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What Freedom would you experience from living a better lifestyle?

As you have become more aware of the evil in this world, have you become more hopeless or hopeful?

Exercise has been shown to protect against heart disease by reducing stress!

Our freedom came at a cost. Let’s remember the heroes that gave their lives for our freedom and let’s not give that freedom away.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate hero that gave His life that we can truly be free!

Our world needs us to get out of our comfort zones!

Today’s choices determine tomorrow’s health!
Make today count!

Stand tall! Do not bow down. Do not comply!
Tell your legislators to shut down the WHO Pandemic (tyranny) Treaty

Careful, according to YouTube, this is medical misinformation.
Be sure to share with those you care about.

What hard thing do you schedule to make you train?

95% still trust their doctors?
87% of democrats surveyed trust the CDC compared to 49% of republicans surveyed.
What does it take to lose a person’s trust?

More evidence showing vitamin D combats cancer

Motive- an emotion, desire, physiological need, or similar impulse that acts as an incitement to action.
Are you living in pro-action or re-action?

Exodus 15:26
Revelation 18:23

From September 24, 2020. 14k views on youtube.
Hidden data released by CDC reveals hundreds of thousands of adverse vaccine events - including neuropsychiatric reactions (psychosis, suicidality, anxiety, depression, etc.).

Psalm 27:13, 14
Romans 15:13

“So if the Son (Jesus) sets you free, your are truly free!” John8:36

Wellness: the process of learning about and engaging in behaviors that are likely to result in optimal health.

What is freedom?
What types of freedom are there?
Do you feel free?

What is wellness?

We behave according to our identity. Do we need to evict that person in our brain?

You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

110 videos

Category Health & Medical

Integrated Life Coaching uniquely bridges the gap between faith and physical and emotional well-being by empowering you to harness your faith and create new powerful patterns of thinking and living that align with God's design for health and abundance!