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SOURCE : The People’s Voice

SOURCE : Ovation Eddie 2

SOURCE : Stranger Than Fiction News

SOURCE : The People’s Voice

SOURCE : Stranger Than Fiction News

More evidence 7 years tribulation or Jacob Trouble will begin in 2028 related with jubilee year and Shabbatical (shemitah year) and Israel

Jesus started his ministry in 26 AD during jubilee year or Acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:19)
41 jubilee is (41x49 years= ) 2009 years .
2009 years + 26 AD is 2035 is Jesus Second Coming
2035 - 7 years tribulation is 2028 or during Shabbatical year
***4 lunar tetrads or 4 blood moons on Passover and Sukkot (Tabernacles feast) in 2014 & 2015
2014 is Shabbatical year

***Two cows with the number 7 on their forehead hair pattern were born 5 days apart. The first one with the big 7 was born Sept 20, 2014, in Loretta, Penn. and the second one with the little 7 was born Sept. 25, 2014, in Gatesville, Tx

2014 + 7 years = 2021 another Shabbatical year
2021 + 7 years = 2028 another Shabbatical year
2028 + 7 years = 2035 another Shabbatical year right on JUBILEE YEAR OR ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF THE LORD IS the 7th year of Shabbatical year for 49 years

Israel become a nation again May 14, 1948
80 years of the life span according to Psalm 90:10
“The days of our years are threescore years and ten (3x20=60+10=70 years) ; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years (20x4=80 years) , yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”
1948+80 years is 2028

The rapture of the church BEFORE 7 years tribulation or Jacob Trouble is High rapture alert by the end 2027 just right on the feast of Hanukkah during Christmas season as Gods revealed it in many dreams and visions
The Hanukkah that year will begin just right on Christmas on the full day for Hebrew or God’s Calendar Dec 24 which is the full day Dec 25
Hanukkah Dec 24, 2027 till Jan 1, 2028 right on New Year’s Day

We are all humans make mistakes it’s better predict it rather than not !
Nothing the Bible mentions predict the end times FRAMES WILL GO TO HELL !
Matt 24:36 NO one knows the day and hour is ABOUT WHEN THE EARTH AND HEAVEN ..

SOURCE : Infowar -

SOURCE : Infowars -

SOURCE : The People’s Voice


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

1237 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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