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Fire fighters and EMT continue to drop like flies since the experimental co(n)vid vaxxine bioweapon was forced on the population. There is a massive cover up going on. This can only be described as GENOCIDE!


VIDEO: POLAND: A Street View
Original sound track was Spanish spoken, replaced it with music.


Dr. Thorp and Dr. Breggin: Is the DoD/CIA Behind The Toxic mRNA Shots; 2 million Americans dead from covid vaccines and it all started with the Department of Defence!: https://expose-news.com/2024/06/09/2-million-americans-dead-it-started-with-dod/

IDAHO SHUTS OFF WATER TO FARMERS: Fire and Ban Water Authorities! GENERAL RECALL Of State Officials as Anti-Life, Anti-Citizen, Anti-State, Anti-Economic. Replace with Direct Democracy. Idaho Government is Failing Idaho and it's Citizens.
Idaho Falls; Water curtailment order has east Idaho farmers worried; https://localnews8.com/news/idaho-falls/2023/04/26/water-curtailment-order-has-east-idaho-farmers-worried/

SOURCE VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD1yTqzj1Y4

4 States so far; Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah & Florida voted to BAN the WEF, WHO and UN Mandates, Requirements and Agenda. https://citizenwatchreport.com/the-state-of-louisiana-just-voted-to-ban-the-wef-and-who-agenda/
Oklahoma governor signs bill exempting state from WHO and UN mandates: Jun 7, 2024: https://www.duncanbanner.com/community/oklahoma-governor-signs-bill-exempting-state-from-who-and-un-mandates/article_08929456-24f1-11ef-95ac-076167b903e1.html
URGENT: Several US States Move to Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty
Posted by Blazing Press | Apr 30, 2024 | https://blazingpress.com/urgent-several-us-states-move-to-oppose-who-pandemic-treaty/
Utah and Florida passed laws intended to prevent the WHO from overriding states’ authority.
Louisiana and Oklahoma have legislation set to take effect soon. (PASSED)
Several other states are considering similar bills

Utah, Florida laws passed

* On Jan. 31, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) signed Senate Bill 57, the “Utah Constitutional Sovereignty Act,” into law. It does not mention the WHO, but prohibits “enforcement of a federal directive within the state by government officers if the Legislature determines the federal directive violates the principles of state sovereignty.”

* In May 2023, Florida passed Senate Bill 252 (SB 252), a bill for “Protection from Discrimination Based on Health Care Choices.” Among other clauses, it prohibits businesses and public entities from requiring proof of vaccination or prophylaxis for the purposes of employment, receipt of services, or gaining entry to such entities.

According to Section 3 of SB 252:

“A governmental entity as defined … or an educational institution … may not adopt, implement, or enforce an international health organization’s public health policies or guidelines unless authorized to do so under state law, rule, or executive order issued by the Governor.”

1 ) Electroculture Gardening - Amazing Results!
2 ) My Electroculture Gardening Setup! HIGH ENERGY PLANT GROWTH!
3 ) Garden Electroculture History 1780- Present
4 ) Electroculture Gardening Results

In February 2020, Dr. Thomas Binder stood up for the return of real science, medicine and humanity. The result of his vocal opposition to the unscientific and irrational covid poilicies was to be arrested and referred for compulsory psychiatric treatment.

Recently, Dr. Binder called for the abolishment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.

Dr. Binder MD studied medicine at the University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, and has 35 years of clinical experience.

Dr. Thomas Binder later told Dr. Drew last year that he was forcibly hospitalized – and required to take psychiatric medications – for speaking out against pandemic panic and the narrative surrounding COVID-19.

Recently, Dr. Binder called for the abolishment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.


1 ) What is Electro culture farming _ How does electroculture farming work?
2 ) ElectroCulture - Greatest Discovery In The History Of Agriculture?
3 ) Electroculture History | How Does Electroculture Work ?
4 ) ELECTROCULTURE GARDEN RESULTS #electroculture , #gardening , #growmorefood

HIDDEN HISTORY: Lost History of Tartaria, including Mass Free Energy and How to Grow Giant Fruits and Vegetables 10-50 times bigger with ELECTRO-CULTURE: A Lost Farming Technology

2 ) Mike Tyson Has A Medical Emergency On Flight To Los Angeles
3 ) Mike Tyson Suffers Medical Emergency on Flight to Los Angeles | E! News
Mike Tyson suffers medical emergency on flight Mon, May 27, 2024

Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease like scurvy or pellagra aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modem mans diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.

Why has orthodox medicine waged war against this non drug approach? The author contends that the answer is to be found, not in science, but in politics and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment.

A Big Thanks and full credit to rethinkingcancer.org for allowing this to be posted to help those who are suffering and in search of solutions. Please support their work!

This is being Mirrored from: https://rumble.com/v2c7jpe-rethinking-cancer-documentary.html

Things that make you go hmmmmm. How much false can you find? So many lies, so many questions left unanswered. None of it makes any sense. Great mini 'documentary', worth watching if these things interest you



This is an Important Documentary for Humanity about the Massive Cover-Up of the Recent History of the Planet and the Civilization that was here right before US. A Civilization of Giant, Advanced People, many call 'The Builders' or 'The Engineers'. Very Interesting, borderline 'Need to Know,' for Humans. TRUTH is starting to Leak Out.

Spanish, Zombie horror. . A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying. Addeddate.

An end of the world battle between gangsters, cops and zombies.

A group of crooked cops, malevolent gangsters and a horde of walking dead are the centre point of this gruesome, action-packed, tale of retribution and escape.

Penned in like animals, on the top floor of a deserted high-rise, these two opposing gangs find they're not alone in the lair of bloodthirsty zombies stalking the corridors of death.

Joining forces to survive, they must reach the ground level together or perish. Loaded with a bad ass attitude, guns, axes and extremely creative hand-to-hand combat need to survive, being caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

(68) A ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a horde of flesh-eating ghouls that are ravaging the Northeast of the United States.

(82) A sword-and-sorcery fantasy about a young man's search for revenge. Armed with supernatural powers, the handsome hero and his animal allies wage war against marauding forces.

1 ) Summer Dance Flashmob Moldova Sis n Bro (10 Years Ago)
2 ) Peñíscola Flashmob (11 Years Ago)

1 ) MUSIC VIDEO: Sasha Dith - Russian Girls
2 ) MUSIC VIDEO: Girl Practicing Pole Dance Stripper At Home
3 ) SHUFFLE MUSIC VIDEO: Eugene Church - Pretty Girls Everywhere
4 ) VIDEO GIRL WoodsWoman: Life As We Know It Will End Soon (Dark Humor)

SOURCE VIDEO(S): https://www.bitchute.com/video/fJl3kAy3VTpz/

1 ) Would Ending the Fed Cause a Depression? No, Quite The Opposite (00:00-43:21)
2 ) A Century Of Failure - The Federal Reserve (43:22-1:24:18)
[2 Parts] 1st a Discussion on the U.S. Bill in Congress to Abolish The FED. / 2nd Part is a Recent Documentary about 100 Years of Failure by the Federal Reserve, and why it should be Abolished.
SLIDE SHOW: A Century of Failure: The Case for Ending the Fed - https://www.slideserve.com/tale/a-century-of-failure-the-case-for-ending-the-fed


Link to The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, https://www.mediafire.com/file/d9bhuffokwrm910/Eustace_Mullins_-_The_Secrets_of_the_Federal_Reserve.pdf/file

VENTURE CAPITALIST BUY 60% OF BITCHUTE: Free Speech Under Threat On BitChute! We may be Losing BitChute Soon as a Good Free Speech Platform. BC has been an Issue for the ELites, so They Just Purchased a Controlling Interest in It. Makes sense. Note: We might need a another Free Speech Platform. : (

They might also go to a Block-Chain Based Model. This will Kill Free Speech on BitChute, and that is most likely the Intention. Digital Based Block Chain Tech is easier to Track and More difficult to use. Again, that's most likely the Intention.

SOURCE VIDEO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jj4mMZUJKOT4/

CHURCH ELDER DROPS DEAD AT PULPIT: Excess Celebrity Maiming & Deaths Continue Into 2024 NOTE: Elder had a Wireless Mic in one hand, and a Smartphone in the Other Hand, near his heart. Ruiru church elder collapses, dies while addressing congregants
The incident took place in Ruiru on Sunday, May 19, 2024.


SOURCE VIDEO: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ehdNYfXRvSWR/

(04) A nurse, a policeman, a young married couple, a salesman and other survivors of a worldwide plague that is producing aggressive, flesh-eating zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall.

The DC/Dark Horse Comics collaboration brought together the worlds of Batman and Aliens in a special two-part comic storyline. This video looks at the story as well as the prequel comic involving a mysterious alien race.



Created 1 year, 3 months ago.

1199 videos

Category Vlogging

This Channel is Dedicated to Extreme Weather Elimination, Natural Super Health through Super Foods and New Governance Policy(s). NOTE: This Channel has Adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE Level for Racists, Jew Haters and Those who Attack others on this Channel. The N-Word and the K-Word are Forbidden. Those Violating this Policy, will be Blocked from Commenting on this Channel.