Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic

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Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic

Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic


For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

An experiment famously found that when mice live in a perfect mouse paradise, were food is plentiful, and there a no predators to be found, they degenerate into a mutational meltdown, echoing the problems with our own society of plenty. But is all as it seems?

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Dominic Frisby is a British comedian, and financial writer. He is best known for his annual "lectures with funny bits" at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, which have covered topics like tax, gold, weights and measures, and the economics of the Fringe itself.

Frisby has written numerous books blending economics, history and comedy, including "Life After the State," and "Daylight Robbery: How Tax shaped our past and will change our future." He also runs The Flying Frisby, a substack focused on finance and economics.

In this fascinating conversation, comedian and we unpack the underlying economic forces that have made housing unaffordable for young people today, fiat money, declining family sizes, the history of tax, the corruption of elite universities, and how comedy is becoming bifurcated along cultural battle lines of "woke" vs "anti-woke."

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

I sat down with Whatifaltihist, AKA Rudyard Lynch, a facinating young man who runs the WhatIfAltHist YouTube channel.

We discussed long-term historical cycles that civilisations go through, with a particular focus on the 250-year "secular cycle" that seems to parallel modern Western societies with the French Revolution era. laid out the drivers behind this cycle - income inequality, wage stagnation, and competition for elite jobs.

He drew parallels between today's alienated youth unable to achieve life milestones like marriage and family formation, and the restless populace of pre-Revolutionary France. The conversation also delved into the potential biological and evolutionary underpinnings of these cycles, driven by factors like hormones and hardwired genetic behavioural impulses.

We also covered topics like the masculinity/incel crisis, the occult origins of leftist ideologies, and his "psychological black death" theory which predicts a mental health pandemic akin to the Black Plague, already manifesting in Gen Z's psychological issues.

If you’re interested in applying these cyclical frameworks to understand the current turmoil, this is the podcast for you.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Simon Evans is a comedian, writer and broadcaster. Appearing on countless TV and radio shows, he is also a columnist for Spiked and a presenter of Headliners on GB News.

In 2018, Simon discovered that his father was not, in fact, his father. His biological father was a pioneering fertility doctor, who sired numerous other children for his patients, and its believed potentially has the most children of any man in the 20th century, giving Simon more half-brothers and sisters than anyone in the world.

I talked to him about his fascinating story.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

The answer has everything to do with evolution.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

A leftist problem, spreading across the aisle.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

ONLY available at https://www.jollyheretic.com/

This is a trailer for my new documentary about Granada, the last holdout of the Muslim empire in Europe. The full film is a bit too spicy for Youtube, so go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/ to see it.

Filmed on location in Granada, Spain, I take a look at the historic, genetic and cultural legacy of the last time Muslims ruled in Europe before being cast out in 1492. Come with me, as we explore the what is was like to live in the Emirate of Cordoba, how did it shape Spain’s history, what were the evolutionary dynamics, what a future Emirate of Europe would look like, and to ask, are we already on our way there?

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

In this captivating episode, The Jolly Heretic interviews the renowned Dr. Neema Parvini, also known as the "Academic Agent." They delve into the origins and motivations behind his popular YouTube channel, which aims to unravel the complex theories and ideologies that shape our society.

Join us on the Agent's journey from critiquing left-wing theorists to recognising the efficacy of their methods of cultural subversion.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Recent election results prove one thing: People vote according to their ethnicity.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Alex Datepsych is a researcher and content creator in the realm of sex and dating. Aside from being very buff, he holds an MSc Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience and founded datepsychology.com, a website full of fascinating research and papers on dating.

Alex spoke to Ed about men and women actually want, common misconceptions about dating, personality disorders, rape fantasies and how various life history strategies are selected for.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Richard Grannon is a Youtuber, thinker and committed student of the big bad world of Narcissism. Sitting down to talk with him once more, I decided to try find out about Grannon, the man. What a story he has; crime, criminals, abuse, it’s all there. Sit back, relax and listen to his fascinating story.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Something isn't quite right about the woman. Let's find out!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Think the money in your bank account is safe? Think again. In fact, a collapse is almost inevitable.

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

If it seems like leftwing politicians are more stupid than their predecessors, it's because they are. These are the reasons why.

I first hypothesised the Rayner Effect with my co-author J.O.A. Rayner-Hilles in our book, "The Past is a Future Country" would you like to listen to its core ideas and many other based shorts? Go to https://liegent.com/ and sign up with the coupon code JOLLYHERETIC for a 10% discount!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

I sat down with Scotland’s greatest Youtuber, Count Dankula. We talked about his upbringing, from working doors in Coatbridge to becoming one of our most well known internet celebrities, going through one of the most brutal attempts at free speech martyrdom ever attempted.

👉 Want to listen to the core ideas of my book "The Past is a Future Country" and many other based shorts? Go to https://www.Liegent.com and sign up with the coupon code JOLLYHERETIC for a 10% discount!

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

Recent sentencing guidelines order judges to go easier on people with criminal traits. Why?

For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!


Created 5 years ago.

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