My Garden

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My Garden



This one isn't about teaching programming so much as just showing what writing a practical script is like. So I don't go into depth about most of the functions I use, but talk mostly about the process. I hope to follow up with scripts that go into more detail on the programming itself.

How to make a (sort of) frittata with all homegrown ingredients. This one includes zucchini, bacon, potato, tomato, garlic, and sage.

[Side note: I intend to get back to my C128 programming videos soon, but I can't say exactly when. My work situation changed at the beginning of the year -- for the better, but also temporarily much busier -- and then the pandemic threw an extra kink into things. But it will be back.]

This is my first garden video for 2020, taken April 15th. Not much happening yet, but I thought I'd record a starting point for the year. Early potatoes are planted, and garlic planted and strawberries transplanted last fall are looking good. Some spinach, kale, and carrots survived through the winter, so I'm letting them go to seed to be saved.

I would have liked to have more early crops like peas and radishes planted by now, but the weather hasn't cooperated, so a lot will have to go in the ground over the next couple weeks.

A harder frost killed the rest of the warm-weather crops, so only the winter crops remain, but they're doing well. Hoping to get a chance to transplant more strawberries before the ground freezes. If not, those will have to wait until spring. I'll be back with at least one more video for this year, to wrap things up and do some planning for next year.

We got a light frost a few days after I hoped we wouldn't in my last video. It was borderline, though, so it killed some things and not others. I harvested as much as I could the day before the frost, so I spliced a video about that into the center of this one. If the next frost holds off for a week or two, there should still be more beans coming along from the plants that survived. All the fall crops--lettuce, peas, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, etc.--look great, some of the best I've had.

Winter is coming up fast all of a sudden. A couple days ago it was 90 degrees, now it's dipping down into the 40s at night. There are a lot of green tomatoes and beans on the vine, so hopefully the frost will hold off for a couple more weeks so they can ripen. The squash are done, so they just need to sit in the sun another week to cure before they go into storage. Lots of harvesting and preserving to do in the next few weeks, and then time to plan for next year.

Trying to keep up with the green beans and tomatoes, canning most of them. The watermelons seem to have a fungus called anthracnose, so I'm just hoping they produce some ripe melons before they die. Watermelons don't ripen off the vine like tomatoes and some other fruits do, so there's no picking them early. The butternut squash look great, some of the biggest I've ever gotten. The dry beans will need picking soon, so we could use a few dry days to get that done, but unfortunately it looks like rain.

We're in full-on harvest season now. The cover photo is all the stuff I picked in one day, not counting a pound of radishes I pulled and cleaned earlier that morning. Some of the tomatoes have gone to make ketchup. Thirteen pounds of tomatoes cooks down to three quarts, so that uses them up fast. Several quarts of green beans are put away in dry salt or brine, some traditional preservation methods I'm trying out. Some of the late green beans that I said in this video would be ready soon...well, they're ready. I looked under the leaves the next day and there were loads of them to pick. I think it's time to make up a sign and find a way to sell some.

Cooler weather and regular rain lately have things looking great. Late plantings of peas, kale, lettuce, carrots, and spinach are up and looking good. Harvesting a couple pounds of green beans a day, along with tomatoes, Swiss chard, and sweet corn. Gonna have to start preserving beans and tomatoes, or take some in to the farmer's market.

I think these chicks are about a month old, maybe a bit more. They're the first ones I've had a hen hatch out successfully. She got pretty adamant about sitting on a batch of eggs, so I figured the summer was a good time to let her try. Usually, they lose interest in them before the 21 days passes, so they wander off and I end up throwing away a bunch of eggs. This time she stayed long enough to hatch three out of about twenty. I put a chick waterer in the henhouse and tossed some feed on the floor, but basically she took care of them. It was kind of cool watching her break feed pellets up so they could eat them. This was just their second day coming outside, but now they're on the move all the time. Fortunately the cats seem to have no interest in them. Animals are funny that way; if something is born on the farm, they seem to understand that it belongs, while if you brought chicks home from the store, they'd be all over them if you let them.

The rain I was hoping for in this one came that night, a full inch, so that will help the dry conditions shown here. We're moving into mostly harvesting season, as the last of the fall planting is done and the weeds are pretty well under control. The first potato patch produced a little over 20 pounds, which isn't very good considering I planted 8 pounds of seed, but at least it gained some. I learned some things about that under-straw method to apply next year. Currently harvesting potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, Swiss chard, peppers, and very soon sweet corn.

Things are perking up after a half-inch of rain. Had to fence the chickens out of the patch with the tomatoes, cabbages, and broccoli, because I think they were starting to snack on them too much. Not harvesting much right now, but tomatoes and green beans will be coming on strong soon.

This is one I did a while ago and forgot to upload. It shows how to potentially speed up bulk read/write operations by relocating zero page and/or the stack, so that faster instructions can do the same job. The C128 has ability thanks to the MMU.

You can find related resources and a link to the code repository for the series here:

If you would like to contribute to support these videos, please see my Patreon at . Thank you!

Finally got some rain, the night before this recording. I had to break out the soaker hose a few days before this, as plants were starting to suffer. Things are growing pretty well now, and over the next couple weeks it'll be time to start harvesting potatoes, green beans, and tomatoes. I'll also be planting late garden: radishes, turnips, carrots, cabbage, beets, and whatever else is sure to finish in less than two and a half months or can take some frost.

We've gone from rainy season to desert season. Things are drying out fast, so I've had to start watering. It looks like that will continue for the next few days, especially new plants I set out a couple days ago when rain was in the forecast and didn't happen. Not harvesting much right now: a few peas, and some green beans are just about ready. Turnips, potatoes, and tomatoes shouldn't be far off.

The flower in the thumbnail, that I keep saying I don't know what it is, seems to be some kind of tiger lily, though it doesn't have the spots most of them have.

Rain continues to be the story of this year's garden. There was water standing in spots when I shot this, and it's pouring again now as I upload it a couple days later. Things are still growing, though. Someday the rain will stop for a while, and it'll be time to do a whole lot of weeding and start setting out warm-weather plants like squash and sweet potatoes and planting late garden.

I talk a bit about how if/then/else decision-making translates from high-level languages to assembly, what is different about it and the usual instructions involved, with a small example.

One of the drive wheels on my self-propelled Lawnboy mower wore out. A new wheel comes as a unit with the gear pressed into it and costs about $40-50, so I thought I'd try making one myself. It's made of circles of scrap plywood, cut with a sabre saw, and three 3-1/2" 1/4" bolts with flat washers, lock washers, and nuts. Total cost $2.07. It seems to work pretty well, so I'm hoping as long as I keep the mower stored in the garage out of the weather, it'll last a while.

Sorry about the poor audio at the beginning. It does get better.

It's been a rainy spring, with some plants growing slowly and others never showing up at all, so I've been replanting some things. A couple very hard rains packed down the soil after plantings, which can make it hard for seedlings to break through the surface. There are plenty of plants growing inside to be moved out later this month, though, so there won't be any problem filling up the plots. Been eating lots of asparagus and strawberries.

Got about half the garden space planted before the latest big rain. Some of the early stuff seems to have drowned or failed to germinate because it was still too cold, especially the sweet corn, so that will have to be replanted. But the early potatoes are doing well, and there should be more early crops up soon. Harvested almost 8 pounds of asparagus so far and a few radishes.

Added a routine to create a dialog box for talking to neighbors in the game.

Added a routine to copy 64-byte blocks from bank 1 to bank 0, so we can take full advantage of the second bank of RAM for file space. Also bug hunting, as a previously tested routine turned out to be clobbering a location unexpectedly.

You can find related resources and a link to the code repository for the series here:

If you would like to contribute to support these videos, please see my Patreon at . Thank you!

This is a montage of several short videos taken from late March to April as I get started on the garden for this year. Includes a very quick explanation of how to make bean tepees, so if you want more details on that, please ask in the comments.

No programming in this one, just deciding on the graphics system for the Farm game. Along the way I explained the different text modes on the VIC-II a bit: standard, multicolor, and extended background. But in the end I decided to use the 80-column screen, so we'll get to use the routines we wrote recently for that.

Added a routine to load a file, and then started on padding the message data. I noticed when watching this that the loadfile routine doesn't get the first two bytes of the file, because the file is a PRG so it expects the first two bytes to be the load address. Have to fix that next time, and then finish up the message padding.

You can find related resources and a link to the code repository for the series here:

If you would like to contribute to support these videos, please see my Patreon at . Thank you!


Created 6 years, 9 months ago.

115 videos

Category Vlogging

Videos from my garden and related topics, showing the progress throughout the year.