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This television program features the Apollo guidance computer and navigation equipment, which involve less than 60 lbs of microcircuits and memory cores. Scientists and engineers Eldon Hall, Ramon Alonzo and Albert Hopkins (of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory) and Jack Poundstone (Raytheon Space Division in Waltham MA) explain and demonstrate key features of the instruments, and detail project challenges such as controlling the trajectory of the spacecraft, the operation of the onboard telescope, and the computer construction and its memory.
The program was presented by MIT in association with WGBH-TV Boston, and hosted by MIT reporter John Fitch; it was produced for NASA.

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Dedicated to all the poor souls who lost their lives on September 11th 2001

We will never forget - nor forgive

Edit by PolicePaparazzi

Ricochet Rabbit & Droop-a-Long was a segment of Hanna-Barbera's 1964–1966 cartoon The Magilla Gorilla Show, and later appeared on The Peter Potamus Show.
Taking place in a Wild West setting, Ricochet Rabbit worked as a sheriff in the town of Hoop 'n' Holler. Ricochet would bounce off stationary objects yelling "Bing-bing-bing!" His deputy and foil Droop-a-Long Coyote was not as fast and was very clumsy.

San Diego CA - The SDPD has identified the three officers involved in a fatal shooting in the Morena neighborhood. Police received a call regarding a robbery and assault with a deadly weapon at a market, according to Lt. Michael Krugh with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department.
The victim told police a man in his 20s left the store without paying for merchandise after asking if the store accepted credit cards. Before fleeing on foot, the man pulled out a knife and threatened the victim as he attempted to stop him.
Later that morning, police saw a man who matched the suspect’s description provided by the victim and tried to stop him. Officers used a stun gun on the man, but he continued to flee on foot. Officers followed the man to a transient encampment. That’s when the suspect approached an uninvolved man, took him hostage and held a knife to his neck.
Three officers fired shots at the suspect. The suspect died at the scene despite lifesaving measures by first responders. No officers were injured in the incident, nor was the man who was being held hostage by the suspect.
The three officers have been identified as Matthew Steinbach, Michael Howells and Justin Tellam. Officer Steinbach has been with SDPD for 12 years, while Officer Tellam has worked with the department for six-and-a-half. Officer Howells has been with SDPD for a year and a half.
SDPD has identified the suspect but is withholding his name pending family notification.
The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Unit responded to the scene to investigate the officer-involved shooting. The motivation and circumstances of the shooting are still under investigation, Lt. Krugh said.

Sturgeon MO - Update: Pig and mayor have resigned.
Video shows an officer shoot a small dog, named Teddy, as it stumbled around a woman’s open backyard. “I’m at a loss,” Teddy’s distraught owner, Nicholas Hunter said. “It still hasn’t kicked in, the reality of it.”
A homeowner who lived near Hunter found Teddy in her yard. Fearing he was lost and in distress, she called the city and took photos of him sitting by a water bowl, which were shared on the city’s Facebook page. Hunter said he rushed to the scene after getting a call from a friend about Teddy’s escape while he was out with friends.
“The dog drank water from a bowl I provided and licked my arm and leg. He was in no way a threat,” the homeowner, who declined to share her name publicly out of fear of retaliation. She said her interactions with Teddy had been anything but dangerous.
When Hunter confronted the officer about the shooting, he said the officer told him that his dog was killed not because Teddy was a public threat but because he looked injured or abandoned. “I thought the dog was hurt so it was the humane thing to do, to put him down,” the officer told him, referring to Teddy’s unusual appearance and movements. “He carried his head sideways and he walked funny because he can’t see or hear. The vet diagnosed him with a neurological issue, which was the cause of him going deaf and blind,” Hunter said of Teddy, who was 5. Hunter is seen emotionally confronting the officer, who defends his actions, saying the city doesn’t have “a humane society” and that he was responding to the situation with limited information.
The city said it is standing by the officer’s actions. Officials have reviewed the dispatch report and body camera footage and believe “the officer acted within his authority” to protect citizens from the dog causing injury to others. “The dog’s strange behavior appeared consistent with the dispatch report of an injured or possibly sick dog,” the city said, after initially claiming in a separate post that the officer feared it had rabies. It added that it would send its officers to animal control facility for training and education.
The woman identifying herself as the homeowner who called for help said that she repeatedly told dispatch that the dog did not appear to be aggressive or a threat. If anyone’s a threat, it’s the gun-toting officer, she said. “The officer should not be allowed to be an officer. He struggles with power”.
In a letter to the city’s mayor, she demanded that the officer be relieved of his duty. “I cannot stress enough that this animal was in no way a threat to others!” she stated in the letter. “I was concerned the animal would be hit or wander off without locating its owner.” The woman, who said she’s had to comfort her 17-year-old daughter who witnessed Teddy’s shooting from a kitchen window, said she later got a brief call from the mayor. “The mayor called me but stated he didn’t have time to talk. Nothing more,” she said.

Flex Your Freedoms is a comedic 1st Amendment Auditor who takes many forms.

In this incarnation he is Grammaw, a sweet old lady who has fought in World War 2 and Afghanistan for our rights.

Fly Me to the Moon, originally titled In Other Words, is a song written by Bart Howard. The first recording of the song was made by Kaye Ballard.
Frank Sinatra's 1964 recording of Fly Me to the Moon became closely associated with NASA's Apollo space program. A copy of the song was played on a Sony TC-50 portable cassette player on the Apollo 10 mission which orbited the Moon, and also on Apollo 11 before the first landing on the Moon.

0:00 -- Launch Party with young tweaked-out Johnny Carson (No sound)
4:45 -- Mission Control Preparations
11:30 - 27 Minute Launch Countdown
38:30 - Launch and Flight
44:30 - Animated Flight Simulation
53:00 - Live Action Flight Orbiting Earth

This television program details the development and construction of the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM), the only vehicle of the three Apollo spacecraft modules that actually lands on the moon. Project engineer Thomas Kelly gives a tour of the LEM at Grumman Aircraft in Long Island, NY, and demonstrates the LEM Automatic Checkout System, while test pilot Robert Smyth demonstrates the lunar landing simulator via an electronic computer-controlled model of the Moon. The program is presented by MIT in association with WGBH-TV Boston, and hosted by MIT reporter John Fitch; it was produced for NASA. MIT Museum Collections.
Moon Catalog:
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon (Condensed Version) - Bart Sibrel (2001)
NASA's Proof That We Landed On The Moon
Moon Astronauts' Behavioral Analysis Breakdown Indicates Deception
DID WE GO? - Aron Ranen (2005)
Did We Land on the Moon? - (2001)
Moon Landing: The World's Greatest Hoax?
What Happened on the Moon? An Investigation Into Apollo (2000)
Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) Fabrication Photographic Analysis
Moon Lander (LEM) Fabrication Analysis
American Moon (Triumphant Apollo 11 News Conference) Part 5/5
American Moon (2017)
Was It Only A Paper Moon? - James M. Collier (1997)
Dark Side Of The Moon - William Karel (2002)

Oilton OK - The Oilton PD released video of a police officer attempting to arrest a homeowner after a scuffle. OPD said Sergeant Beers received a phone call that several people who worked for OG&E were soliciting solar panels in city limits. Beers was told that it was one female and two males driving a car with Michigan plates. Beers found the female and told her they couldn’t solicit without a permit. The female said she was with two other males that were driving around and gave Beers a description of the vehicle that matched the one Beers was originally told about.
A short time later, Beers found the vehicle and the two males parked in a driveway of a home. Beers got of out his patrol vehicle to investigate and talk to the two males. While Beers was speaking to the males while they were sitting in their car, the homeowner started “obstructing” Beer’s investigation. The video shows Beers asking the homeowner to step back several times, as well as the homeowner showing aggression and threatening Beers. Beers asked neighbors across the street to help with calming the homeowner to deescalate the situation before the homeowner was taken into custody, but they refused.
The homeowner made more threats towards Beers. Beers also asked the homeowner to keep his hands out of his pockets, but the homeowner didn’t comply. Beers tried to arrest the homeowner for obstruction and threatening acts of violence, and which point the homeowner resisted and made more threats against Beers. The homeowner was asked to turn around and put his hands behind his back, but he refused. Beers let the homeowner know it was a lawful order, but the homeowner still refused. Because the homeowner was threatening Beers and approaching him, Beers was “forced for his own safety and the possible safety of the public to physically take the homeowner into custody.”
The homeowner continued resisting, trying to hit Beers with a fist and eventually kicking him. The homeowner was eventually restrained from harming Beers, at which point Beers believed the homeowner may have been having a medical emergency. Beers gave medical aid and called for EMS. The video shows Beers trying to console the homeowner and giving him his medication. The homeowner was later loaded onto a medical bed and “can be seen staring and growling at Sgt Beers.”
“It is unfortunate that these events had to take place but it is the opinion of this department that Sgt Beers acted accordingly based on training and officer safety as a Full Time State of Oklahoma CLEET Certified Police Officer,” OPD said.
“The report’s been turned over to the DA’s office and OSBI has been contacted as well for them to follow up on this for better clarification and to make sure everything’s done fairly for both sides,” Stout said.

In related news: A protective order was filed against the Oilton Police Chief Carl Stout. The PO was filed by Chief Carl Stout's wife. The couple filed POs against each other in January of 2021, and a couple years later, she filed two others in 2023, which were dismissed. Stout has now filed for divorce.
The current protective order does not allow Stout to carry a firearm until the next hearing on May 14. There will be a interim chief until the a decision is made by the city council.
This is months after the entire department was at risk after the former police chief, Larry Harriss, was fired in November. Stout, who had been the prior police chief, was then rehired into the position.
According to the department, there are only two full time officers, and a reserve officer will act as chief in the meantime.

Pacifica CA - Police fatally shot a woman who shot her son during a confrontation. "It is always tragic when law enforcement intervenes with deadly force, regardless of the circumstances. It impacts the family involved in the incident, our community, and the members of our police department," Chief Maria Sarasua said. "As police chief, I am committed to ensuring that all involved are treated with care and compassion while ensuring a full and thorough investigation into what occurred."
The woman killed has been identified as 50-year-old Michelle Arrais. Police said Arrais shot her 23-year-old son inside their apartment. The victim told authorities that he was awakened by the sound of gunshots in the apartment. His mother then opened his bedroom door and shot him twice.
After police arrived at the scene, two officers saw Arrais driving away from the apartment complex. Video from the officers' cameras shows the woman pointing a handgun at them as she attempted to leave in her SUV. The officers opened fire.
After the shooting, officers recovered a loaded 9mm semiautomatic handgun from the woman. Four boxes of ammunition were also recovered from her purse, which was found on the passenger seat. Despite efforts from paramedics, Arrais died at the scene.
The officers who shot Arrais have been identified as Corporal Hayden Fry and Officer Kevin Contreras. Fry has been with the Pacifica Police Department for eight years, while Contreras was hired by the department last year with six years of prior law enforcement experience.
The son was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. During a search of the apartment, police said they also found the family's dog dead from gunshot wounds. Investigators believe that Arrais killed the dog before shooting her son.
The San Mateo County District Attorney's Office is investigating if the shooting was in compliance with state law. Meanwhile, Pacifica Police are conducting an internal investigation to determine if procedures were followed, along with a criminal investigation into the initial incident.

Salt Lake City UT - Videos show officers confronting 36-year-old Cameron Ammon Cloward. A convenience store employee called 911 earlier reporting that Cloward tried to stab him. “There’s a guy over here with a knife trying to stab me from the window,” the caller said, according to 911 call audio. He explained the man had told him he wanted cigarettes. The caller locked the store’s door and waited for police to arrive, saying the man — later identified as Cloward — was outside looking at him. Police arrived to find Cloward in the parking lot, holding a pocketknife. Officers approach the man as he walked toward a sidewalk away from the convenience store. He appeared to hold the pocketknife beneath his chin as he entered an adjacent building’s parking lot.
Officers commanded Cloward to get on the ground and put the knife down, but he didn’t listen. “Please don’t make us do this,” one officer said before calling for a colleague to get a “less-lethal shotgun.” Another officer yelled, “We will shoot you if you come close. We will f------ shoot you.” Cloward can be heard saying, “I don’t care.”
Seconds passed before Cloward began walking back toward the convenience store. He then pivoted to one of the officers, and took about four steps forward before police gunfire rang out and Cloward tumbled to the ground. Officers continued firing after he fell, the body camera footage shows. Cloward died at the scene.
It’s unclear how many shots total the officers fired, although the footage released appears to pick up more than a dozen rounds. In a news release, Salt Lake City police said news organizations and community members “should refrain from attempting to estimate the number of shots fired using sound references.” They said outside investigators would determine the total number of shots and may release that information later. “No further information on this case is being released,” the release state.
In a written statement, Salt Lake City police Chief Mike Brown said “any loss of life is tragic” and that using deadly force is “traumatic” for officers. “This situation unfolded very quickly and involved safety risks to our community and officers. Our officers are trained to perceive, interpret, and respond to a person’s actions. The body-worn camera footage released today shows our officers urging, and ordering, Mr. Cloward to put down his knife and to stop walking toward them,” Brown said. “Maintaining the safety of our community can be full of risk and unpredictability.”

Seattle WA - Rickesha Overton, 33, is facing murder and assault charges after police say she shot and killed 20-year-old Alisia DeCoteau and was charged with first-degree murder and second-degree assault. Her bail was set at $5 million.
Police officers responded to a report of a shooting inside a building. Arriving officers found the victim with a gunshot wound in an alley behind The Crocodile music venue. Officers attempted life-saving efforts, but she died at the scene.
Police learned there was an argument between the suspect and victim inside an apartment complex. Investigators obtained video and audio that showed Overton following the victim with a handgun down a flight of stairs inside the apartment building, all while an argument took place. Overton led the victim through an external door to the alley and went back inside, making it halfway up the stairs before turning around again. Overton opened the external door where the victim was still on the ground and shot her three times.
Overton was found by police running while holding a black handgun. Overton reportedly told officers, "She came into my apartment, it was self-defense, I had to shoot her," the documents said.

The 45rpm single was issued on Philips 40211 - Silence Is Golden (Bob Crewe-Bob Gaudio) by The Four Seasons.
First appearing on their LP “Born To Wander” early in 1964, the track later that year made it into a million homes as the flip side of the Four Seasons’ #1 best-seller “Rag Doll.”
The song itself didn’t make an appearance on the US record charts until the 1967 release by The Tremeloes, which peaked at #11 on Billboard that summer.

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Full Metal Jacket is a war drama film directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick. The story follows a platoon of US Marines through their boot camp training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, SC. The first half of the film focuses primarily on privates J.T. Davis and Leonard Lawrence, who struggle under their abusive drill instructor, Gunnery Sgt. Hartman. The second half portrays the experiences of Joker and other Marines in the Vietnamese cities of Da Nang and Huế during the Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War. The film's title refers to the full metal jacket bullet used by military servicemen.

Albuquerque NM - Police have released surveillance video that shows Chief Harold Medina running a red light and hitting another driver. Medina says he and his wife were in the truck, trying to escape gunfire. The crash victim is still in the hospital and the alleged shooter hasn’t been arrested, but the chief and his wife are OK.
The surveillance video starts with the usual morning traffic. One man walks into the frame while another man crosses Central. Within about 30 seconds, they meet on the corner. Within another 30 seconds, you can see the two men start fighting.
Medina released a recorded statement about the incident. His wife was in his truck at the time and they were on the way to a weekend news conference. “My wife stated, gun, gun, I looked up and I could hear that a shot had been fired,” Medina said. “And I saw an individual that was holding a firearm, pointing it at another individual who was directly in line with my wife. I made the decision that if I were to get down, I had two civilians in front of me. And that was the best thing I could do was get my wife out of the way and regroup and see what the best response would be at that point in time.” The video shows the chief running the red light. “I looked to my left, and the intersection was cleared,” Medina said in his video statement.
However, the surveillance video shows he cut in front of another car before accelerating through the intersection. “And I thought that the car was going to pass before I got there, and it did not, and unfortunately, I struck a vehicle,” the chief said. “I feel confident that during the course of the investigation that will show everything that it needs to show,” Medina said. “But once again, it just goes to show how quickly things can escalate. And what I got to see firsthand what our officers go through each and every day.”
Medina said he submitted a drug and breathalyzer test on the scene. He also asked for an Internal Affairs investigation because his body camera wasn’t on at the beginning of the incident.

Per Original Poster: "While driving back from work, my brother and I were violated at the Hwy 16 border patrol checkpoint outside of Hebbronville TX. My brother answered their questions, but when I invoked my 5th and 6th amendment rights, they pulled us from the vehicle, put us in handcuffs and detained us for over 40 minutes."
Welcome to clown world USSA.

An upstate NY District Attorney is under investigation after police bodycam video showed her getting into a heated confrontation with an officer who had stopped her for speeding, calling him an “a--hole" and demanding “leave me alone.” Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley apologized after NY Gov. Kathy Hochul referred the incident to the State Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct.
"What I did was wrong — no excuses," Doorley said in her apology. "I take full responsibility for my actions.”
The video showed that the exchange started when an officer pulled up to Doorley's garage, where she had just parked. Officer Cameron Crisafulli, asked Doorley why she didn't pull over when he had his lights and sirens on. She admitted she was going 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. She said she didn't think he was trying to pull her over, claiming there were other people on the road. “I was right behind you,” the officer replied.
Doorley did not cooperate with demands to stay in front of the garage. Instead she walked around her garage, at one point trying to go inside her home. “Ma’am, do not go inside,” Crisafulli said. “Ma’am, come outside. You can’t just go inside, this is a traffic stop.” “I understand the law better than you. Get out of my f------ house,” she retorted. Doorley appeared agitated and boasted multiple times, “I am the DA of Monroe County,” and repeatedly said “leave me alone.” When told she had violated speeding laws, she said, “I don’t really care.”
Doorley said she was calling Webster Police Chief Dennis Kohlmeier and she put Crisafulli on the line. Crisafulli then called a supervisor to the scene. “I just don’t understand the hostility towards me. I'm just doing my job,” Crisafulli said. She quipped back: “You're being an a--hole. I am the DA of Monroe County. If you give me traffic ticket that’s fine. I'm the one that prosecutes it. Go ahead,” she said at one point. “I'm having a really bad day," she said. "I've been dealing with murders all over the city.”
A supervisor ultimately came to the home and spoke with Doorley, and Crisafulli ended up writing her a ticket for speeding. When he presented it to her, she simply nodded and said, “I apologize.” “I'm sorry you had a bad day, and I'm sorry it went this way. I do respect what you do. Have a good day,” the officer replied.
Hochul, in her statement, said Doorley's behavior was "in contravention of her responsibility as a District Attorney and undermined her ability to hold others accountable for violating the law." Doorley issued an apology video, saying: “Last Monday I failed you and the standards that I hold myself to. And for that I am so sorry." She added, "I fell short of the values I’ve held for my entire 33-year career. I didn’t treat this officer with the respect that he deserved. All police officers deserve respect."
She said that she had come home from work that day and dealt with three homicides that had occurred the weekend before. "I was still reeling from a frightening medical concern that my husband received that afternoon," she explained. "But we all have bad days and stress, and it was wrong on me to take it out on an officer who was simply doing his job. While I had previously apologized to him, I will say it again, I’m sorry."
She said she pleaded guilty to the speeding ticket and will pay the fine, and is referring the matter to a different district attorney's office for review. She said she'd also self-report the case to the grievance committee. "If one of my assistant district attorneys had acted this way, I would have disciplined them, so I’m disciplining myself. I will take ethics training to remind myself that professionalism matters," she said. "I’ve been humbled by my own stupidity and I am fully to blame. I will make this right — I ask for your forgiveness."

A man was fatally shot by Long Beach police because he was allegedly brandishing a firearm. Officers were called to MacArthur Park after receiving reports that someone there was possibly in possession of a gun. Officers arrived and found a man that fit the description, and upon contact saw that he did allegedly have a gun.
They say that the man was brandishing a firearm and failed to comply with their demands to drop the weapon, which led them to open fire. The suspect was taken to a nearby hospital by Long Beach Fire Department paramedics, where he later died. He was identified as 46-year-old LA man Donald Washington by the Los Angeles Department of Medical Examiner.
No one else was injured in the incident. Officers recovered a gun from the scene.

SWLABR is a song recorded by the British rock band Cream. It first appeared on the album Disraeli Gears.
Later the song was the B-side to Cream's "Sunshine of Your Love" single.

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A cinematic portrait of the life and career of the infamous American execution device designer and holocaust denier. This documentary is about Fred Leuchter, an engineer who became an expert on execution devices and was later hired by revisionist historian Ernst Zundel to "prove" that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. Leuchter published a controversial report confirming Zundel's position, which ultimately ruined his own career. Most of the footage is of Leuchter, puttering around execution facilities or chipping away at the walls of Auschwitz, but Morris also interviews various historians, associates, and neighbors.

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"You could strip and make more money"


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