned that the Pfizer injection (and others) were causing death and injuries. Every country in lockstep forced their populations to take these injections...

I'm not a hundred per cent certain that Jade had the Pfizer injections but with 90 per cent of New Zealand injected, chances are she did.
When I say experts say nothing to do with covid injections, I mean Wikipedia (the world authority) says that turbo cancer is an anti vaccination myth. They say nothing to see here. The vaccines are safe and effective. Go get your booster now and then watch Netflix. All is well.

Originally I mentioned that this vid was inspired by another video maker but I realised that they might not take that as a compliment so I removed my comment.
The Govt presents their propaganda to us in the style of children's tv programs like playschool because they consider us as children, legally lost at sea (to do with birth/berth certs). They think that if they present their "science" to us in this manner (including the global warming/carbon scam), we'll just accept what they say without question. To question anything is a sin against the govt because they are the single source of truth and questions are dangerous because that means you don't believe.... ARE YOU A BELIEVER? DO YOU HAVE FAITH IN YOUR GOVT? or are you a questioner..a deniar...a so called "conspiracy theorist"?

I heard Efeso Collins say that he believed people should have the choice whether or not to take the government injections. I'm not sure if he kept that point of view until the end but atleast he said that at one stage...

I redid this video slightly. Thanks to those who put a thumbs up last time.
Did she do a cancer voodoo ceremony on King Charles? (I know its a bit of a click baity type of thumbnail/title, sorry about that)
The hypocrisy of those in control (thanks to money, religion and brain washing from birth) is off the scale. Their puppets assaulted the public in recent times for not wanting to wear retard mouth covers yet this witch makes a show of coughing and making silly noises at Davos 2024. They fly around the world in their private jets while telling us our breathing is warming the planet and killing the polar bears.....what a wonderful world.

I borrowed an idea from The Kurgan Report (channel) for this one. Hope he doesn't mind!
It's not a complete rip off because there are major major differences...
Here's his vid:

Parts of this video are quite violent sorry.
This video goes into a few different ways that they control us. One of the main ways is through a symbol called a flag.This is programmed into people from birth and says that this symbol is "your country".
Do countries actually exist? No... People exist.
And no matter where you go in the world, every single person has fear, pain, love, depression, joy, hurt, affection, hopelessness, confusion and the fear of death. Flags and countries divide us.
Some may recognize the great music from a great documentary...

Little Nicky is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their filthy in-joke mocking of the public with their mediocre movies. The people who make these movies also mock the hell out of Hitler and the National Socialists because in my opinion, they almost pulled off winning WW2 which scared the hell out of the banksters, the masons, zionist jews and whoever else runs this world.

I stumbled across a link on the interweb ( I can be pretty nosy), I watched the video and thought this seems like an honest masonic documentary. It's only about 15 mins of a 50 min documentary.because I don't think it's officially released yet so it's more of a preview.

Brand new interview with Sean Plunket and Barry Young. I hope Seans alright, he didn't seem too well at the end...
I pray to God that he is not cooked.

More bullsh*t from the New Zealand mainstream media.
Barry Young.... they've dug up so called anti trans comments.... well that combined with the conspiracy theory slogan means he's guilty as sin (not sure of what but that's not important)
The NZ authorities would like to put him in prison and throw away the key.
And as for that "expert" helen whatever her name is and plonket.... I've never heard so much shit in my life...

This happened back in June. It has taken 5 months for the govt to come up with the killer sand story.
The govt statistics say over 90 percent of New Zealanders got the injections. It would not surprise me at all if this guy was one of them. The building industry was mandated along with every other industry.
If it wasn't the injections then we have a killer sand problem...

Warning... Contains some disturbing images...
It's probably not wise to do videos like this with Trump as many still see him as a saviour. This one will not win any popularity contests that's for sure.
I could have used any number of "leadership" voices to
narrate this atrocious song.
The Israelis who mock the dying Palistinians are scum of the earth...

Just a light hearted video in these dark times.
I had an idea to do a bit of a fun ad for my channel.
Just mucking around really and it morphed into this.
Tried some special effects here and there.
Had to re upload as well because of sound issues.
Someone out there might enjoy it :)

I couldn't find the original 2022 article that Stuff.co.nz supposedly quoted from but I think stuff included it because they are the type of "news" pushers that follow the govt script and agenda so closely it's not funny and they love to mock the public (when they aren't talking about rugby that is)
The original 2022 article may not suggesting the deviant angle at all (hard to say, I couldn't find it) but I think stuff..co.nz's inclusion of this article is them taking the piss out of anyone who questions any aspect of the govt agenda.
Here's the stuff article if anyone can be bothered reading it....

This is an older video that I've redone, I recently came across a new 911 reference in a movie I hadn't seen before so I thought instead of doing a new vid I'd redo this old one and add it.
It's still useful to see this kind of thing because they put hints in movies about what atrocities they are planning to pull off.

At the start of the movie, the main character doesn't know who he really is. That's why he gives fake names at the men's groups. On a deep level he is questioning reality. He doesn't want to sleep anymore like the masses who are asleep. The movie says it's insomnia.
He then invents a persona which represents who he thinks he wants to be. A fake character who ends up taking over his life. The two of them fight for control of the body.
The movie is obsessed with 'names' and 'naming' like in the scenes where he says he is Jack's so and so...
The "club" keep reiterating throughout the movie that there are no names in Project Mayhem. This is because with a name you are an individual. With no name you are part of a hive mind. The club says in death you have a name. Then go onto chant a dead man's name.
They are literally chanting at a dead guy saying his name IS Robert Paulson (not 'was') This is the strawman called ROBERT PAULSON. The straw man is not alive you see?.The real Robert Paulson (the one that was alive) is Robert + middle name (whatever that was). ROBERT PAULSON is the dead "person" strawman. Dead in law. No right to speak in court because the dead cannot be seen or heard....
This is the name that binds you to their system, this is the one they tax, fine and rob from birth till death. You play the part of that name. They have created a paper counterfeit version of you at birth/berth (as well as a trust account which you have no knowledge of). That name exists only on paper, but you pretend to be it without knowing you are pretending. Your live birth cert shows you as your first and middle name. The surname is the slave/strawman name that bonds you to the system. Birth cert bond, jail bond etc.
So the movie is saying that the 'dead' have a first name and a surname. Go deeper and you'll find the living have a first and middle name. The live birth printout
The other interesting thing about that scene is the way the characters emotionally chant that their dead friend has a name. They have lost their own name (sense of individuality) and are relieved to say someone has a name again...
Tyler spends his life escaping reality. Reality of emotion etc. He refers to his emotions as Jack's emotions. Another invented character.
By the end he accepts who he is and kills the invented character. Happy ending, although I don't think the book ends quite so happily...

There is revelation of the method for those with eyes to see, in the movie 'The Shawshank Redemption'
Spoiler alert , if you haven't seen the movie and don't want to know how it ends then don't watch this video.

This is a little bit of a journey through some of Alan Watt's teachings. It just shows how much he knew about where society was headed thanks to the boys in charge of the system.
The clips I've put together to go with Alan's words are my interpretation.
The music is my own.
Look into www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com for a huge archive of recordings Alan did over the years which show you why we have ended up in this system where they say we are free but really we are far from free.
My second go at uploading this, first one I think I had the drum too loud.

Anyone who knows of Vinny Eastwood's channel (cousin of Clint Eastwood) will know I stole his catch phrase for the title of this video. Don't tell him whatever you do.
It just fits perfectly for this vid :)
Check out his channel

Just a few memes I thought of.....

If you believed they put a man on the moon... then you were fooled. The truth means nothing to them. If they can get you to believe their illusions are real, then they are winning the war on humanity,
This is a video about propaganda. The more outlandish the lie the better because they have a blast with their mocking of the sheep (or victims).
The original masons' apron was made of sheepskin...
If you do not believe what they want you to believe, then there are drugs and surgical procedures to help your severely mentally ill brain become well and able to think correctly again like a small child reliant on its parents. They want you to believe "your" govt (a corporation) IS your parent.
They use emotional propaganda designed to arouse whatever emotion they want to arouse in you. Hate, appetite for war, revenge, sadness, guilt, patriotism, competition, rage etc etc... whatever they want to arouse in you, they have ways of manufacturing the desired response.

Green T asked if I'd do a bit of a vid for him. Not sure if it's what he had in mind but this is what I came up with... The music is written and performed by his son.


Created 1 year, 6 months ago.

48 videos

Category Education

These are all my own videos. Some take quite a bit of time so I don't upload that many as I work a day job as well. It's turned into a bit of a variety channel, my songs, memes and whatever I feel like wanting to do... I'm just a human protesting in my own way against the utterly corrupt and power mad people of this planet who are on a mission it seems to destroy current humanity and to remold whoever survives into more controllable and thoughtless slaves.
Right from young we are trained to obey "authority". The authority of the school teacher and are taught to fear the school principal. Once out of that concentration camp, the government becomes the next school principal, the authority to fear. There are "experts" presented to us everywhere we look. Medical, religious, scientific, technological,"law", police, media, "experts" of the mind who can try to plug us back into an unnatural system when we start to question everything and begin to realize its all bullshit.

"It is no measure of good health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society...." J Krishnamurti...

"People today think they are free... Mainly because . they keep being told they're free....."
Alan Watt...
