X Marks The Spot

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X Marks The Spot


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Like Chris Sky said, this is a sick World we live in and many are involved.
They, worship "SET" for the most part.
Saturn worshipers that is.
All your "secret societies", the useful idiots club referenced as Goy.
Is it odd to hear the call "All hands on "SET"?" and think it may hold an alternate meaning when used in Hollywood?
All "spell"ing is alchemy, thus all spoken word is spell casting.
Wrap your head around it people, they have been doing this since before the one they call Christ.
This is the War to end all Wars, Humanities final stand against the damned!
Yahuah watch over you all as we prepare for manifest destiny.
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Fauci opens up with a mouthful of tripe and then the truth rains down upon his frail carcass, soon to be dealt swift justice and a follow up for the masses. Well said indeed!
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You have hundreds if not thousands of others to choose from, stop the two party system. The Hydra may have many heads, but it only has two wings. Slay the proverbial beast of realities enslavement, let thine tongues be thine swords! Yahuah will provide the armor.
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Steve, are you going to join forces with Chuck Norris and form TEAM AMERIkA?
Just curious...
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Old found footage compiled by another kindred tribesman with a perspective.
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BEERS FOR BREEDERS... how about a Brunch for Breeders who "slept in"?
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I do... they were murdered
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Worth the watch, if you are ignorant on the subject matter.
One can not form a just opinion unless both sides are heard and a multi dimensional alchemic viewpoint applied.
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Not even trying to hide "it".
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Dear fellow humans...
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If you caught the original screening on CBS you would have heard the "cray" Lady talk about not only insect cells, when she giggles, but cows, chickens, of course their eggs. But never in my life would I think something infecting a bug would be then extracted and injected into my body for it's well being. Then they turn and lie to us about how healthy it is to eat them. WTF?! WAKE UP OR I AM GOING TO SAY BEETLEJUICE THREE TIMES AND LET YOU ALL REAP THE CONSEQUENCE OF YOUR APATHY!
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Who is real any longer? What is real?
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Well, I pieced it all together somewhat for you all. This is one "man"s theory, but mine, well, it's different. Considering the Helicopters giving chase to something that is definitely not a big frozen block of "BLACK ICE". My post here ; https://www.bitchute.com/video/dMdfSd744pPZ/
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Seriously, is it true?
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It's like children scheming in front of their parents out loud in ear shot, so as to pitch them on a greater allowance for having done nothing. Meanwhile they hid all the dead family pets they have been experimenting on under the rug and the room is wafted with the stench as others begin to take notice and... roll tape! LMAO should have sent em to camp... wait, this would be funny if they did not murder masses of people with their self assumed titles and NGO roles in the roll out of the mass genocide experiment. (sigh)
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No, seriously... look for yourselves, fucked eh?
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Tell me does your Mom still drive around with that sticker on her Truck door that reads "Bitch"? What's wrong? The "WALLS" of corn closing in? Time to get famous? No, not yet... Who's got the "key's"?. Tell me, did that Father who threatened you for selling drugs to their kid ever come back? Never mind that, how's Nat doing? Seen Ryan around lately? Me neither. But I did meet the girl that beat him with a hockey stick for making fun of handicapped kids when they grew up together, so she claims. (drops mic like a cold puck on the ice)
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Let me know when you fish your testicles out of the Vancouver waters Dunlop.You are about to miss the moment of fruition, sanctified truth incarnate. "I am", inevitable. "I am", the truth. "I am", expected...
You still watching "ice"-cream man" or did Pierre not remove you from office yet? tsk tsk
(slides a TDK in the cassette deck and presses play) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4EocvqXZyJYv/
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I wonder what would happen if I emailed this one to the gang at Victim services?
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Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

1112 videos

Category Entertainment

A Mixed Bag of Truth and Entertainment with Artistic Mash-ups and the assumed creative right to use anything published online as creative fodder to entertain the masses or be reviewed. Enjoy!