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Reporter Catherine Herridge testifies that CBS News locked her out of the building and seized all her files, alleging that she was collaborating with sources to uncover government corruption.

“The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world…the fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy to healthy people” was not only an “extreme violation of human rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human history.”

Bill Gates said he always wanted to spray something in the air to “block the sun,” and now it’s happening.

Scientists conducted a solar geoengineering experiment right outside of San Francisco.

What’s alarming is that the organizers did not widely announce the geoengineering to the local public to “avoid public backlash.”

“Nothing breeds public confidence more than changing the weather without telling anyone.”

So, what did these scientists do?

The experiment involved spraying trillions of microscopic salt particles into the air to increase cloud density and reflectivity. The goal was to create brighter clouds capable of reflecting more sunlight away from Earth to fight global warming.

Should these experiments prove “successful,” the next phase of experiments might land in your local community, potentially proceeding without your awareness or consent.


Created 7 months ago.

844 videos

Category News & Politics

Welcome to my channel! I’ve been awake for many years but this “pandemic” was the final straw. I believe that it’s our obligation to do our part in the world. I had to make a decision to either post a video once a day focusing on one topic or to scour through multiple platforms bringing everything to one spot on many diverse subjects searching for the truth. So I chose to focus on multiple topics that all correlate to one another. Hopefully adding more pieces to the puzzle. With the help from you (this community) we can help each other find sources and information that might be missing. There’s only so much time in one day for one person. I don’t always believe in everything I post but the decision isn’t for me to decide what you believe. One day when we win this battle between good and evil. I hope to retire this channel and live in peace.

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