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You kidding me? Playoffs?!?

Wins are not a QB stat.

Better too few choices than too many. The former situation at least forces you to choose; the latter paralyzes.

Deus Ex is a classic. A clunky classic, to be sure, but a classic.

Once more into the breach.

Good, truth, and beauty are objective.

Sometimes I wonder whether modern Hollywood makes atrocious movies on purpose in order to demoralize us.

Fight on.

It really is remarkable how bad Netflix's Death Note adaptation is.


It's good to get some movies watched.

Into glory ride.

Thou cans't not kill that which doth not live.

There is no victory without honor.

Enjoy some more film courtesy of Coach Brian Roesch.

One day there will be so much film on this channel that it cannot all be watched in one year.

Thanks to Larry Jantz for this tape and the one two days hence.

Another film that got lost in the shuffle has reemerged.

In War: Resolution,
In Defeat: Defiance,
In Victory: Magnanimity
In Peace: Good Will.

The 2023 KEMFA Clinic was held at Tony's Pizza Event Center on April 29, 2023. It featured talks by Fred McClain, Mitch Engelken, Travis Desbien, and Kevin Ayers.

At the time of publishing, the 2024 KEMFA Clinic is underway at the Kansas Star Casino in Mulvane. Speakers are Chris Haag, Jordan Echer, Jeff Slater, Derrick Budke, and Joe Roche.

You want to know a movie that is nearly three hours long, but feels three days long?


I will probably never figure out why that movie is so esteemed by so many (this is coming from a Pacino fan, by the way).

We should never have done away with dueling.

Pretty sure this is the regular season meeting between these teams and not the playoff matchup. Let me know if I'm wrong.


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

255 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

From the ashes of DanVelinski emerges 8-Manowar.

Glory to 8-man football; death to false metal!

Brought to you by a man who has literally had a channel terminated because he uploaded too much 8-man football.