Tenth Amendment Center

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Tenth Amendment Center



Think you have financial privacy? Think again. Since Nixon, the US has increasingly turned banks and the entire financial industry into a massive surveillance network. This video dives deep into 5 of the major acts they’ve passed since 1970.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 31, 2024

Turns out the guy who said 'Give me Liberty or give me death!' wasn't a big fan of a giant, centralized government. Today, on Patrick Henry’s birthday, let’s see why he’s one of the real OGs of the 10th Amendment.

Path to Liberty: May 29, 2024

Despite what supporters of the monster state want you to believe, there are times when states push back against federal power and the supremacy clause doesn’t even apply. Learn about this powerful 10th Amendment tool called anti-commandeering.

Path to Liberty: May 27, 2024

This is an absolutely incredible story of resistance to federal power. Anthony Burns - born into slavery, escaped, captured - and the center of a massive standoff between people in Boston and the federal government.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 24, 2024

Imagine being a suspect for simply walking near a crime scene. That's the reality of a mass, warrantless surveillance tool called a geofence warrant

Path to Liberty: May 22, 2024

Explore the 4 biggest threats to liberty as identified by the Founding Fathers, with quotes & analysis included. Learn how history can guide us in protecting our freedoms today.

Path to Liberty: May 20, 2024

Executive Order 6102 - learn the truth behind the gold confiscation order, and the fact that most Americans defied it.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 17, 2024

What does "liberty" truly mean? We explore 3 schools of thought, from Filmer's "divine right" to Locke & the Founding Fathers' individual rights. Plus, modern thinkers like Rothbard and more! Discover the historical roots of your freedom.

Path to Liberty: May 15, 2024

Do you ever wonder what the Constitution really means? This video will show you how to understand the Constitution the way the Founding Fathers intended. We'll explore a process called "originalism" to determine the original meaning of the Constitution's clauses and phrases.

Path to Liberty: May 13, 2024

Gold and Silver, CBDC, Biometric Surveillance and 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy. We break down the bills and new laws & what they mean for YOU.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 10, 2024

They’re mostly ignored or forgotten today. But, to the founders, these five formed an international law and foreign policy pantheon.

Path to Liberty: May 8, 2024

No deal. That’s pretty much how North Carolina patriots responded to British Major General Henry Clinton’s proclamation condemning what he called their “wicked rebellion” along with his offer of amnesty for everyone, but two, in exchange for giving up their arms, and more.

Path to Liberty: May 6, 2024

George Washington asked his attorney general to give his opinion on whether he felt Alexander Hamilton’s Bank Bill was constitutional. The answer was a resounding no.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: May 3, 2024

Tracing its roots back to John Locke, the Mayflower Compact - and even earlier - the “consent of the governed” was one of the most important principles in the Declaration of Independence, and was the foundation for the formation of the Constitution as well. But, as Lysander Spooner argued - the notion that “all the people” consent exists only in theory.

Path to Liberty: May 1, 2024

In the American system, the people of the several states are sovereign, meaning they hold final or ultimate authority. Power flows from them to the federal government, which merely serves as their agent.

Path to Liberty: April 29, 2024

In his 1850 essay The Law, Bastiat railed against socialism, and argued that legitimate law isn’t just the will of politicians, but instead is based on protecting the natural rights of individuals. You can see inspiration in these views from Locke, Jefferson, Paine and more.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: April 26, 2024

George Washington: “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” Thomas Jefferson: “Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.”

Path to Liberty: April 24, 2024

From Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson to Lysander Spooner - the notion that the people should submit until they can replace enough politicians to stop the government from doing what the government was never authorized to do in the first place - is only a guarantee that they'll never stop, and it'll keep getting worse.

Path to Liberty: April 22, 2024

Jefferson's chilling warnings about unchecked fiat, paper money printing proved prophetic as the U.S. plunged into its first boom-bust economic crisis in the early 19th century.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: April 19, 2024

With some of his sharpest satire and wit, Franklin told the British the top-20 ways their policies would bring their empire over the American colonies to an end. Much of it sounds pretty familiar to what we face today.

Path to Liberty: April 17, 2024

86 years and a day before the "shot heard 'round the world" - the people of Boston and surrounding towns rose up and overthrew the royal governor in a dispute that started over tax resistance to arbitrary power.

Path to Liberty: April 15, 2024

April 12, 1776 - the first official action by one of the colonies in full support of declaring independence. The Halifax Resolves was also the first example of a colony-wide assembly admitting that reconciliation with the British was no longer an option.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: April 12, 2024

Since 2011 - a combination of state laws and human action has built what is likely the most robust foundation for the advancement of gold and silver as money in the United Sates.

Path to Liberty: April 10, 2024

Supporting one version of an unconstitutional government program over another - because it seems to be the "least offensive" option - is not only what leading founders called a "fatal error," but it also sets a precedent for more of the same, and worse.

Path to Liberty: April 8, 2024

Originally implemented by the IRS - gun-control advocates want to use “Merchant Category Codes” to track purchases of firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition. But the state-level 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act has shut those plans down - at least for now.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: April 5, 2024


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

831 videos

Category News & Politics

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."