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A raw upload of my 69th AMV (nice), from April 6th, 2012. I felt like doing another throwback upload, but this one's pretty scruffy, and I didn't think there would be much point to trying to upscale it. With something this old, I'd need to just redo it from scratch with better sources to clean it up.

An upscale of my 81st AMV from July 7th, 2013. About the best I could do to clean it up, mostly using Topaz for the upscaling and Vegas for the color space. Some parts look pretty decent given the DVD and sub-DVD quality sources I had at the time, but others leave a bit to be desired. Overall, I'm still fairly happy with the editing in this one, though I do feel like I could do better in a few places.

I think this might be my best one yet, considering I was able to turn this into a duet that actually sounds pretty authentic, and the AI only goofed slightly in a couple of places that are hard to hear with the mixing.

I can feel Spike swooning from here.

This is the only Taylor Swift song I know, but I actually like it. The transfer into Rarity's voice could have been smoother, but it still came out pretty good, I think.

Somehow I feel like Christmas is the perfect time for me to be uploading this. There's some humorous irony to it.

And yeah, another one with Voltaire so soon after the Alucard one, it just sort of worked out that way. I've been having mixed results with just about everything I try, probably due to the way the vocal remover rips the tracks, and I'm a bit of a perfectionist at times, so I don't like releasing things I feel could be better. This one was basically perfect, and very much in-character for Alastor, so I figured I'd just put it up sooner than later and not worry about repetition.

This is what my invasive thoughts look like.

Tell us how you really feel, big guy.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

54 videos

Category Anime & Animation

A channel meant for honest, open-minded discussion of anime, games, movies, technology, and philosophy. I enjoy articulating philosophical concepts through my favorite media, and have a preference for figuring out what is and isn't true through the use of reason and evidence in a laid-back setting free of hostility and elitism. Ideas presented may not always be immediately palatable or as well-presented as they could be, and amicable counter-arguments are always encouraged.