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TO be replaced with aggressive primates?

A swarm of hornets didn't appreciate the noise.

Another one for my wasp subscribers!

Show this to anyone who needs to learn a thing or two about standing up for themselves.

A pack of hyena chimps attack a human girl trying to get back home.

This guy looks like he takes a lot of shit but never does anything about it.

According to Matthew 10:34 in the Bible, Jesus did not come to bring peace to the earth, but rather to bring a sword. This verse emphasizes that Jesus' purpose was not to bring peace, but rather to fight against evil. As is all of our duties as followers of Christ.

This one goes out to all my Asian murder hornet subscribers.

Share this with the unbelievers.


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

623 videos

Category Anime & Animation

So, send me a message if you want to start taking back our future. We need decentralized small groups with the same goal.

Even bitchute is controlled by (((them))) as they have deleted/censored a good few of my videos that have given out too much knowledge.

Bitchute is a lie, it's controlled opposition. They pretty much use the same AI to flag videos as google. And they aren't doing it because they are forced to like some people claim, if that was the case, they'd say "sorry, your video violates EU law" or something. No, they say it violates THEIR terms and service agreement. So, I've given up trying to spread meaningful knowledge here and am mostly focused on simply uploading meme tier videos, most of which are reuploads.

Some of these vids are my creations, most of them are downloaded from 4chan and other sites so idk who made most of those.

Also, if you see a video on here that is yours that you would like remove just message me in some way.