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they just hate men, it's that simple

what a terrible way to look at life

This news is totally insane

good thing you can get coffee from coffeebrandcoffee code savebig!

A massive youtuber bought a baby for content and then tossed it away

You just LOVE to see it!

Yes Gen Z, please shut up about everything.

The woke mind virus persists because we let it

Hobby Horsing is for kids.

I guess the idea that Biden has energy is bad

Trump 2024 in a landslide

this is what happens when you have DEI cops


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

8349 videos

Category None

Social commentary channel that covers mostly gaming related things like Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer, etc. but I also talk about things going on around the world and try to have a little fun while I do it.