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Bethel's demonic tunnel of youth.
You have to see it to believe it.
The time is fast approaching where these charlatans will be judged for their chicanery. God will not be mocked and I pray he will show mercy to those who have been spiritually seduced by this movement.

GUEST: author Rusty Thomas of Operation Save America, public speaker, and author of the book, Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion. In 1985, he founded Elijah Ministries, a teaching, preaching, and writing ministry dedicated to imparting a Biblical worldview to the Church of Jesus Christ.

Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion – “We have endured about a half a century of slaughtering pre-born Image-bearers in the United States of America since the fallacious and evil Roe vs. Wade iniquitous decree. This systematic slaughter, now totaling in the dozens of millions, can only occur in a nation at war with God and His Word. Child sacrifice has a long and dark tradition amongst mankind. Christians have spoken against this evil and worked to end it since the earliest days of the Christian Church…” Pastor Jeff Durbin

Until the church is just as concerned with God’s justice and righteousness in the earth, as it is God’s love, grace, and forgiveness, the current trend – modern holocaust – will continue until America has gone the way of other empires that murdered their babies and paraded their sin like Sodom.

GUEST: Trevor Loudon – author, speaker, political activist, filmmaker, and blogger from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
Trevor Loudon declares that what is commonly regarded as mainstream political policy is in fact driven and guided by hidden subversive elements. Much of what we’re seeing in our government is literally communist policy, and he has been warning about this for decades.

Trevor is traveling and promoting the new film with Curtis Bowers and Director Judd Saul: “Enemies Within: The Church.”

Contact Trevor: [email protected]

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What does it mean to desire the days that described the nightmare of the past 12 months? What perils lie ahead in 2022? John delves into these "not for the faint hearted" issues in his first update for 2022.

Speaker : John Haller Video sourced from Fellowship Bible Chapel (FBC) @ https://www.youtube.com/user/KoinoniaABF
Visit FBC here: http://fbchapel.com/

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This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material has been made available for the purposes of education and understanding of current issues.

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GUEST is Stephen Broden, author, and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship in Texas. He’s also a political commentator, founder of Protect Life and Marriage Texas, member of the National Black Prolife Coalition, and former professor. He is the Executive Director of The Content of Character Series and was featured in the 2020 documentary, Uncle Tom: An Oral history of The American Black Conservative.
We step back today and look at our nation, the Christian church, and the world from a big picture view. We discuss how believers must respond to all that’s happening around us, as well as how the left infiltrated American institutions via gradualism, and the fact cultural Marxism and political correctness are the same thing!

"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:8

Writing about Black Lives Matter (five years ago!) for the black pro-life movement blog in 2016, Stephen Broden warned:

“What we are witnessing in the BLM movement in simple terms is the deliberate efforts by the liberal progressive’s in America under the influence of Marxist to infiltrate and manipulate the black community. What’s behind their dastardly plan is to replace capitalism with socialism and to ultimately remove the influence of our Judeo-Christian heritage from the public square. These “aggressive community organizers” are fanning the flames of discontentment. By co-opting a legitimate issue related to stranded relationship between the community, local police and police intimidation they are using discontentment to advance their agenda. They are stirring passions into “a climate of militancy” and at the same time alienating race relationship in America.”

GUEST Scott Schara, a Wisconsin man who nearly died of Covid just over a month ago. But he’s here to talk about the controversial and tragic death of his daughter, Grace (19), who also had Covid but died due to the combination of questionable medications administered by hospital staff. As he continues his research, Scott hopes to prevent more unnecessary deaths, warn others, and to share what he has learned.

We discuss Scott and Cindy’s daughter, Grace, who had Down Syndrome and passed away on October 13. She died at a COVID hospital after a doctor labeled her DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) against the family’s wishes, and then proceeded to overdose her on Precedex, Lorazepam, and Morphine within a 30-minute window. These meds should never be used together and warning labels (black boxes) on medications indicate as much.

John-William Noble is Pastor of Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen, director of a Christian publisher called Parrēsia & author of two books. He holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree at the University of Aberdeen and is the secretary of Melville-Knox Christian School Aberdeen. John-William and his wife, Binglin, have three children, Amos, Endian & Abigail.

He spoke at the Health Summit about the Church and it's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its current response to the vaccine mandates.

To find out more about John-William go to:


For more information the Health and truth Summit go to https://www.healthandtruth.org/ or email [email protected]

Video sourced from Health and Truth @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRTXxKRA6NMYnt8D8qtD8pQ

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This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material has been made available for the purposes of education and understanding of current issues.

Talk by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny at Re-Awaken America Tour in November 2021.

Why are hydrogel, spike proteins, graphene oxide, parasites and lipid nano-technology inside the COVID-19 'vaccines'?

* Source: https://americanfaith.com/

* 20 Mechanisms of Injury ebook - https://www.drtenpenny.com/ebook-20-moi

* 20 More Mechanisms of Injury ebook - https://www.drtenpenny.com/ebook-20-more-moi

* For the Sake of Truth - https://free2shine.net/index.php/wisdom/everyone/106-for-the-sake-of-truth

* COVID Shot Dangers - The "vaccine" exposed: http://vax.free2shine.net

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Dr Elizabeth Evans was formerly a GP registrar, then moved into the field of complementary medicine. She is the co-founder and Director of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance www.ukmedfreedom.org , a team of healthcare professionals, scientists and doctors who are campaigning for Informed Consent, Bodily Autonomy and Medical Freedom to be protected and preserved, which she set up in October 2020 in response to the threat to medical freedom from Government policies implemented during the pandemic.

Dr Evans is also on the advisory board of Childrens' Health Defense Europe https://childrenshealthdefense.eu and is a member of the UK Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART) www.hartgroup.org. Her strong Christian faith is central to her life and she is married with four teenage children.

She spoke at the Health and Truth Summit on why it is essential for our society to uphold the fundamental principles of ethical medicine - First Do No Harm, Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy.

Go to https://www.healthandtruth.org/ for more information

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There is a battle for our minds, especially at this time in history. Using coercive persuasion and propaganda, many are being subtly deceived by the world system and this is going to increase in the days ahead. Something has changed in our world in the past two years, a dark spiritual manipulation is fooling many into believing that they are acting by their own free will, yet they are actually doing what they've been brainwashed to do.

Video sourced from Limerick City Church @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6mCN...
Visit Limerick City Church here: www.LimerickCityChurch.com

GUEST: John Haller is a pastor, elder, and teacher known for his weekly prophecy updates, but he has also been a trial lawyer for almost 40 years. John and his wife Pam helped start Fellowship Bible Chapel where he is an elder and pastor. His prophecy updates are available on the FBC YouTube channel and cover Bible prophecy, discernment, apologetics and worldview issues.
We discuss the advancing evil agendas today, the march toward global socialism, ‘Pfizer-mectin,’ increased persecution, and how the U.S. has changed in many ways over our lifetimes – and why.

GUEST: Tim Thompson.
We look at problems and solutions regarding the comfortable, slumbering American church and what we learned from 2020. Many Christians have not been equipped by their pastors, and we have generally not impacted our culture and country for Christ. But more people are waking up and some remnant followers of Jesus Christ are finally mobilizing, striving to live bold, biblical lives.

Tim Thompson is an author, pastor of 412 Church Murietta in California, and president of Our Watch. His new book is called, Awake: America’s Final Great Awakening. Tim is a preacher/teacher of eschatology, and a leader in engaging the Church in the political arena by dealing with sensitive issues to have a positive impact on our culture.

Pastor Tim has a strong desire to WIN people for Jesus (Acts 4:12),
help them in their growth as a DISCIPLE of Jesus (Hebrews 4:12) and SEND them out to continue the work of the Gospel (Ephesians 4:12). That mission focus is well evident in all aspects of his ministry.

This is a short clip of Cristian Terhes, MEP, speaking against the mandatory Covid Digital Certificates at a press conference in Brussels on 28th October 2021.

Watch the full video here :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7gO1byQozk&t=240s

This video is a response to all those who are seeking a local church that is part of the true body of Christ and fail to find one.
Keith Malcomson explains why/how the professing church has steered away from biblical truth and emphasizes the need for revival within the body.

GUEST: Dr. Patrick Flynn is a Chiropractor and founder of The Wellness Way. As a young child, he was labeled ‘troubled’ because he had a difficult time learning, focusing, and existing within the school system. Years later, as a teenager, he went through a series of events that led him to discover he had immune issues which contributed to his neurological setbacks. This discovery inspired Dr. Flynn to begin his journey defining his purpose and initiating his pursuit of education – which contributes to his expertise in immunology and hormones. He hosts seminars called The Hormone Connection.

He has attended numerous colleges and has taken courses from learning institutions including Northwestern Health Sciences, National Health Sciences, Palmer College of Chiropractic, and Harvard Medical School— HMX Fundamentals Online Certificate Program- Immunology. Within his 21 years of practice, he trained thousands of doctors on a different approach to healthcare. There are currently 80 practicing clinics across the world. Dr. Flynn is also the author of the bestselling book— I Disagree: How These Two Words Are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health.

We discuss solutions to the health problems most of us have been dealing with as well as the lies and deception that has led to wrong thinking on medical information. Also, why the words “I disagree” are such an important and needed part of our frequent conversations when facing assumptions, traditions, and political ideologies driving public debates today.

I Disagree: How These Two Words Are the Secret to Thinking Differently and Taking Control of Your Health

Chronic conditions are at an all-time high. Despite medical advancements, we are sicker than ever. Something needs to change! It’s time to disagree. What you’ll find in this book is a story that is changing lives across the country and empowering people to think differently. Thinking differently is where perspectives are transformed, improvements are made, and positive changes take place.

Heavily inspired by his wife and her journey through medicine, Dr. Flynn shares their story and the resulting mindset that is impacting the health and lives of countless people. The “I Disagree” way of thinking understands that just because something is common, does not mean it’s normal. Through his work, Dr. Flynn and The Wellness Way clinics are changing lives, restoring hope, and getting results.

GUEST: John Haller is a pastor, elder, and teacher known for his weekly prophecy updates, but he has also been a trial lawyer for almost 40 years. John and his wife Pam helped start Fellowship Bible Chapel where he is an elder and pastor. His prophecy updates are available on the FBC YouTube channel and cover Bible prophecy, discernment, apologetics and worldview issues.

We discuss the importance of Christians being well-grounded in the truth of God’s Word and being informed about the dark agendas rapidly increasing all around us. John Haller comments on several top news stories including ongoing deception and medical tyranny, big tech censorship of all who disagree with CvD jabs, furthering the O’Biden agenda while ignoring the casualties, and more.

GUEST: Patrick Wood of Technocracy News joins David to look at some of the frightening scenarios due to the left and climate change advocates using COVID 19 to push their agenda. Patrick is an economic & market forecaster, speaker, and author of Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.

In 1974, Trilateral Commission member and academic Richard Gardner wrote an article “The Hard Road to World Order” for Foreign Affairs magazine, predicting the future of the Commission’s self-proclaimed New International Economic Order. Gardner spoke of an “end-run around national sovereignty,” a “booming, buzzing confusion,” and building it from the “bottom up” rather than attempting an “old-fashioned frontal assault.”

After almost 45 years, it is time to examine the record. In Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, Wood traces the steps and developments that led to the United Nations’ establishment of Sustainable Development as an outgrowth of historic Technocracy from the 1930s. UN programs such as 2030 Agenda, New Urban Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement are all working together to displace Capitalism and Free Enterprise as the world’s principal economic system.

Wood shatters the false narrative of a promised Utopia and exposes the true nature of the deception used to promote this new economic order. Those elite who hate the bedrock of American liberty and its time-tested Constitution have pulled out all the stops to destroy both, and it’s time for citizens to stand up to reject them. As always, Wood closes with the nature of effective resistance and the tools that can help to achieve success.

Have you heard about the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates? Probably not. Instead, modern day American Christianity has used Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 to pacify all manners of men. What seems to be forgotten is the qualifying clauses put forward in the text, as well as the context. Did Paul always obey civil authorities? No. Did Peter always obey authorities? No. Did Jesus always obey civil authorities? No.

All authority is given by God. This means those who are in power, have power delegated from God. So what about when a corrupt magistrate issues decrees AGAINST God's Word and law?

We must obey God rather than the state. Compliance will only allow tyrants to grow in their evil. Historic acts of defiance have shaped Western civilization - there is a need to educate the masses and warn them of great evils that come with compliance, and the NEED for resistance.

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This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material has been made available for the purposes of education and understanding of current issues.

Audio taken from www.sermonaudio.com

Video description directly from Matt Trewhella:

Though there is so much more I could say about the Covid "vaccine", this sermon addresses the churchmen, the government men, and the businessmen regarding the shot for the virus. The sermon sets forth reasons not to get the shot. It also addresses vaccine passports and the massive propaganda machine at work to convince you to get the shot.

Please share this sermon with others.

Link to the 1-minute video shown during the service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHCA-ArBjfs

Link to the 23-minute talk by Dr. Ryan Cole: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hfzL5gUeQvxr/?fbclid=IwAR3suQm5okrUknOhGDwhGP4VaHycii0jQ58yX6-0073EQeIzTor8jT2q7o4&utm_source=BenchmarkEmail&utm_campaign=thevaccineandthetyrannyofman&utm_medium=email

The 15-minute talk by Naomi Wolf: https://www.facebook.com/Naomirwolf/videos/96069920803243

The Mission of God book by Dr. Joe Boot: https://www.amazon.com/Mission-God-Manifesto-Hope-Society/dp/0994727909/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=joe+boot+mission+of+god&qid=1617715320&sr=8-2&utm_source=BenchmarkEmail&utm_campaign=thevaccineandthetyrannyofman&utm_medium=email

The book Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church: A Sacred Trust Broken: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/daniel-oroark-and-joel-yeager-and-ernest-springer/coronavirus-and-the-leadership-of-the-christian-church-a-sacred-tr

ID2020 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzynpp0DOoU

See "Defy Tyrants" Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl5FxpD6gBqdqCuJjynxu0g/videos

Event 201 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcS93LJdsUQ&t=127s

DefyTyrants.com MercySeat.net


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

37 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

A Biblically sound channel generally focusing on bible prophecy, good teaching, and moral and social issues from a biblical worldview.