The Wolf Den

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The Wolf Den

The Wolf Den


I want Flat earthers to replicate anything they claim.... I'll wait.

This glider is likely well in the Stratosphere, which extends from 10km to 50km above the earth. Which is roughly 8-30 miles in altitude. There is a Perlan 2 Glider which is set to achieve a goal of 100,000 ft. Which would put it above the Stratosphere and into the mesosphere.
Currently the record is 76,000+ ft which is the high end of the Stratosphere.
This is all well above commercial flights.

Flat earthers, I challenge you to explain how this video, or any, would be faked.

Well June is here and so are the Q-queers....oh and the pride shit....

Just a quick video. Flat earthers are dumb.

Breaking down the bullshit surrounding adrenochrome. The People's Voice are dishonest asshats.

Let's see who I can piss off now ;)

Just my thoughts on what could happen if we aren't careful as a society.

My continued reading of the article from National Vanguard

Part one of my reading of an article by National Vanguard

Fuck the chosen one.

A rant about all these asshats on this stupid platform, and elsewhere.

Just giving my thoughts on CERN. I personally think it's a big waste of scientific resources thinking. And NO, I don't think they're opening portals. Lol

Whether or not it's deliberate or a by product of day-to-day air travel, Geo engineering, weather modification, cloud seeding is real. Now let's have a rational discussion about it.

Here is the topic which will cause all my subscribers to leave. Lol

Link to video:

Simply put, fuck Donald Trump!
The "father of the vaccine"
"Greatest president ISRAEL ever had"
"The chosen one"
Pusher of Warp Speed
Continued unlawful wars of aggression
Puppet of the Jews
And yet people STILL want this clown??

Truthers never have the facts.

Fuck Mount Rushmore

Another bubble bursting tidbit.


I've got to burst everyone's bubble.
Tired of the dumb conspiracy bullshit that doesn't add up, as well as all the hype and fear porn from the socalled alternative/truth media.
Meanwhile the neo-con and Jew psychopaths are trying to instigate a war with Iran....gee I wonder how that would turn out....

Check pinned comment for videos posted regarding the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse.

A little talk I did 6 years ago regarding Easter. Enjoy

Discussing the various CON-spiracies that have floated recently.

A tragic even has occurred in Baltimore. The Francis Scott Key bridge has collapsed due to a cargo ship colliding with one of the main pylons.

He's not wrong! Conservatives have their heads up their asses.

Visiting Maggie Valley Rock Shop in North Carolina.


Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

684 videos

Category Vlogging

Discussing social issues, current events, hidden meanings, occult knowledge and nature.