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"Out of my way, I'm docking here!"

Gotta love the sudden prompts for diplomacy, yay!

Every robot just has to be... EXTRA... wait for it... CRISPY!!!!!!!!!

Still overwhelmed by too many details without a clear pathway in this dense forest of random stuff to already know!

Misspoke about frost, it was just rain with I guess clumped dust on the window. It wasn't Dietrich either though. Try not to use harsh language.

Perfect game for an ISTJ... but not so much for me. -_- IDK, I might try again and see how Ireland looks, but yeah this has a cliff of a learning curve to say the least and better for those more detail oriented or otherwise having way more energy drinks to focus. I'm going to need a few pack of NOS to really get into this.

Lovely, oh so lovely, how easy it is to get swarmed and lose all your health instantly. I suppose that makes it slightly more realistic, but IDK what I'm supposed to do when exiting the tram. Probably run for cover somewhere, hopefully with more oxygen nearby. Eh, maybe I'll get back to it... but yeah, this is rather frustrating and discouraging!!! -_-

Yeah... this is more a game for types with Si in ego.

I'd say ISTJs particularly, though Ti also would help with valuing arbitrary fullness of understanding every speck of minutiae. So maybe INTPs as well.

Regardless of all that, I just can't find this fun for me particularly. I'm sure it's a super awesome game for those who can stand the extra steep learning curve of doom, but that's not me. It looks neat, but it just has too much to deal with and I can barely cope with anything anymore. -_-

Still a fair bit to go in infinite dreadnought space battles of doom!

Took a bit to find the controls, and even now I think I need to use a dry erase board and write them all down to memorize them in addition to learning as I play the game (and sorry, but unfortunately you have now lost The Game. ;p )

Double plus good, indeed!

Lovely to win once just to immediately lose!

Non-concrete language tends to go with introverted intuition, so yeah here are abstractions/metaphors pertaining to social harmony (Fe), thus Ni & Fe at least.

Gotta just jump through all the hoops and do absolute business school tier goalpost shifting of doom, and accommodate the glorious algorithm rather than it accommodating users! Just do this, just do that! And another thing, ad infinitum! -_- Good freaking grief.

I'm still going to keep trying, but it's absurd how companies feel free to punch down and trample those they pretend are beneath them like any other tyrannical government or group of oligarchs otherwise.

Well, you can try... it would be nice to be able to afford food... but yeah, I rather play for fun than merely play for a challenge or for others to have schadenfreude. But heck, you want me to do this more often, then you can help me afford groceries.

I gave up after it looked impossible for me, but yeah if you want to crashapp me funds for food then YOU can tell me how to play games. Otherwise, please play & upload your own content and enjoy others telling you how to do everything. -_- If you just want to watch me fail, at least help me and my birds to have food to keep going.

Built up more of an armada before swarming!

Pretty much just have to check the info cards of the system you're in and the one you're going to; make sure to not bring export goods of the destination system (so, the disjoint set by comparison essentially).

If space pirates do their usual ordeal, it's B to drop the cargo pods before the space battle, and G to get them again afterwards.

In the trade menu, the green bars are supply and usually lower supply means higher demand, & vice versa, within that particular station. If you're making multiple runs, it would be useful to pay attention to how the items you sell increase supply and thereby lower demand (probably best to switch it up each round.)

Early on, it might also be good to get afterburners upgraded if you wish to outrun pirates and hyperjump like Moya in FarScape (or get within the realm of the space police faster after jumping in from the stargate's zone, which you'd think should be guarded better...)

Set my fighters to auto-dispense the fire-&-forgets, so that speeds things up a slight bit at least.

Seems best to let the robots destroy the Navy ships, so you get more loot!

Now even shorter for those with TikTok brand ADHD!!!!

Some of the side quest missions may be repetitive, but they really did put a fair bit of work into this game back in 2006; it's almost as good as a cartoon by Gerry Anderson, but so far as I know it's its own thing & rather cool. And yeah, in the game they're "Mortok" and not technically "Klingons", but it's the same basic archetype of course!

Apparently just walking from the first platform to the crane is the way to go, but of course you have to hop over to the second platform. Save early, save often!!!!!!!!!


Created 1 year ago.

762 videos

Category Gaming

Hello there,

my name is Ben,
I'm a Christian,
an INTJ with Asperger's,
I care for my silly birds,
& I'm a sci-fi novelist

I've written three books so far, one science fiction novella, one short stories collection, and a political rant booklet. Hopefully I will write many more science fiction novellas, focusing mostly on colonies within the solar system using realistic technology. Eventually. -_-

Here's my author page on amazon:

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Monetary assistance.

If anyone wants to donate and help me focus on writing novels/articles and/or growing my gaming channels while I can't find regular work, here are these routes.

CashApp: $PsiCorps85

Venmo: @PsiCorps85 (0912)


Any help would be appreciated, thank you.