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This lecture by Teacher Ray Bunzow covers a wide range of topics related to racial beliefs and sociopolitical issues. Teacher Ray frequently references and quotes from various books of the Scripture, particularly focusing on passages from Joel, Psalms, Micah, 2 Peter, Titus, Colossians, and 1 Peter.

The lecture emphasizes the importance of precise, literal interpretation of Scripture and criticizes those who adopt more allegorical or figurative interpretations. Teacher Ray strongly condemns idolatry, immorality, and the mixing of races.

A significant portion of the lecture is dedicated to discussing the historical influence of jews in promoting communism and revolutionary movements, particularly in China. Cites various sources and examples to support this claim, portraying jews as instrumental in the spread of Bolshevism and the undermining of traditional societal structures.

Throughout the lecture, Teacher Ray advocates for obedience to Scriptural principles, vigilance against deception, and resistance to societal trends that are perceived as ungodly or destructive. Also touches on themes of societal decay, the corruptive influence of power, and the importance of personal liberation through faith and adherence to divine authority.



This lecture is given by James P. Wickstrom, a teacher of YHVH. The main topics covered are:

1. Wickstrom emphasizes the importance of using the name YHVH to refer to God, as is this is the only name God will hear prayers from.

2. He discusses the right to bear arms, claiming this right comes directly from YHVH God rather than just the Second Amendment. He cites Scriptural passages where Jesus told his disciples to buy swords for self-defense.

3. He provides a detailed historical account of how the Second Amendment was drafted and ratified, arguing that it was intended to give individuals, not just militias, the right to keep and bear arms without infringement.

4. Wickstrom says the White Western European people as the true Israelites and lost sheep of Jacob, claiming this heritage gives them special rights and responsibilities, including being armed to protect themselves and their nation.

5. He accuses jews and the catholic church of being enemies working to disarm and subjugate White European Americans.

6. He calls for establishing a modern minute man force of armed citizens to defend against what he sees as an internal takeover by jew communists and their allies in the U.S. government.

7. Overall, the lecture combines a dissection of the Second Amendment's origins with racial ideology identifying White Europeans as YHVH’S chosen people who must remain armed to preserve their freedom and national sovereignty.



This sermon offers an unfiltered view on the new anti-semitism definition passed by the US Congress. Pastor Greg cites numerous claims about jews, accusing them of being evil, satanic, responsible for killing Jesus, engaging in crimes against humanity, and aiming to corrupt society through pornography and drugs. He rejects the term "antisemitism" and denies that jews have a right to self-determination or nationhood. He interprets Scriptural passages to justify this strong view.



This lecture by Teacher Ray Bunzow focuses on various religious and political topics. Here are some of the main points:

- Heavily emphasizes the importance of fearing, revering, and obeying YHVH.

- Identifies himself and his audience as the racial/ethnic descendants of the Scriptural Israelites, distinct from jews.

- Critical of the U.S. government, claiming it has been illegally subverted. Suggests disobeying laws he sees as contradicting of YHVH’S law.

- Groups like LGBTQ people, communists, and jews as threats undermining traditional White Christian America.

- Advocates tough love in the form of confrontation and resistance against those enemies, while waiting for YHVH’S judgment on them.

- Detailed analysis and numerology based on the original Hebrew words and numbering systems in the Scriptural.



This sermon by Bertrand Comparet discusses the concept of a continuing priesthood and the idea of rewards and a higher calling in Christianity beyond simply being saved. The main points are:

1. In the Old Testament, the tribe of Levi served as priests, judges, teachers, and government officials for the Israelites. This Levitical priesthood is seen as a precursor to the roles believers will have in the coming Kingdom of YHVH.

2. Just being saved or attaining eternal life is the minimum, but there are higher levels and rewards that can be earned through faith and good works. This is contrasted with the prevailing focus on personal salvation in modern churches.

3. The apostle Paul and Jesus himself spoke of striving for a higher calling and greater rewards based on diligent effort, self-discipline, and enduring tests/challenges. Mere belief is not enough for the highest rewards.

4. Believers will be judged by Christ not for salvation itself, but to determine their roles and levels of rewards in the Kingdom based on their works.

5. Pursuing the higher calling is difficult but worthwhile, likened to the refining process for making a strong sword blade. Many are called but few may be chosen for the highest rewards.



Here is a summary of the radio show:

The host, Pastor Bob Jones, discusses martial arts from his perspective as someone who has practiced martial arts for 50 years and had his own school. However, he expands the discussion to view martial arts as representing the larger war being waged by jews who he refers to as satan's children against the White race.

He presents a list of around 25 silent wars that jews are waging, including things like promoting abortion, race-mixing, pedophilia, homosexuality, phony wars, famine, drugs, alcohol, vaccines, fluoride, unhealthy foods, and more. He argues that all of these work to destroy the White race physically, mentally, and spiritually while jews remain devoted to their father satan.

Pastor Bob urges his listeners, the true Israelites and pure White race, to wake up to this war, follow the 759 laws in the Scripture, eat healthy, avoid mainstream medicine, learn martial arts and weapon skills, and be prepared to physically fight and kill to protect themselves and their families. Andre, agrees that all aspects of life, from technology to guerrilla warfare tactics, are part of the martial arts being used against white people.

The overall message is that White people are engaged in an an existential war instigated by jews as part of a satanic agenda, and must be willing to fight back spiritually, mentally and physically as commanded by scripture.



This sermon by Dr. Wesley Swift is a fiery denunciation of international jew conspiracy seeking world domination and the destruction of Christian civilization. Dr. Swift accuses international banking houses, the United Nations, and powerful business leaders of being part of an antichrist plot centered in Brussels to disarm Americans, undermine national sovereignty, and establish a one-world socialist system under their control.

Dr. Swift claims this globalist agenda involves disarming citizens, promoting racial integration, eroding patriotism and nationalism, and co-opting religious leaders to create a faithless society. He calls for impeaching the President and Supreme Court, expelling the UN from the US, and mobilizing an armed Christian resistance movement to overthrow this perceived evil conspiracy and preserve America's Christian heritage.

The sermon frames this as an apocalyptic struggle between the kingdom of God (represented by White Christian nations) and the antichrist forces of international jews and their collaborators. It paints a stark dichotomy of good versus evil and calls on Christians to take drastic action to defeat this existential threat.



This sermon by Pastor Bertrand Comparet discusses the satanic seed line and the seed line of YHVH. The main points are:

1. Pastor Comparet teaches us that satan had literal children through Eve, starting with Cain, resulting in a satanic seed line that exists alongside the seed line of YHVH descended from Adam.

2. Cites Scriptural passages like Genesis 3:15 and others to argue that the Scripture recognizes these two distinct seed lines - the children of satan and the children of YHVH.

3. He argues that certain jew groups, like the Edomites who descended from Esau, are part of the satanic seed line and are referred to as such by Jesus in the New Testament.

4.Provides his interpretation of passages like John 8:31-44 that Jesus directly identified certain jews as children of the devil.

5. Pastor Comparet links this belief in a satanic seed line represented by certain jew groups to ideas like the mark of cain being a large hooked nose seen in ancient carvings.



This lecture by Dr. James P. Wickstrom covers various topics related to interpretations of Scriptural texts, ancient calendars, and cosmic cycles. The key points are:

1. The days mentioned in the book of Genesis actually refer to vast time cycles of around 2.6 million years each, based on interpreting cycles related to the Earth's polar motion and the motions of the sun and planets.

2. Discusses the cosmic battle between YHVH and satan, where satan and his followers were cast down to Earth tens of thousands of years before the creation of Adam.

3. Talks about the Mayan calendar predicting a significant cosmic event occurring on December 21, 2012, related to the alignment of the sun with the galactic equator, which he suggests will cause a reversal of the sun's magnetic field.

4. Cites recent close approaches of asteroids to Earth as signs of disruptions to Earth's magnetic field and electromagnetic environment, leading to chaotic weather patterns worldwide.

5. Encourages listeners to prepare for upcoming upheavals and praises YHVH’S cyclical plans while condemning worldly systems of deception.



This sermon by Pastor Greg is about avoiding false idols and distractions that lead people away from following YHVH’S Commandments and Laws. The key points are:

1. People should worship only YHVH and not make idols or graven images of anything else to worship.

2. Common false idols or distractions today include technology (like obsessing over smartphones), politicians and political movements, sports teams and celebrity worship, television/media propaganda, and the pursuit of money and wealth.

3. These idols or distractions take people's focus away from studying YHVH’S word, obeying His commandments, and walking with Him daily.

4. Following YHVH’S laws and commandments leads to blessings, prosperity, harmony and greater civilization. Turning away from YHVH’S ways leads to decline.

5. Money itself is not inherently bad, but the love of money and doing evil to acquire wealth is condemned as "filthy lucre."

6. The solution is to turn back to obedience to YHVH as the path to blessings and avoiding distractions that become false idols.

The overall message calls people to avoid worldly distractions, reject false idols, and rededicate themselves to studying Scripture and keeping YHVH’S commandments.



Here is a summary of the key points from the lecture given by Teacher Ray Bunzow:

- This lecture discusses the concept of the "Father of Light" from various Scripture verses. It emphasizes that YHVH is the single Father of Light, not a trinity.

- Offers a detailed analysis of verses from Isaiah, James, John, 1 Timothy, and Genesis, arguing that they point to YHVH as the sole Father of Light, not Jesus or a trinity Godhead.

- He critiques the trinity concept as a false doctrine that was created by Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. He states the Scripture does not support a trinity.

- The lecture argues that YHVH himself was manifested in the flesh as Jesus, not his son. Jesus was the incarnation of the Father of Light himself.

- Teacher Ray states that the spirit of YHVH moved upon the waters in Genesis, the same spirit that would later become incarnate in Jesus. The Father of Light created the heavens and earth.

- In summery; church doctrines about Jesus and the trinity, are false teachings that contradict the Scriptural presentation of YHVH as the sole Father of Light
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Traditional Christianity hosted by Pastor Bob Jones touches on a wide range of topics, including religion, politics, history, and conspiracy theories. Some key points covered in the show:

- Pastor Jones expresses strong views, claiming that jews are the children of satan and that non-white races have been taught to hate White people.

- He promotes the idea that the White race is the true Israelites and the chosen people of YHVH.

- Discusses various topics, such as the Catholic Church is the world pedophile headquarters, that the jews control the world through banks and media, and that there is a plan for a New World Order.

- He encourages listeners to stockpile food, water, guns, and ammunition in preparation.

- Dismisses mainstream religions, claiming that they teach only 30% of the truth from the Scriptures and avoid topics related to jews and race.



This commentary is on various Scriptural passages related to the themes of harvest, judgment, and YHVH’S wrath against the wicked. The lecture weaves together verses from several books of the Scripture, including Revelation, Job, Lamentations, Jeremiah, and Matthew.

The central focus is on the imagery of harvest and winepress as metaphors for YHVH’S judgment upon the wicked. Passages from Revelation 14 and Matthew 13 are extensively quoted, depicting angels reaping the harvest of the earth and casting the wicked into the winepress of the wrath of YHVH.

Additionally, the lecture quantifies the scale of this judgment by interpreting the measurement of blood flowing from the winepress (1,600 furlongs) as representing approximately 1.7 billion people. This is presented as an indication of the severity of YHVH’S wrath upon the wicked at the time of judgment.



Here is a summary of Father Coughlin's sermon:

The main topic is whether Jesus Christ is the true Messiah, the promised deliverer of humanity. Coughlin argues that Christ must be accepted as the Messiah, both individually and socially, for true redemption and salvation. He contrasts the Christian view of Christ as the supernatural Messiah with the jew views - either that the Messiah has not yet come (orthodox jew) or that the jew nation itself is the collective Messiah (reformed/liberal jew).

Coughlin provides numerous quotes from the Old Testament prophesying details about the coming Messiah - his birthplace, circumstances of birth, sufferings, etc. He argues that these prophecies were clearly fulfilled by Jesus, proving he is the Messiah promised to the Whites race.

He warns that rejecting Christ as Messiah is tantamount to rejecting Christianity entirely. Just as the jews were punished for rejecting the Messiah, Christians who accept Christ but not his teachings will also face divine punishment. Coughlin calls for Christianity and Christ's principles to be the foundation for a new social, economic and political order to deliver humanity from poverty, war, and other afflictions.

Here is a summary of the key points from the sermon delivered by Pastor Bertrand Comparet:

The sermon discusses the Scriptural prophecies and signs regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ. Pastor Comparet argues against the idea held by some churches that Christ's return will be a secret, invisible event. Instead, he cites numerous Scriptural passages stating that Christ's return will be preceded by clear signs and will be an unmistakable, cataclysmic event that everyone will witness.

Pastor Comparet outlines the seven signs prophesied in Matthew 24 that will precede Christ's return, such as false prophets, wars, famines, pestilences, and the gospel being preached worldwide. He explains that we are now seeing the fulfillment of these signs.

He criticizes the teachings of churches that there will be a rapture where believers are taken away secretly before a tribulation period, arguing this contradicts scripture. Rather, the Scripture indicates Christ will return after the tribulation to gather his elect and establish his kingdom on earth.

Warns that many churchgoers and ministers will be unprepared for Christ's actual return because they have failed to correctly understand the prophecies. It urges being watchful and making practical preparations like storing food, water, and self-defense equipment for the coming cataclysmic events.



This lecture by Dr. James P. Wickstrom covers controversial archeological findings that challenge conventional beliefs about human origins and history. The main focus is on an ancient stone slab called the "Dashken Paleo Stone" discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in 1999. The key points are:

1. The Dashken Stone is a 3D map made of three layers of materials like dolomite, glass, and porcelain. It depicts a region of the Ural Mountains with rivers, canals, dams, and other civil engineering works on a massive scale.

2. Through various dating methods like radiometric dating and analysis of fossilized shells embedded in the stone, scientists estimate the age of the Dashken Stone to be at least 120 million years old, possibly up to 500 million years.

3. This extreme age contradicts mainstream views that human civilization emerged only thousands of years ago. It suggests the existence of highly advanced civilizations millions of years before the currently accepted timeline of human origins.

4. Wickstrom uses this evidence to critique modern religions like Christianity and creationism, arguing they are based on flawed assumptions about the origins and timescales of life on Earth.

5. He proposes revising biblical timelines, separating Genesis 1 (120+ million years ago) from Genesis 2 (describing the appearance of Adam around 7,500 years ago) to accommodate the archeological findings.

6. Broader themes cover topics like pre-Adamic civilizations, evidence of nuclear warfare in ancient times, artifacts suggesting extraterrestrial influences, and revisiting humanity's origins from a racial perspective aligning with some controversial ideologies.



This sermon delivered by Pastor Greg is called Thought Pollution. Here are the key points:

1.Exposes societal ills like theft, adultery, murder as stemming from turning away from YHVH and following human desires instead of Scripture.

2. He rails against modern medicine, calling doctors licensed drug dealers and pharmaceuticals as tainting the spirit and causing addiction.

3. Scripture forbids race-mixing, calling interracial children bastards who are prohibited from the congregation until the 10th generation.

4. Only White people of European ethnic backgrounds are the true children of YHVH.

5. He condemns television, news media, science and other modern influences as evil influences promoting wickedness and leading people away from YHVH.



Here is a summary of the main points from the sermon:

Pastor Greg discusses the concept of “White privilege" which he analyzes the definitions of "white" and "privilege" from various dictionaries. He then argues that White people do have privilege, but it comes from being descendants of Adam and children of YHVH, not from social advantages. He quotes Scriptural verses to support this idea that White people have a divine right and responsibility as YHVH’S children. Pastor Greg says White people are suffering now for this privilege and they have a duty to follow YHVH’S law and will. He claims the world is in pain because White people have forgotten their purpose. The sermon urges White people to embrace their YHVH given privilege and manifest their destiny to implement YHVH’S law on earth.



This sermon focuses on the importance of worshipping the Creator, YHVH, rather than being distracted by or worshipping His creation. Pastor Greg criticizes people who become overly excited and emotional about celestial events like eclipses, seeing this as worshipping the creation instead of the Creator who made it all possible.

The sermon quotes several Scriptural passages, including Exodus 23 ("Thou shalt not have any other gods before me") and Deuteronomy 4 (warning against making graven images or worshipping celestial bodies), to reinforce the message of keeping YHVH as the sole focus of worship and devotion. Pastor Greg argues that anything that takes one's attention away from YHVH, whether physical objects, rituals, or celestial phenomena, becomes an object of worship itself.

The sermon also emphasizes the special status of the White European, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Lombardic people as YHVH’S children and ambassadors, called to uphold His laws and ordinances throughout the earth. It closes by encouraging the audience to declare YHVH’S glory and care for His creation as obedient children, while keeping Him as the central focus of worship and devotion.



This sermon by Pastor Greg is a critique of modern Christian churches and pastors, accusing them of being blind, ignorant, and negligent in their role as spiritual shepherds. The key points are:

1. The sermon uses the metaphor of a shepherd's staff to represent scripture's role in guiding and protecting YHVH’’S people (the sheep).

2. He argues that the prosperity gospel preachers are misguiding people towards giving money rather than following YHVH’S true teachings.

3. States that the Christian Identity and YHVH”S covenant are specifically meant for White people of European descent.

4. Pastor Greg condemns preachers as being blind, ignorant, mute, preoccupied with comfort, and unwilling to speak up or vigilantly guide their flocks.

5. He calls on pastors to abandon judeo-christianity and return to foundational scripture which provides identity, purpose, and instructions to worship YHVH wholeheartedly.

6. The sermon references Psalm 23 about YHVH’S rod and staff providing comfort amidst dangers.

Overall, it is a polemic against mainstream Christianity from a racial perspective, urging a return to a racially-focused, Scripture-based faith rejecting modern Christian teachings and practices.



Here is a summary of the key points from the sermon given by Pastor Greg:

Pastor Greg condemns abortion, calling it the murder of innocent human beings against YHVH’S Law. Several Scriptural verses are cited to argue that life begins before conception when YHVH forms the unborn in the womb (Psalms 139, Jeremiah 1:5).

Gives the definitions of "abortion" (termination of a pregnancy) and "murder" (unlawfully killing a person), asserting that abortion is simply a sanitized term for the premeditated murder of a human being. Abortion is decried as violating the commandment "Thou shalt not murder" (Exodus 20:13) by killing the innocent and righteous (Exodus 23:7).

Children are described as a blessing and reward from God (Psalms 127:3). Pastor Greg cites a statistic that over 1 million abortions occurred in the US in 2023, calling it the "greatest genocide on the planet." This is linked to the Scriptural story of God questioning Cain about his murdered brother's blood crying from the ground (Genesis 4:10).

The sermon warns that those who promote abortion will face severe divine punishment, comparing it to drowning with a millstone around the neck (Matthew 18:6). It concludes by rejecting human laws allowing abortion as jew fables that turn people away from YHVH’S truth (Titus 1:14).



Here is a summary of the key points from the sermon presented by Pastor Greg:

1. The sermon warns that we are entering a "Neo-Dark Ages" period, with laws being enacted that restrict speaking the word of YHVH.

2. It cites examples of laws in the United States, Canada, and Europe that prohibit certain speech and impose penalties for violating these restrictions.

3. The sermon connects these modern restrictions to the period of the Dark Ages (5th-14th centuries) when the word of YHVH was suppressed in Europe.

4. Pastor Greg expounds that the White race (referred to as Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and Lombardic peoples) are the true recipients of YHVH’S word.

5. Passages from Scripture (Amos 8:11, Ezekiel 37) foretelling the suppression of YHVH”S word and the need for His people to return to Him.

6. It warns of an enemy (referred to as parasites) that threatens the world and must be stopped by YHVH’S intervention.

7. The sermon calls on listeners to come back to YHVH, obey His laws, and find salvation through His word in the scriptures.

Overall, the core message conveys a sense of urgency for maintaining the ability to freely speak and follow the word of YHVH in the face of increasing restrictions and opposition.



This sermon delivered by Pastor Greg talks about noticing jews and their behavior.
jews are the children of Satan and an infection, following a satanic agenda to gain power and influence across various sectors like media, finance, and politics.
Exposes jews as being responsible for events like Prohibition, involving mobsters, and exploiting freed slaves after the Civil War.
The sermon encourages embracing hatred towards jews, referring to them as the enemy.
Interprets Scriptural passages to justify these views.



This sermon is advocating for self control. The main points include:

There is a divine commandment from God to hate Jewish people that has never been rescinded.

White people of Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and Scandinavian descent to view themselves as a superior race blessed by YHVH.

Criticizes mainstream christianity as a religion only.

Urges White people to control their anger through devotion to YHVH rather than succumbing to impulsive outbursts.

Presents hatred towards jews people as being divinely sanctioned rather than sinful emotions.



This sermon is delivered by Rev. William P. Gale:

1. Identifies himself and his congregation as the true Israelites descended from the Scriptural Israelites. He rejects the idea that modern jews are the real Israelites.

2. The United States is the prophesied New Jerusalem spoken of in the Scripture, fulfilling many prophecies about a new homeland for the Israelites.

3. He advocates for his White race, which he calls the race of God and the Adamic race, to be segregated from other races that he refers to as heathen.

4. Rev. Gale denounces mainstream Christian teachings as falsehoods, accusing most preachers of misleading their congregations about the true meaning of the Scripture.

5. He calls for his followers to actively spread this dentity message, gather in hardcore groups, and prepare to fight toredeem" America from its current state which he sees as overrun by non-whites and jew influence.

6. Interprets various Psalms as prophetically referring to the role of his White race in achieving YHVH’S kingdom on earth by battling enemies.




Created 1 year, 6 months ago.

507 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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