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The Apostle John saw in visions the rise of horrifying beasts that exert great power over mankind in the last days. Let's see the first beast and what this one means.

John saw a scarlet red beast, and a mysterious woman riding on it, named Babylon the Great. Who is she, and why does God shows her to the beloved Apostle of Jesus Christ? What is the meaning of the vision?

The Church of Jesus Christ and the people of Israel are in danger of the deception of Satan he Devil and his lies in the last days. Soon, two figures will emerge to deceive them. Who are they, and what signs and wonders would they bring?

How do signs and wonders prove the existence of an Almighty God? What did the Lord give to His people of Israel to get them ready for freedom? How did Moses adversaries answered God's signs and wonders? What can you learn fron this?

The prophet Daniel showed true repentance to God Almighty; by his faith he was revealed the end-time events that will include Israel and the nations of the world in the future. A question: will mankind repent when Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, unleashes His wrath on the inhabitants of earth?
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Elijah needed God's assurance and comfort when he faced a life-threatening challenge. How did God move the prophet to regain his boldness?

Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the church, and the stumbling block of Israel.

The Lord, Jesus Christ, will gather unto himself those worthy of salvation. Also, there will be a bloody harvest of destruction. Why is it so important for you to know?

Last week Congress re-instituted the FISA Act and a more dangerous piece of law: the Bank Secrecy Act. What are the dangers implied to our collective and individual freedoms? What's next? Why are these two acts so dangerous?

The prophecy states that a confederation of nations are in league to destroy Israel. This event precedes the "times of Jacob's trouble", or Armageddon. What is going on right now, and what is the scope of the matter?

With the new age of fast information and social media at your fingertips, it's easy to get confused, even lost, in matters of your beliefs in the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and perhaps doubt in the most fundamental principle of Christian doctrine: the resuurrection of the Son of God.

Things are developing in Jerusalem and Israel that you have missed. Prophecies are being fulfilled. Be aware.

The seven parables of Matthew 13 give us a prophetic insight of Christ's future and our task ahead. In the end, He is the Husbandman, and we are His laborers. Our pay will occur at the end of the Harvest.

The greatest Preacher of all time, Jesus of Nazareth, has shifted His teachings of God's Kingom into parables. Let's talk about the parable of the sower and the parable of the wheat and the tares.

Why did Jesus teach in parables to the people? Are these parables meant for the people in Christ's time, or the future? How did the Lord explained the people's response to His teachings?

The Great Day of the Wrath of God and the Lamb is approaching fast. The Holy Bible prophecied the fall of Israel from God's approval, which fall gave birth to the Church of Jesus Christ, who are mostly Gentiles. However, a Remnant of Israel will be re-grafted on the olive tree (Jesus Christ Himself), and along with their Gentile counterparts, will seek God's face before the end.

The event of the poor widow and her "two cents" involves much more than mere monetary giving. This passage found in the Gospels of Mark and Luke has great eternal implications, and our heart condition pertaining our discipleship in Jesus, the Christ.

Most main stream media and alternate media are in a state of shadowing/censorship and the peple worldwide are unaware of the dangerour situation.

Jude, the half brother of Jesus of Nazareth, wrote one of the most dynamic letters of the Holy Scriptures, and he pointed to events against the church of the first century and also the church in the twenty-firt century. He pleaded the disciples to remain steadfast in their faith unti the coming of the Lord.

Revelation 14:14-20 contains a major prophecy pertaining the Great Day of the Wrath of God and the Lamb, and it tells us about the harvesting of two different groups with different eternal outcomes. Why is the understanding of this prophecy vital to the disciples of Jesus Christ?

The Lord answers the prayers of His worshippers. He expects from us unwavering trust in Him, rgardless of the situations. King Hezekiah is a prime example of "laying it all out" in prayer before Him.


Every believer and worshipper of the Lord will go though many difficulties in the present life. Is your faith strong enough to carry you through the fire?

God sends His servants to address His people or the world. Sometimes, He seeks volunteers to go and to do His will. Are you a volunteer for the Lord, Jesus?

The the Great Day of the Wrath Of God and the Lamb is approaching. The Church has entered in the final stage of its age. What is the Lord's expectation towards the world, the Church, and you? Why is this important?

There are many significant events that are taking our attention, as of late. However, many are blinded to the deep prophetic events taking place in Israel and Jeruslem. The world and most of the church are blind to these events. Or, were they blinded?


Created 9 months ago.

48 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

The Cry of the Watchman is a live streaming/pre-recorded end times ministry with its goal to assist the church of Jesus Christ to share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and to denounce the rising of the false prophet and the antichrist (Mathew 28:19,20).

The Cry of the Watchman uses the Holy Scriptures in the Bible to explain the world events that are in fact fulfilling Bible prophecy, and points to Jesus Christ as the only Savior, Christ, and true Messiah (John 3:16, 17:3, 17).
The House of Truth Christian Ministries has used The Cry of the Watchman to answer complex biblical questions and uses the authority of the Holy Bible as the FINAL authority for prophecy, doctrine, and Christian living in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 16,17).

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