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Join Amandha as she reveals the secrets of connecting deeply with nature and harnessing the healing powers of plants.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

Discover the fascinating world of holistic health with Amandha Vollmer (ADV) in this enlightening video, where she explores the transformative art of connecting with nature through plants. In this intriguing discussion, Amandha shares her personal experiences and insights on identifying and using plants at various stages of their life cycle, emphasizing the importance of respectful wildcrafting.

Whether you're a seasoned herbalist or a curious beginner, Amandha's video promises to inspire a deeper appreciation for the natural world right outside your door. Learn how to identify plants with the help of a mobile app, create your own poultices, and involve your family in the rewarding practice of herbal crafting. Join Amandha in exploring the green wonders of our world and discover how you can harness the power of plants for the betterment of health and spirit.

00:10 - Have You Heard of Plant Apps?
01:00 - Wildcrafting Practices
02:00 - Energies and Frequency

#HolisticHealth #HerbalMedicine #NaturalRemedies #Wildcrafting #NatureHealing

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Discover how to harness your body's innate intelligence with Amandha as she unveils the secrets to resolving illness naturally!

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In this enlightening video, Amandha Vollmer explores the often misunderstood signals that our bodies send us when something is amiss. With an engaging analogy like a cluttered house to a body showing visible symptoms, Amandha emphasizes the importance of understanding and responding to these cues not with panic, but with a calm, informed approach.

Amandha passionately argues that many conditions deemed incurable by conventional medicine can indeed be resolved by tapping into the body's innate intelligence.

Through her discussion, Amandha aims to empower viewers, particularly parents, to guide their body's health intuitively and effectively. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in exploring the genius of natural healing and the body's remarkable ability to heal itself when properly supported.

00:05 - The ‘Messy House’ Analogy
00:30 - The Genius of the Body

#HolisticHealth #NaturalHealing #BodyIntelligence #HealNaturally #SelfHealing

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Discover a revolutionary approach to health with Amandha as she reveals how your symptoms are actually guiding your body's natural healing process.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In this video, Amandha Vollmer, a proponent of natural holistic health, challenges conventional medical beliefs and invites viewers to rethink how they perceive and address their symptoms. Amandha argues against the standard allopathic approach, which labels symptoms as negative and something to be eradicated for healing. Instead, she presents symptoms as crucial indicators of the body’s natural healing process.

This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the deeper intricacies of their body's natural functions and learning how to support their health more effectively through holistic practices. Amandha’s insights encourage viewers to embrace a more informed and compassionate approach to dealing with health challenges.

00:05 - Stop Labelling Your Symptoms as Bad
00:50 - Why We Experience Visible Symptoms

#HolisticHealth #NaturalHealing #HealthAwareness #BodyWisdom #HealingJourney

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Discover the art of herbal healing with Amandha as she explores the potent benefits of DMSO and dandelion.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In this insightful video presented by Amandha Vollmer (ADV), a renowned holistic health practitioner, viewers are introduced to the intriguing world of herbal tinctures and creams, emphasizing natural and holistic approaches to health. Amandha shares her experiences with using DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) as a tincturing medium, highlighting its effectiveness in extracting and preserving the beneficial properties of herbs.

A particular focus is placed on her recent development of a wild yam cream, which incorporates multiple extraction methods to ensure the full spectrum of the herb's constituents are utilized. This approach, Amandha explains, helps maintain the natural balance and safety of herbal treatments by including all necessary components and cofactors, preventing any overwhelming effects on the body.

00:05 - ADV’s Tincture Experiments
00:50 - Dandelion Herbal Medicine

#HolisticHealth #HerbalRemedies #NaturalHealing #MedicinalPlants #WellnessTips

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Discover the miraculous benefits of DMSO with Amandha as she demystifies its power to heal and transform health through compelling real-life stories.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In her latest video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the transformative effects and therapeutic potential of DMSO, a powerful healing agent known for its ability to expedite the body's healing processes. Amandha vividly illustrates this through real-life anecdotes where DMSO played a crucial role in alleviating acute health issues. From a young boy with severe gut issues to a woman suffering from eye debris and inflammation, Amandha's guidance has led to remarkable recoveries that underscore the necessity of persistence and understanding in natural treatments.

00:10 - DMSO Application Testimonials

#DMSO #HolisticHealth #NaturalRemedies #HealthRecovery #AlternativeMedicine

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Discover the powerful healing properties of DMSO with Amandha Vollmer as she unveils its transformative effects on health and well-being.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In this intriguing video, holistic health expert Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the remarkable properties of a natural remedy known as Dimethyl Sulfoxide also known as DMSO. Extracted from the lignin of trees, DMSO is not just any plant extract; it's what Amandha describes as "the strength of the tree." This powerful solvent possesses unique transdermal properties, allowing it to penetrate the skin swiftly and efficiently.

Amandha is particularly fascinated by DMSO's ability to act as a carrier, enhancing its capability to transport low molecular weight nutrients through the skin and into the body. This dual action of penetrating and carrying makes DMSO a potent tool for reducing inflammation and accelerating healing without hindering the body's natural recovery processes. Amandha emphasizes its safety, supported by extensive research and numerous studies, highlighting its effectiveness and versatility in medical applications.

00:05 - DMSO: A Tree Medicine
01:30 - The Real Power Of DMSO

#DMSO #HolisticHealth #NaturalRemedies #Healing #Wellness

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Discover Amandha’s journey from aspiring vet to pioneering naturopath, blending passion for animals with holistic health in this inspiring video!

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

Explore the captivating journey of Amandha Vollmer (ADV), a passionate advocate for natural and holistic health, in her latest video. From a young age, Amandha was drawn to the care of animals, initially setting her sights on becoming a vet tech. However, her path took an unexpected turn after facing educational barriers and encountering resistance to her holistic approach at a veterinary school interview. This rejection spurred her to pivot towards naturopathy, where she discovered her true calling.

In this inspiring video, Amandha shares how she overcame the skepticism surrounding holistic veterinary care and transformed her initial setbacks into a rewarding career in naturopathic medicine. She not only treats animals but also educates pet owners, having recently developed a specialized course on canine cancer. Whether you're interested in animal care, natural medicine, or personal growth, Amandha's story offers valuable insights into following one's passion against all odds.

00:00 - List Your Skills and Vocations!
00:40 - ADV’s Experience with Animal Care
02:20 - Naturopathic Beginnings

#HolisticHealth #VeterinaryCare #Naturopathy #NaturalMedicine #CareerChange

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Join Amandha as she explores the healing journey through grief and loss, offering personal insights and strategies to navigate these deep emotional experiences.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In her insightful video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the profound topics of grief and loss, providing a compassionate understanding of these universal experiences. She explores how personal attachments and expectations shape our emotional world and the stress that ensues when these bonds are severed through death or separation.

Amandha shares her personal struggles with the deaths of her beloved cats, offering a relatable narrative on the difficulty of breaking free from the cycle of grief. She discusses the therapeutic benefits of addressing and releasing the emotional pain tied to loss, emphasizing the importance of understanding and healing.

This video is not only a reflection on Amandha's personal journey but also a valuable discourse on managing grief, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking solace and understanding in times of loss. Join Amandha Vollmer as she provides insights and strategies to navigate the challenging but universal experience of grief.

00:06 - ADV on Grief and Loss

#GriefSupport #EmotionalHealing #CopingWithLoss #HealingJourney #MentalHealthAwareness

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Join Amandha as she unveils the simpler paths to overcoming life's hurdles through mindfulness and inner peace in this enlightening video.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

#InnerPeace #StressManagement #SelfCare #HolisticHealth #MindfulLiving

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Discover how to transform your life and community with Amandha Vollmer (ADV) as she unveils the power of a natural, holistic approach to health.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

Join Amandha Vollmer in her enlightening video where she explores the transformative power of embracing a natural holistic lifestyle amidst a world dominated by commercial influences. Amandha discusses how societal values have been deeply affected by commercial conditioning, highlighting the detrimental impact of fast food, mainstream entertainment, and pervasive agendas. She employs the metaphor of the "boiling frog" to describe how subtly destructive ideas are integrated into our lives, often unnoticed by the masses caught up in the chaos of modern living.

Amandha argues that true change begins within. By returning to a natural state and healing from within, individuals can alter their personal experiences and, consequently, influence the broader world without succumbing to the negativity and aggression that often characterize societal protests. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding how personal well-being is intrinsically linked to broader societal health and how we can reclaim our power through individual transformation.

Key topics explored in this discussion include the impact of commercial conditioning, the importance of personal awareness, and the transformative potential of a holistic approach to health. Tune in to be inspired by Amandha’s insights on how to navigate and effect change in a commercially saturated world.

00:03 - Commercial Conditioning
00:30 - The “Boiling Frog” Method
01:10 - How Can We Change The World?

#HolisticHealth #NaturalLiving #MindBodySpirit #HealthyLifestyle #SelfHealing

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Discover how to combat stress and enhance your vitality with Amandha Vollmer as she reveals essential holistic health strategies in this must-watch video.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In this enlightening video, Amandha Vollmer explores the profound impact that stress has on our health and overall well-being. She discusses how a disconnection from oneself and the presence of unresolved feelings contribute to a constant state of low-level stress. This not only furthers disease progression but also depletes our life force.

Amandha emphasizes the simplicity and necessity of addressing these issues to rejuvenate health and vitality.

This video is a must-watch for anyone looking to understand the crucial link between mental stress and physical health and how to effectively manage it to lead a healthier life. Tune in to uncover simple, yet often overlooked strategies to relieve stress and enhance your life force.

00:00 - Stress Related Diseases
00:32 - Address Your Stress!

#HolisticHealth #StressReliefPractices #WellnessJourney #NaturalHealth #LifeForce

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Reveal your self-healing potential through the transformative power of personal intuition and mindful practices. Learn how to reconnect with your body and overcome deep-rooted traumas for holistic well-being.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

In this enlightening video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the transformative power of self-healing and personal intuition. ADV emphasizes the importance of being one's own healer. She explains how traditional reliance on healthcare practitioners can lead to burnout and dependency, whereas embracing one's natural mechanisms for health can reignite intuition and self-trust.

Throughout the video, Amandha discusses how individuals can overcome deep-rooted traumas and chronic imbalances by engaging with their bodies through mindful practices like meditation. Specifically, she highlights techniques that allow individuals to connect with and integrate traumatic experiences, potentially from as early as childhood, to heal and move forward.

Moreover, Amandha touches on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and the significance of connecting with one’s bodily sensations, particularly through practices like Vipassana meditation, which focuses on the sensations of breath. By fostering a deeper connection with the body, individuals can learn to listen to their inner needs regarding diet, health, and emotional well-being.

This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in empowering themselves through natural health practices, improving their mental and physical balance, and exploring the profound connections between body and mind.

00:00 - Self-Direction
00:36 - Tune into your Intuition
01:00 - Meditation Techniques and Trauma

#SelfHealing #NaturalHealth #MindBodySpirit #HolisticHealth #IntuitiveHealing

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All the information in this video with Amandha Vollmer is intended for general information only, and is not intended to be a substitute for legal, medical or financial advice, and should not be construed as legal, medical or financial advice applicable to your particular situation. No client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by viewing this video or listening to the contents within.

Discover the transformative power of holistic healing with Amandha Vollmer as she explores the profound link between emotional well-being and physical health.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

Join Amandha Vollmer (ADV) in a captivating exploration of the interplay between emotional well-being and physical health in her latest video. Amandha explains how emotional disconnections within ourselves can manifest as physical symptoms, emphasizing the importance of integrating separated parts of our being to foster holistic healing. She draws from her experiences with Reiki and hands-on healing to illustrate how quiet introspection and freedom from external stimuli can lead to profound health benefits.

Amandha discusses the common roots of physical ailments in emotional disturbances, suggesting that addressing emotional needs can help alleviate physical conditions. Whether it’s through dietary changes, expressive arts like dance and song, or simply allowing oneself to feel and process emotions, she highlights various paths to healing. This discussion is not only insightful for those familiar with holistic health practices but also accessible to newcomers interested in understanding the powerful connection between the mind and body.

Watch Amandha’s enlightening discussion to learn how to embrace a more integrated approach to your health and discover the healing potential of aligning your emotional and physical selves.

00:05 - Are You Connected To Your Emotions?
00:45 - The Conditioning Of The World
01:25 - The Emotional Connection To Disease

#HolisticHealth #MindBodyConnection #EmotionalHealing #ReikiHealing #NaturalWellness

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Discover how Amandha champions community resilience and sustainable living through her enlightening video on supporting local farmers and avoiding high grocery costs.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

In her latest video, Amandha Vollmer addresses the pressing issues of self-sustainability and community support amidst rising grocery store prices and economic challenges. Amandha introduces her initiative, "Ontario Awake," a Telegram group created at the onset of the plandemic to foster a network for those interested in homesteading, supporting local farmers, and finding alternative food sources in Ontario.

She shares her personal experiences with the high costs of groceries and explains her decision to shift towards local farmers' markets as a more sustainable and community-oriented option. This video is a call to action for individuals to collaborate, communicate, and strengthen their local communities by opting out of conventional grocery shopping and engaging more with local resources.

Amandha's discussion is a must-watch for anyone interested in homesteading, community building, and navigating the challenges of the current economic climate.

00:00 - Ontario Awake
00:40 - High Grocery Prices
01:02 - Support Local

#SustainableLiving #LocalFarming #Homesteading #CommunitySupport #FoodSovereignty

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Join Amandha as she explores the silent revolution reshaping healthcare — a must-watch for advocates of holistic and alternative health.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

In this enlightening video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) looks into the subtle intricacies of cultural perspectives and their impacts on our understanding and approach to holistic health and societal systems. Amandha challenges the conventional view of healthcare, arguing that many practitioners are unknowingly part of a system that may not always act in the best interests of its patients, describing this phenomenon as a type of "cult." This insightful discussion extends into an analysis of Canadian society, characterized by its high tolerance and peaceful demeanor, which she contrasts with more overt forms of resistance seen in other cultures.

Amandha discusses the concept of a "quiet revolution" taking place in Canada, where individuals are gradually withdrawing from traditional systems in protest—be it pulling children out of schools, reevaluating tax commitments, or seeking alternatives to conventional medicine. She highlights this movement as a form of empowerment, where Canadians are not just passively accepting the status quo but are actively creating new systems that align more closely with their values.

The key topics covered in this video include the cultural conditioning of medical professionals, the unique Canadian response to societal pressures, and the emergence of alternative systems of health and governance. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in holistic health, societal change, and the power of quiet resistance. Whether you are a proponent of natural health, a critic of traditional systems, or simply curious about different cultural dynamics, Amandha's discussion provides valuable insights and a hopeful outlook on the potential for grassroots change.

00:00 - Cultural Opinions
00:15 - The Medical “Cult”
00:40 - Canadian Citizens and Society
01:35 - The Quiet Revolution

#HolisticHealth #AlternativeHealthcare #HealthRevolution #SocietalChange #Empowerment

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Amandha emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility for your health, empowering you to make informed decisions on your own.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the power of maintaining personal responsibility for your health. She dives into the importance of staying informed and making your own health decisions.

Amandha explains that adopting the role of your own health authority, rather than relying solely on practitioners, can prevent feelings of victimization and empower you to trust in your own abilities.

This approach not only promotes self-trust but also enhances the effectiveness of individualized holistic medicine.

00:00 - Remain Calm, Logical and Grounded
00:15 - Become Your Own Doctor

#HolisticHealth #SelfCare #HealthEmpowerment #HolisticMedicine #SelfHealing

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Amandha unveils her innovative wellness courses at Yummy.Doctor, designed to optimize detoxification and address unique health needs with expert guidance.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

This video features Amandha Vollmer (ADV) discussing a redesigned approach to wellness courses aimed at reaching more people and preventing burnout from one-on-one consultations.

Amandha’s courses and protocols at Yummy.Doctor follow a structured coaching system designed to prepare individuals for detox by educating them on the necessity of body preparation.

The video highlights the importance of understanding one's unique health needs, such as sensitivities to common supplements like magnesium, and provides a support system through group guidance and trained coaches. The goal is to assist individuals with intricate health issues and ensure they are well-prepared and supported throughout their detox journey.

00:00 - Yummy.Doctor Courses and Protocols
00:22 - Coaching Systems Coming Soon!

#WellnessJourney #HealthEducation #HolisticHealth #WellnessCoaching #HealthSupport

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Amandha outlines the persistent threat of bioaccumulative toxins and the methodical strategies to detoxify and support the body’s own healing mechanisms.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

In this informative video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) sheds light on the worrisome presence of toxins, including the bioaccumulative effects of lead, posing a significant threat to our health.

Explore the essential, albeit prolonged, process needed to detoxify our bodies from these hazardous substances. Amandha carefully details the importance of a cautious and systematic approach to safely chelate lead and other metals.

She encourages viewers to understand the importance of supporting their body's natural detoxification and cleansing processes, highlighting its profound impact on healing.

00:00 - Lead Toxicity Explained
00:36 - Slow, Methodical Detoxification
00:50 - Getting to The Solution

#DetoxifyYourBody #ToxinFreeLiving #NaturalDetox #HealthAwareness #CleanLiving

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Discover the transformative powers of DMSO with Amandha as she explores its incredible uses in medicine, wellness, and natural beauty products.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

In this enlightening video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) dives into the multifaceted world of DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide), a remarkable substance derived from trees that has been utilized in various medical and industrial capacities. Originally discovered in 1865 and re-emerging in the 1970s amid regulatory controversies, DMSO has proven to be a potent solvent that doesn't harm tissues and can be used in transplant therapy to prevent cellular damage during freezing.

Amandha explores the extensive applications of DMSO, from its role in veterinary medicine to its use in sports medicine and emergency care. She highlights its capabilities in improving blood flow, alleviating gastrointestinal issues, and even its potential in emergency situations like heart attacks or strokes due to its ability to open blood flow and prevent ischemic problems.

Additionally, Amandha discusses her own experiments with DMSO in natural health products, including a popular blend she refers to as "facelift in a jar," which harnesses DMSO's properties to enhance nutrient absorption and heal tissues. Her video is not only a deep dive into the science of DMSO but also an exploration of its practical applications in natural and holistic medicine. This video promises to be an essential resource for anyone interested in the convergence of nature, science, and health.

00:00 - What is DMSO?
00:50 - The History of DMSO
02:05 - DMSO’s Uses and Applications

#DMSO #NaturalHealth #HolisticMedicine #MedicalScience #NaturalRemedies

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Reconnect with your body, tackle poor dietary habits, and combat metal toxins with ADV’s insights on health and detoxification.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

This engaging video emphasizes the critical need for self-awareness and addresses the significant disconnection many people feel from their own bodies, a result of constant external distractions.

Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the negative consequences of poor dietary habits, including the consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods, on our health. She empowers viewers to practice introspection regarding their lifestyle choices.

Furthermore, Amandha sheds light on the widespread problem of metal toxins in our surroundings. She underscores the importance of consistent detoxification and cleansing practices to safeguard our health and avert the long-term effects of metal toxicity.

00:00 - Remember to Connect With Yourself!
00:20 - Assess Your Lifestyle and Diet
01:08 - Heavy Metal Exposures and Detox

#SelfAwareness #HealthyLiving #DietaryHabits #LifestyleChoices #Detoxification

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Learn about holistic health with Amandha Vollmer as she teaches body awareness, self-healing, and natural remedies.

The full video can be found here: 👉https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

In this enlightening video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) presents a holistic approach to health, underscoring the significance of becoming your own health authority. She elucidates the importance of attuning to your body, decoding its messages, and adopting natural healing principles over suppressive treatments that merely conceal symptoms.

Amandha emphasizes the essential role of emergency medicine but advocates for a focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues through lifestyle modifications and a deep understanding of the body’s organ system interconnectivity.

She explains that supporting the body’s detoxification organs and ensuring proper nutrition can remedy chronic inflammatory conditions, facilitating the body's self-recovery. The core message of this video is to empower individuals to oversee their health by recognizing and fostering the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

00:00 - What ADV Teaches at Yummy.Doctor
00:20 - What Happens When We Suppress Symptoms
00:40 - Looking at Your Lifestyle and Detox Explained

#HolisticHealth #SelfHealing #NaturalRemedies #HealthEmpowerment #HealingFromWithin

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Join our community to gain access to courses, classes, and groups that empower you to confidently navigate holistic healthcare, with the knowledge and support to safely use remedies like DMSO.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=18005

In this engaging video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) presents her comprehensive online platform Yummy.Doctor aimed at fostering a sense of community and empowering individuals with knowledge on healthcare and sovereignty.

Amandha stresses the importance of creating a supportive environment that promotes growth, learning, and the reevaluation of held beliefs, ultimately enabling individuals to take charge of their health. She underscores the critical need for proper education in the safe use of natural remedies and announces her intention to launch specialized courses on this subject. These courses aim to equip people with the knowledge and confidence to become their own healing authorities.

Additionally, Amandha introduces her book, ‘Healing with DMSO’, which serves as a complement to the courses. It provides recipes and guidelines tailored to various diagnoses, thereby enriching the educational experience and supporting the journey towards health sovereignty among her community members.

00:05 - Yummy.Doctor Community Benefits
01:05 - Education: The Use of Natural Remedies

#HealthEmpowerment #NaturalRemedies #SelfHealing #HealthEducation #DMSO

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Amandha explains how aligning with nature's cycles and addressing modern challenges can lead to greater health and holistic well-being.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=29162

Amandha Vollmer (ADV) explores the deep connection between our health and nature's cycles, emphasizing the necessity of aligning our practices with these natural rhythms for enhanced resilience and well-being.

Amandha discusses the significance of preparing for seasonal changes and the impact of technological advancements, such as the shift in electromagnetic frequencies, on our health. Diving into the core principles of holistic healing, she reveals how the root causes of disease often trace back to inadequate nutrition and the accumulation of toxins.

Through a holistic approach, Amandha advocates for nurturing the body's natural terrain, improving gut health, and addressing both environmental and emotional toxins, guiding us towards a harmonious and healthy existence with nature.

00:00 - Understanding the Cycles of Nature
00:45 - How EMFs Affect our Health
02:10 - ADV’s Upcoming Tinnitus Protocol
02:40 - Understanding the Terrain

#HolisticHealth #NaturalHealing #DetoxifyYourBody #GutHealth #EmotionalWellbeing

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Explore holistic health with Amandha, from DMSO benefits to natural remedies and body cleansing techniques for your wellness journey.

The full video can be found here: 👉https://yummy.doctor/?p=29162

Amandha Vollmer (ADV) is a passionate advocate for holistic health. In her discussions, she highlights the forthcoming talks on the benefits of DMSO and emphasizes the importance of proper body cleansing techniques aimed at purifying and cleaning the body's terrain. Diving into the specifics, she reveals her plans to transform these presentations into a comprehensive course on various cleansing methods, including a focus on the safe removal of metals from the body.

Amandha explains her courses, designed to empower individuals in their health journey. This begins with a unique self-assessment course to help people clarify their health goals and understand where to start their wellness journey outside conventional medicine. The video also touches on Amandha’s targeted protocols for specific health concerns, such as dog cancer and lung health, teaching viewers how to heal their bodies using natural remedies.

Discover the philosophy of learning about the medicinal plants growing right in your backyard, like dandelions and mullein, and how to harness these natural resources for your family's health. The emphasis is on cleansing, protection, and the use of remedies tailored to individual needs, encouraging a personalized approach to health and wellbeing.

00:00 - ADV’s Upcoming Events
00:20 - ADV’s Courses and Protocols
01:25 - The Goal of the YummyDoctor Courses
02:05 - Learn What’s Growing in Your Backyard

#HolisticHealth #BodyCleansing #NaturalRemedies #WellnessJourney #HealingNaturally

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Amandha advocates for educational alternatives to protect and enlighten our children, urging us to champion truth and health.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=29162

In this compelling video, Amandha Vollmer (ADV) tackles the widespread darkness and corruption infiltrating our society, underscoring the inevitable triumph of truth over deception. She provides a deep analysis of current world-wide challenges, emphasizing the urgent need to shield our children from the harmful impacts of a corrupt system.

Amandha advocates for a direct involvement in children's education, suggesting alternatives such as homeschooling, unschooling, or travel schooling to protect young minds from propaganda. Her aim is to nurture a healthier and more aware generation of children beyond the confines of traditional educational entities, which are frequently plagued by corruption.

This video serves as a strong call to action, encouraging us to persist in our search for truth, protect our children from overreaching power, and confront the industries driven by profit at the cost of our health.

00:00 - What Are We Seeing?
00:30 - Protecting Our Children
00:50 - Dealing with Corruption

#ProtectOurChildren #Homeschooling #Unschooling #AgainstCorruption #EducationReform

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Created 9 months, 1 week ago.

160 videos

Category Health & Medical

Bring the Wisdom of Nature to Life. Learn How to Become Your Own Doctor.

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#SelfHealing #HealthyLifestyle #truth beyourowndoctor, selfempowerment, nutrition, healtheducation, findyourtribe, homesteading, herbalmedicine, alternativehealing, holistichealth, holistichealing, reiki, naturalhealing.