Remnant Ministry

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Remnant Ministry



Hey everyone, had a weird dream last night, and then woke up to a 5G attack.

Hitting the health kick hard. Just an update for ya

Hey everyone, I wanted to keep you all up to date on what's going on with me. I'm going to turn this into a bit of a series so I'm still going to be around, just don't expect the videos to be uploaded as frequently as they used to be. Hope you're all doing well and keep praying and prepping. Things are going to kick off soon!

Getting rid of technology and focusing on health and spiritual wellness. It's time to strengthen up for what we all know is coming. I'm too distracted with the offerings of the Beast system. I suggest you do the same, clean up your lives, get rid of the distractions. Many blessings my friends..

Hey everyone just thought I would push out a video explaining what's going on with me.

Massive fires in Canada as several small towns in western Canada are burning to the ground. People are being forced into the big cities. The digital ID is being forced down our throats and dozens of countries have phased out cash. Prepare for the summer from hell

On the warpath still, destroying the churches, swinging the sword of truth, burning down these false belief systems and satanic cults. This one revolves around the Catholic Church, to who anyone knows anything about, is a satanic construct and a raper and murderer of children. Yet, she is an arm of Israel, the Jewish cult religion, as are all the other abarahamic religions. ALL religion is false, folks. Adopt the Holy Spirit into your heart, and become adopted by God!!!

Hey everyone, this is a new thing for me. I have never posted my actual dreams here on this channel, I've talked about having them and seeing things, but I've never shared. Well, today is the day that I share, because I had 3 incredibly powerful dreams in a row during last night's CME event, and one horrible nightmare the day before. We are definitely under spiritual attack and Lucifers' demons are getting more powerful, these events are satanically driven, and the government is about to pounce on the rest of society.

Getting some trolls and the best way to combat them is by liking and sharing these videos. Thanks!

Just wanted to touch on this rollout of the digital ID in Australia. This matters because it's the first western world nation to not only implement this system for ALL personal relations with the government, but it will also be mandatory!!

Another satanic freemason cult religion under fire. I am on the warpath here and it's time these churches were torn down. If you're mormon, come out of it!

Prepare yourselves! Buy as many bibles as you can! Hide them, bury them, study the word, know the message!

Another nail in the coffin for the church and its condemnation, I am on the war path, exposing these false prophets and fake systems of belief. They are kiddie diddlers to the max and all these religions are a part of the club. Enjoy

It's a multi-level marketing scheme owned and operated by snakes. Also, zionist babylonians and their vain repetitions, their false use of the word, and the absence of the message within their teachings. Come out of it!

Hi everyone. I will be issuing a condemnation of modern churches very soon, and I wanted to give you a blueprint for the real church. Yes, there is a church, and the book of Acts describes perfectly what it should look like. It looks nothing like modern Christianity or any of the satanic religions out there. The original church is something that cannot exist in this world until the end of days is upon us when all of the people of God are scattered about, running for their lives, and they have given up their possessions and are living purely for God. Then the church will rise again, and it will be called the Remnant Church. And I will be a minister, and my hope is that through these videos you have been learning and imprinting the message into your hearts, so that you too will be ministers out there, performing baptisms and marriages, bringing people into the fold, and spreading the truth about our Father and the plan of salvation.

God is NOT a religion

Hey everyone this is a dive into the MOTB, or at least, the beast side of the mark. Everyone looks at the mark but no one ever looks at the Beast. In order to understand what the mark is, you have to understand what the Beast is.

If you believe you're going to be "taken" up to heaven before the tribulation starts, you're going to be waiting a long time. And you will likely also have taken the mark of the beast, and you will be busy worshipping the image of the beast as well.

When I say things like "put on the armour of God" and "protect yourself spiritually", this is what I'm talking about. The rapture is a lie, sold to Christians who are a part of a fake church. Don't believe in it.

We're getting hack after hack as the AI governance system takes over our society. Be ready for the CBDC at any time, be especially mindful of the next US presidential election!

London Drugs shut down hundreds of locations today across western Canada due to a cyber attack. Stay tuned for more

Hey everyone. I put this video together to explain what exactly will happen during the 6th seal. This is an event that will end the 4th seal and cause all the worlds militaries to stop fighting. It's when God puts his foot down on this world and shows humanity who is really boss. Be prepared, because after this devastating event, half of humanity will have been wiped out, and the events of the 7th seal will unfold. It will be the beginning of woes as the ash cloud lingers around the world for several years and causes many bad things to happen.

Shot some footage and got some answers as to the "homeless facility" being built in Kelowna BC

Hey guys just a short jobsite video regarding a weird camp they are building right on the main drag in Kelowna

Hey everyone. This is just a collection of observations, I mean, nothing to see here right? But yeah, there's something to see alright, china is making threats of launching a cyber attack which we all know is just a way to blame a boogeyman, while the real culprit spreads its tenticles worldwide and takes everything over. Be spiritually ready for what is coming, because when the AI takes over, it will launch the CBDC, and all bets are off. It will be the 4th seal...

Hey everyone jist want you to know I've got a video coming regarding the takeover of the world's systems via skynet. The upload process glitched and the video won't be live until later today


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

94 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

The Apocalypse, bugging out, preparation, Biblical Truth, educational videos. Soon I will be out there, baptising, and spreading His holy fire unto this world.

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