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Answers to the questions not asked.

We be keepin' it real!

Sherlock Holmes has got the moves.

If paintings could talk, what would they say?

Directed by H.R. Giger

Come along for the ride.

No address, no power.

The next level in robotic evolution.

Spiderman has a little gas problem.

An anthem made for a fellow youtuber going by "Stormbreaker Pirate":

The Real Hell's Kitchen!

He's got miracles on his resume.

Video Source: FTL (A film, by Adam Stern)
Original Short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8LD0iUYv80
The song and the lyrics are AI generated.

Swift caulk.

Bryan Johnson patented sleep routine, based on science.

Liberate tute me ex inferis.

With unlimited power comes vast irresponsibility.

Matrix love has its limits.

It's the end of the line.

It even works underwater!

Matrix highway chase scene, reloaded.

Don't feed the Ribbles.

Looking forward to the weekend.

Do cats dream of electric crows?

Quagmeister John


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

30 videos

Category Entertainment

Tinkering with code, building gadgets and making art.