Larry Johnson's Sonar21

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Larry Johnson's Sonar21

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The White Nights of June

My report on the amazing experience in St. Petersburg.

Unlike many Western politicians, Russian diplomats say what they mean. They are not ones to make idle, empty threats. Joe Biden and the NATO lackeys better pay attention to recent statements by two of Russia's leading diplomats.

Scott boarded a flight at JFK today in preparation to attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, where he was scheduled to speak. The Forum attracts 25,000 attendees. US authorities illegally seized his passport and forced him off the plane. Outrageous.

CIA needs to hire an elocution coach for the Cocaine Cowboy.

Using data provided Israel's Foreign Ministry, I exam whether it is accurate to label Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Why is Antony Blinken in Kiev and other questions.

My chat today with Mike Farris on his podcast, Coffee with a Mike.

Mike Farris interviews me on latest developments in Ukraine and Palestine/Israel Conflct

The full session of the UN Security Council re the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipeline in September 2022. Titled Threats to International Peace and Security

My attempt to explain why a successful investigation is feasible.

Was the attack a success or failure? Scott Bennett and I discuss the political and military dynamics.

Discussing the salient issues about Iran's Sunday Strikes on Israel.


Created 5 months, 2 weeks ago.

153 videos

Category News & Politics