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my local beach, a quick look.

A look at the book off store in Japan.

In the Japanese summer these noisy insects wake you up for months.

A quick look at the T.V section in Yamada Denki in Japan.

My local park has a wide variety of koi in the local lake.

A little look at our local BBQ restaurant in Japan

Hiking up my local mountain. A video from my YouTube channel.

A quick look at my local park in Yamaguchi Japan, a great place to have a family day out!


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

8 videos

Category Vlogging

A channel about my life in Japan, raw video's of my experiences, ranging from culture, strange experiences, to hiking in the mountains, my videos are based in the countryside of yamaguchi prefecture. Feel free to subscribe if you want to see more of everyday life in Japan.