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The knotman and melissa mendini and Olivia Bentley are working on the bungalow with team leader asher macCaddan MBE and team assistant Sahara knite and big lee Watkins and bone crusher Smith...the project moves forward..time to repair the rotten fascia boards..
The plan to too fill with foam x..and ince filled cut back and part.....says asher macCaddan MBE and duck....
The green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss DJ jemma bolt and DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and Eddie al guitar man agree this is a good idea to try....
The extra green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster are cooking a bbq in silver bikinis and having a fun time.
Talking about blue peter badges Mary millington Blake seven and kendall oneil kris the foxx Olivia Christopher Olivia nova amy virgus and asten Jones bronte doyne brittanee Drexel Georgia cassidy regan collinson rose Farley louella eve fletcher ellie knowles sophie Lancaster sophie Jones Tara claire palmer tomkinson caroline flack says..#bekind #building #gardenersworld #melissamendini #madeinchelsea #ritz #nature #filmschool #jamieoliver

Alpacas looking at the knotman

A Lush buttercup meadow the knotman

The knotman and melissa mendini and Olivia Bentley and team leader asher macCaddan MBE and team leader asher macCaddan MBE and team assistant Sahara knite and big lee Watkins and bone crusher Smith are out on the sea in kayaks having fun and freedom...a real Lara croft adventure on the open water...nice.
The green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss DJ jemma bolt DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and duck and Eddie al guitar man agree and stay on the beach making music and cooking a bbq..while the extra green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster sunbathe in silver bikinis and have fun and games with a rubber ball.
Talking about blue peter badges Mary millington Tara claire palmer tomkinson caroline flack says..#bekind #madeinchelsea #melissamendini #short #sbs

Mural Gunnislake Cornwall the Knotman

Gunnislake old mine cart and miner the Knotman

Spires of the Chapel in the distance the knotman

The knotman and melissa mendini and Olivia Bentley and team assistant Sahara knite and big lee Watkins and bone crusher Smith are building a bbq with team leader asher macCaddan MBE....nearly a few days the bbqs will.stsrt and extra sausages..nice one dr cream Robert Somerville....
The green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss DJ jemma bolt and DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and duck and Eddie al guitar man agree this is a good idea for summer fun with beers and made in Chelsea..talking about meeting up with the extra green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster in silver bikinis and dancing...nice.
fir kendall oneil the lost party Angel and Mary millington Tara claire palmer tomkinson caroline flack says..#bekind #gardenersworld #melissamendini #madeinchelsea #bbq

King George Regis Post Box Gunnislake Cornwall the Knotman

Buster looking out over the Grounds with the Knotman

Queen Victoria Regina Post-Box the Knotman

Beautiful valley view Cornwall the knotman

Ornate Pot in the Grounds with the knotman

Smoky old Classic Car in the Knotmans Garage

Tamar Valley View with the Knotman

The knotman and melissa mendini enjoy made in Chelsea and the beautiful silver dress worn by a top young lady in the TV show..fantastic dress..
Team assistant Sahara knite would like one and team leader asher macCaddan MBE and big lee Watkins and bone crusher Smith agree a great style and flow of a silver dress
The green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss DJ jemma bolt DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and duck and Eddie al guitar man agree this is a great show and lots of ideas and class.
The extra green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster like silver bikinis and would like the made in Chelsea girls dress..for summer partys.
#melissamendini #madeinchelsea

The plaque on Tavistock’s Vigo bridge built in 1773, suggests that the name Vigo: ‘Evokes historical echoes. Francis Drake had twice raided the Spanish port of Vigo in 1585 and 1589.’ The late Gerry Woodcock, writing in 1985 said that whilst the origin of the name was obscure, he was certain the bridge took its name from a property at the site of the bridge. It was, he said, local tradition that the property had been so named to commemorate naval actions at Vigo. He mentions the two attacks on the port launched by Drake. He also alludes to another attack in 1702, which it turns out was far more significant.

Drake’s assault on the port of Vigo in 1585 was nothing short of a pantomime. The Spanish had illegally seized English merchant ships, in itself undeniably an act of war, yet war had not been formally declared between the two countries. Queen Elizabeth’s council had pressed for a retaliatory seizure of the Spanish Flota (the annual Spanish South American treasure fleet) as a pre-emptive strike against Spain in case war was declared. Queen Elizabeth had reluctantly given her consent, but then recalled her order. When her fresh order to proceed was given, Drake was in no mood to be delayed again. He made such haste to leave Plymouth on 14 September 1585 that he sailed with inadequate supplies. By the time he reached Vigo he desperately needed food and fresh water for his fleet if he was to continue and seize the Flota. When the English fleet appeared at Vigo, the governor offered to parley, pointing out that the impounded English merchant ships had all been released unharmed, their contents intact – and that Spain and England were not at war. After two hours of parley both men left satisfied. Drake would not attack the town, while the governor would permit Drake’s fleet to provision and water ashore unhindered. For two weeks the townsfolk and sailors good humouredly fraternised while the English bought their supplies. On 11 October Drake sailed away, but discov..

The love meeting in made in Chelsea lunch date and trouble..the knotman and melissa mendini watch and enjoy the show with top fan team leader asher macCaddan MBE with team assistant Sahara knite and big lee Watkins and bone crusher Smith.
A high class fun packed and gripping show..the green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss DJ jemma bolt DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and duck and Eddie al guitar man agree this is a great show.
The extra green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster agree.
Hoping to see Olivia Bentley back on the show soon fie more adventures.

Tavistock Devon Guild Hall with the Knotman

Leaf Grabbing Machine River Tavy with the Knotman

The knotman and melissa mendini and team leader asher macCaddan MBE and team assistant Sahara knite and big lee Watkins are on environment work and see a man in the background pulling up a fence and a police car near........what will happen now..

The green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss DJ jemma bolt DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and duck and Eddie al guitar man agree this is strange...pulling up a fence.. the extra green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster watch and wonder....not a good look.

Patterdale terrier looks out the window with the Knotman

The knotman and melissa mendini Olivia Bentley and team leader asher macCaddan MBE and team assistant Sahara knite and big lee Watkins are happy in Thailand enjoying the sights and history and culture....amazing times.
The green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss and DJ jemma bolt DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and duck and Eddie al guitar man agree this is a great place Thailand.
A golden smile...x
The extra green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster are sunbathing in silver bikinis at the beach.
Talking about the environment mission and art and great Thailand good and kendall oneil the lost party Angel x Mary millington Tara claire palmer tomkinson caroline flack says..#bekind #thailand #melissamendini #madeinchelsea

Checking Out the Great Views with Buster Mac and the Knotman

The green plant team girls melanie amato of south London and julie street of Essex and jo elliot and Roxy foster are in Calp Spain and planning a day of sunbathing and swimming in silver bikinis .with the knotman and melissa mendini.
A good relaxing time with team leader asher macCaddan MBE and team assistant Sahara knite and big lee Watkins and bone crusher Smith lady Victoria hervey.
Fun in the sun and a few beers.
The green plant team girls lady Charlotte grey and lady Mary charteris and lottie moss DJ jemma bolt DJ Sarah story Keith brown Jason gooden Esquire OBE and girlfriend alicia vikander and Phil and duck and Eddie al guitar man agree this is a good idea.
Talking about blue peter badges Mary millington Blake seven and mega English breakfast with earl grey tea and kendall oneil the lost party Angel x Tara claire palmer tomkinson caroline flack#bekind #gardenersworld #melissamendini #madeinchelsea #gardenersworld #spain


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

1725 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

The Knot Man has been in the services for over ten years, now he shares his vast knowledge of knots and survival for the first time on Bitchute!