Mojo Libido - The Unchained Man

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Mojo Libido - The Unchained Man



A Special Edition of Chute The 5. The follow up to Communicating With Women When You're MGTOW Part 02.

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This video was first published on YouTube on June 19, 2019

Here's a story, of a man on Tinder. Who was dating all these hot and sexy hoes. He gave me great tips, and also insights, on
nights he never slept alone.


Communicating with Women Part 02 - The Map Is Not The Territory.

Beliefs are the maps we use to navigate the terrain of reality as best as possible. However, a woman's map of the world (what she believes) is never a true reflection of the territory (reality) of the world we live in. Actually, that's true for everyone.

Women are always trying to get men to walk down their map because they are masters at pulling men into their worldview (frame) for their own personal gain. As a MGTOW man, you have to learn how to plow through her map and tear it apart before she gets a chance to walk you around it herself.

Enjoy the video.

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Since YouTube wants to be a dick about me uploading videos, this one-off is an exclusive to Bitchute.

Jeffrey Epstein is dead and one demon is now firmly residing with his friends in hell...I assume. Ruled as a "suicide" during an actual FEDERAL SUICIDE WATCH, of course the details surrounding Epstein's death are sketchy, inconsistent, in-congruent, and raise more questions than answers. One thing is sure, this man was NOT going to be released on bail and was set to testify on trial in the very near future. This made the target on his back from his politically powerful and rich "friends" much bigger. Conspiracy theories abound for now until all of the evidence is gathered and the info released to the public.

This is a late video upload. I had the audio done early afternoon, yesterday, but was pulled away on family duties and unable to publish the video until now. Enjoy!

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YouTube banned this video for hate speech. Clearly they don't know what hate speech is.

Anyway, this Chute The 5 talks about how women complain about the lack of good men, but don't seem to realize that single mothers are raising these men.

...Fuck YouTube

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Modern Feminism (and progressive liberalism) exposes a few annoying female traits - Toxic Femininity, Female Empowerment, and Victimhood. The combination of which equals nothing but extremely petty women.

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This video was first published June 22, 2019 on Youtube
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#BacterialVaginosis #BV #STD #WomenOnly
In this video, Mojo Libido discusses BV or what's clinically known as Bacterial Vaginosis. An STD develops in, only affects, and is spread amongst women. BV is caused by women having mulitple sexual partners and excessive usage of Douche. Listen to how DISGUSTING this STD is!

If you're MGTOW, STAY THE COURSE! Seriously guys, especially you Alphas...consider Abstinence!

Please enjoy this video. Subscribe to the channel as I have more content on the way. Remember to Like, Comment, and Share this video.

All images and video not created or owned by me are copyright of their respective owners and are presented in this work as part of the Fair Use statute of the US Copyright Law.

This channel is not monetized but I will have the option to support my works soon. For now check out and support these other YouTube channels and creators of great MGTOW content:

The Friend Zone Hoodeeni -

Coach Greg Adams -

Turd Flinging Monkey -

Undead Chronic -

Misandry Today -

Eman67 -

Donovan Sharpe -

Intro/Outro Music - "Salad" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2018 by Uber Arsenal

Background Music - "Feb 26" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2019 by Uber Arsenal

Subscribe to my Bitchute Channel to see more Chute The 5 videos, including ones too freedom of speechy for the Tube!

This is a special edition of Chute The 5 and also a follow up to my video about having NO MORE INTENTIONS towards women.

I go over two techniques on how to remove intentions if you can't do it easily. However, there are plenty more.

I hope this helps at least 1 man on the planet.

Chappelle Show Skit:

In this 1st of a 2 part video series, I discuss the importance of intent when talking to women and what happens when you remove intent from your words when you talk to women.

I uploaded this video yesterday on YouTube, and they flagged/removed it for hate speech. Which probably came from the description more than the actual video itself.

Today's Chute The 5 is inspired by several Pro LGTBQRSTUVWXYZ sites and blog posts that claim heterosexual men who don't want to date Trans-women are either discriminating against them or secretly desire trans-women but won't date them...possibly out of fear of being labeled homosexual or bi-sexual. The truth is, heterosexual men are NOT INTERESTED IN DATING TRANS-WOMEN!! Just like we are not interested in dating strong, independent, feminist type women. The bottom line is we straight males love and desire straight women who were born women with two XX Chromosomes, regardless . Get over yourselves Trans-women.

Subscribe to my Bitchute Channel To see more Chute The 5 clips.

Today's Chute The 5 is inspired by the Bagel Boss incident with Chris Morgan. This man is definitely not MGTOW because if he was, he wouldn't have cared how those girls talked about him. It would have been best for him to speak to management or go to corporate to complain about their complete lack of professionalism.

When you are when you FULLY EMBRACE THE MGTOW become armed with a mentality that's like a Shield which you can use to combat any type of shaming tactics people throw at you due to your views and lifestyle.

Say these words with me: SO WHAT? I DON'T CARE!

Use your MGTOW Shield men! You don't need anyone's validation when it comes to your life!

Bagel Boss, Chris Morgan, Short men, Shaming, MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way, Red Pill, Dating Sites, Online Dating, The Shield Of MGTOW, Marvel, Captain America's Shield, The Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes, MGTOW memes,

I wasn't going to but after watching the clip, I just had to. Lol

Yeah I'm chasing clout and what?? Subscribe if you want!

Update: so after looking more into the Disney Fight, I've learned that all members who were initially involved in the fight are, in fact, members of the same family and that this fight at Disney was a family dispute gone insanely violent. What blows my mind is that ALL OF THEM ARE CLAIMING IT DIDN'T HAPPEN AND THAT THERE WAS NO FIGHT!! Even with all of the witnesses, people intervening, and the cameras, these folks still claim that there was no fighting at all. So no one is pressing charges against another. Smh.

What do you think of this development and how do you feel that Disney and the law should handle the situation??

Leave your thoughts in the comments!

The Force is strong with this one. When it comes to female nature, we know of the two extremes - The Light Side = Hypergamy (Jedi)...the nature of a woman intended for the good of herself by mating and marrying a man of high value and status. The Dark Side = Feminism (Sith)...the nature of a woman exposing her dangerous, evil intentions towards the fall and destruction of man, family, and society under a perceived Patriarchal system. Both are crafty, sneaky, and powerful. So which one are you dealing with?

Yo...don't perv out on my shit....seriously, don't. Go to HER Instagram and do that.

...Do you boys like your girls so dirty to the point they're disgusting? Well, I know that there are at least 500 boys that do.

SN: Those comments in the thumbnail are real! Lol

For all you educated, independent, women with that looming student debt still over their heads. Responsible adult females who have paid off their student debt need not apply.

Bitches walking around with the sad face or mean mugging. Little hoes probably need some D or the D they recently got was they need to P....
...whatever...smiling is good for you bitch. Try it, you might like it.

This video was first published to YouTube on April 20, 2019

In part one of this series, I reflect on my past and recent interactions with my sons at different ages in relation to life and the opposite sex.

I also briefly discuss my own internal views and philosophies, and the importance of fathers teaching their children how to think, feel, and act on their own even if that father has been removed, or has removed himself, from his family. So long as a father plays an active role in his children's lives, there will always be a chance to drop seeds of Red Pill knowledge on them which I believe forms the basis of rational thought and critical thinking in children.

All photos are stock images from and

Music by UBERARSENAL (Uber Beats)

Video stock footage from

This video was first published to YouTube on June 19, 2019

Cuba Gooding Jr. faces another sexual assault accusation not even a week after being accused of groping the breast of a woman in a nightclub. This time, the allegation comes from a comedian named Claudia Oshry who claims that, in 2012, the actor inappropriately stuck his finger up her butt while she was sitting a table in a club when she was 16! Supposedly, Claudia was a senior in high school and was with friends when it happened. Gooding denies the incident ever happened and claims that he neither knows, nor has met, Claudia.

It must be noted that Claudia NEVER REPORTED THE INCIDENT TO AUTHORITIES AT THE TIME! She claims to have kept it bottled up inside for at least 5yrs before using the alleged incident as material for her comedy act as well as publicly talking about it on entertainment talk shows for the past two years.

So are we to believe that none of her friends who were there knew what happened, nor did anyone try to convince her to go to, or take her to, the police to file a report? Now that the actor is facing other allegations of sexual assault, Claudia decides to come out in the open about it? Smh....

Please enjoy this video. Subscribe to the channel as I have more content on the way. Remember to Like, Comment, and Share this video.

All images and video not created or owned by me are copyright of their respective owners and are presented in this work as part of the Fair Use statute of the US Copyright Law.

This video was first published to YouTube on May 14, 2019

More proof that all women are like that, Ayesha Curry makes a statement that could have, and should have been said to her husband Steph Curry in private. Yet she chose to make the statement in public during a roundtable discussion for the whole world to know. Now Steph has come out publicly in support of his wife's statements.

In this video I discuss what I thought about the episode and how I felt about Ayesha Curry NOT being respectful of her marriage and husband to at least make the effort to open up to him about her feelings privately.

There are no such things as NAWALTS...Unicorns don't exist.

Leave your thoughts and views. Please Subscribe and like this video.

Intro/Outro Music - "Salad"
by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats
(c) Copyright 2018 by Uber Arsenal

Background Music - "Feb 26"
by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats
(c) Copyright 2019 by Uber Arsenal

#MaleAttention #MaleValidation #ThereAreNoNawalts #AllWomenAreLikeThat #Feminism #Hypergamy #Marriage #Relationships #Dating #MGTOW #RedPill #Chad #Tyrone #Wang #Jose #Girls

This video was first published to YouTube on April 12, 2019

Stop me if you heard this one:

A thot get shut down on Instagram and blames everyone else but herself...

Then she makes a video crying about not wanting to be a homeless prostitute because she's worthless and brings nothing to the table. A video which goes more viral than her actual instagram account ever did.

Welcome to the internet people. Smh...

#Instathot #Instagram #MGTOW

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All images and video not created or owned by me are copyright of their respective owners and are presented in this work as part of the Fair Use statute of the US Copyright Law.

This channel is not monetized but I will have the option to support my works soon.

Intro/Outro Music - "Salad" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2018 by Uber Arsenal

Background Music - "Feb 26" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2019 by Uber Arsenal

This Video was published to YouTube on May 20, 2019

If you actually search the term Sex Strike, you'll see this has been tried, and failed, dozens of times over the past decade or so. This proves how unoriginal Alyssa Milano's activism endeavors are.

She stole the #MeToo movement and made it her own and now this. Alyssa...just stop. Go home, screw your husband, then make him a sandwich and give him a beer.

Abortion sucks these days because wahmen and feminists have skewed the whole purpose of getting an abortion from rape pregnancies, incest, and serious health complications during pregnancy to getting an abortion simply because wahmen DON'T WANT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR UNPROTECTED, PROMISCUOUS, SEXUAL BEHAVIORS!

Wahmen know that unprotected sex, or just sex without birth control, leads to pregnancy. To me, abortion these days comes as a complete cop out to a wahmen's slutty nature and her poor mating choices. Since 1973 over 58 MILLION BABIES HAVE BEEN ABORTED IN THE UNITED STATES ALONE! And only 1.5% of all abortions have anything to do with rape/incest/or health reasons! Black wahmen, alone, have aborted over 18 MILLION black lives! Some of these females have the nerve to scream Black Lives Matter. Fucking Hypocrites!

I decided to do my own take on things and address Alyssa's reasoning behind this, how it WILL BACKFIRE ON HER, and why wahmen opting out of sex is actually a win for people and lawmakers who want to see an end to this soul killing, Satanic, Sadistic practice disguised as a wahmen's reproductive rights and health issue.

Thank you for watching this video. Please like, comment, subscribe, and share this video.

All images and video not created or owned by me are copyright of their respective owners and are presented in this work as part of the Fair Use statute of the US Copyright Law.

This channel is not monetized but I will have the option to support my works soon.

Intro/Outro Music - "Salad" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2018 by Uber Arsenal

Background Music - "Feb 26" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2019 by Uber Arsenal


Whenever I have these silly little fantasies about the women I find attractive, my Red Pill knowledge kicks in and I get back on track.
But why does this happen? Listen and find out!

How bout that meme at the end of the video?? LOL #EPIC

Please enjoy this video. Subscribe to the channel as I have more content on the way. Remember to Like, Comment, and Share this video.

All images and video not created or owned by me are copyright of their respective owners and are presented in this work as part of the Fair Use statute of the US Copyright Law.

This channel is not monetized but I will have the option to support my works soon.

Intro/Outro Music - "Salad" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2018 by Uber Arsenal

Background Music - "Feb 26" by: Uber Arsenal for Uber Beats (c) Copyright 2019 by Uber Arsenal


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

22 videos

Category Vlogging

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Discussing all things surrounding the Red Pill and MGTOW, with an emphasis on providing unique content focused on educating men on communication, self improvement, possible life hacks, and more.

If you're one of the Men Going Their Own Way....STAY THE COURSE!!!

-Mojo Libido