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Dr. Timothy Warner continues his study on having a Biblical Worldview in sharing about how the enemy brings deception to the world. Being deceived can have a lot of truth, but just a pinch of a lie and it still works to getting my focus off of God. He does this through lies and other ways. One deception is spirit guides from the occult that leads you away from God.

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Dr. Logan sharing at a men's conference was asked to speak to share something that a wife wished their husbands knew. Do you know the two most vulnerable areas of attack for your wife? When I understand those areas, then I can stand in the gap and help protect her from those spiritual attacks. Marriage is a team effort, and the one thing the enemy does not want is humility, team work, and love.

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Dr. Logan speaking to a man's conference shares the importance of understanding the role that God has for fathers as the Spiritual protector of the family. In order for the enemy to bring destructive temptations to the family he must go through the father. We are called as Fathers to live in purity, freedom, and humility before the Lord. Are you allowing the enemy to attack your family through your sinful choices?

Dr. Derek Prince gives a study in Spiritual Warfare on the topic of Demons and Deliverance ministry. Demons are mentioned in Scripture and it is important that believers understand what they desire to do and how to remove them in the Name of Jesus. This is not foreign to eastern experience.

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How do you end your prayers? During this Sunday School lesson Ted shares the in-depth study of doxology from the apostle Paul's letter to the church. It is very common in today's church to say "amen," but when Paul ended his letter he ended with it focusing on God.

Pastor Mark Bubeck shares about importance of spiritual warfare seen throughout the whole bible. The timeline of the Bible is all focused on a spiritual battle between satan and God. We need to see that we must stand and fight against the enemy.

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How can you help a marriage in trouble? Jeff Pokone has been doing Biblical counseling for over 30 years and has learned a lot within his own marriage and counseling others. He shares that wisdom with us in this message. Marriage counseling does take 2 willing individuals, and some of their issues might be from their lack to response to their children.

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How can you help a marriage in trouble? Jeff Pokone has been doing Biblical counseling for over 30 years and has learned a lot within his own marriage and counseling others. He shares that wisdom with us in this message. Marriage counseling does take 2 willing individuals, and some of their issues might be from their lack to response to their children.

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We are all affected by the "sins of the fathers" as it says in Exodus 20. Generational sins and curses are passed down from fathers and mothers to children, which cause them to desire and do the same wrong choices that have been pasted down. You can break these curses. You can ask God to remove the curses (be specific). You can live in freedom by walking in obedience to following God.

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As believers we will all have to deal with suffering at one point in our life. When you go through suffering it is important to know how to deal with it in the Biblical way. Most of the dynamic missions of the past had to work through stuffing themselves. If the enemy can't get us with suffering then he will try with rebellion. Rebellion is witchcraft from 1 Samuel 15:23, but our response is to submission to the governing authorities in humility. Rebellion and Bitterness are one of the most destructive weapons the enemy uses against believers, missionaries, families, and children.

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If you have a desire to minister to hurting people it will not take long until you come across someone who has been deeply wounded. Often when wounded at a young age their personality can split causing Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) through Satanic Ritual Abuse or Sexual/ Physical abuse. How can you help those with deep wounds. Alaine has gone through suffering herself and shares how you can encourage and help others.

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In a chaotic world, where do we turn for real peace? Stress, anxiety, and depression are at an all time high, but where is real peace? Pastor Mark Bubeck shares that Jesus is our peace. He was sleeping in a storm. He is the prince of peace. When you feel overwhelmed, that is a sign you need to spend more time alone with Jesus your prince of peace.

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In continuing the Prayer Conference Dr. Logan shares about why praying scripture is a blessing to include in your prayer life. The Lord wants us to not only know Scripture, but apply and even pray it back to Him as an expression of our desires, lacks, wants, and needs.

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A way to go deeper in your prayer life is to study the prayers in the Bible. Dr. Logan reveals how the prayers of Paul for the church are very powerful and detailed in revealing truth, wisdom and understanding.

How much faith is needed? Do you have no faith, little faith or great faith? Faith is not trusting in our own thoughts and feelings, but trusting in who God is and the truth of God.
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Do you know what it is like to be an outsider? Are you willing to go outside the camp for what God has in store for your future?

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Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is something that happens when trauma is experienced at a young age. When someone has gone through something traumatic often personal conflict and denial of the event shows up, but you will be able to see some evidence that it is present.

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One of the most important spiritual disciplines is to wait on the Lord. Scriptures says that will renew their strength (Isa. 40:31). Prayer is not just giving God our list, but also to sit in stillness and waiting on the Lord.

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Mark Ritchie who wrote "Spirit of the Rainforest" about the Yanomamo tribe. Chief Shoefoot was a shaman who was trained to traffic in evil spirits and use hate, drugs, and other ways to control others. God set him free of all the spirits that he had invited into his life, and now shares his testimony to world. The spiritual world is very real even beyond the rainforest.

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00:00 - Teaching Intro
03:03 - 2 Peter 3: 3-14
23:04 - Ignorance in Portland, Oregon
1:03:48 - The Iran and Israel Conflict
1:15:56 - Other Noteworthy Topics

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Mark Ritchie concludes this message on Shamanism with teaching and Q&A. One of the question comes up is the Harry Potter books.

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Mark Ritchie, worked with Chief Shoefoot of the Yanomamo tribe who was well known for trafficking in Spirits as a shaman. He shares in this two part series of how shamanism has come from the Rainforest to the west. You won't believe how much of our culture's influence is from spirits that Chief Shoefoot knows and had experience with as trained shaman.

In the conclusion of his conference on Holiness Pastor Al shares about the secret of the blood covenant. What does the blood covenant mean in Scripture and how is that a promise between God and believers?

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The precious blood of Jesus is the foundation of forgiveness to sins to all believers. The precious blood is a theme all throughout scripture. No one can stand before God without the holy sacrifice of innocent blood.

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How does God make a missionary? A verse in proverbs says "where there is no vision the people perish." That verse applies to our marriage, family, church, work, and life. Do you have a heavenly vision?


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

535 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Biblical Restoration Ministries Inc. is a non-profit Biblical counseling center whose desire is to see spiritual growth as each counselee addresses personal hurts and satanic strongholds within their lives.

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