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Jesus called on his disciples to pick up their cross and follow him. Jesus died for the truth and so did his followers. But they died at the hands of a godless system that persecuted them for their faith and love. They didn't choose to take their own lives, like what the world has seen in Jonestown, or Heaven's Gate, or the more recent mass suicide in Shakahola, Kenya.

Jesus calls on us to lay down our lives, but this doesn't mean taking our lives. It means giving them in loving service to God and others. When we do this, we will experience the kind of abundant life that God and Jesus want us to have. We may be hated by the world for the lives we live, and they may one day take our lives, as they did to Jesus Christ, but we know the story doesn't end there.

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All four gospels record how a woman poured expensive perfume over Jesus. The disciples complained it could have been sold and given to the poor, but Jesus commended what the woman did and said it would be told wherever the gospel is preached. So what does Jesus wants us to learn from this story?

We have many ways to measure how well we use our time and our resources, but we can so easily be blinded by what's logical, that we fail to see the value in stopping to smell the roses, in taking time to appreciate the company of those around us, or simply marvelling in the wonderful gift of life that God has given us.

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Why did Mark record in his gospel that Jesus loved the rich young ruler who came to him asking about eternal life? Sometimes, the truth can be a bitter pill to swallow... but it's made so much easier to take when we know the one offering it to us loves us and wants what is best for us. Are we willing to let go of all we hold to, take up our cross, and follow the One who IS Love? This is the path to eternal life, and it comes from one who loves you. Believe in his love.

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A Christian song about a question we all need to be asking ourselves: Who do we serve? Jesus was clear that there are only two options. So what will it be: God or money? The choice is yours!

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At this time of the year, it is important time to remember Jesus' message of love, forgiveness and peace. In this short story, on the eve of Antler-Fest, Donner, the deer, discovers that in a world of conflict, the only solution to peace is learning to look at what unites us, not what divides us, and to learn to forgive, and to accept forgiveness.

This video was written, illustrated and narrated by one of our teens who is a part of our international community.

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The gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels, but it is nonetheless an excellent recounting of the life and teachings of Jesus, which is remarkably consistent with what Matthew and Luke wrote in their gospel accounts. This is the seventh chapter of a fully illustrated/partially animated interpretation of the gospel according to Mark.

In this chapter, Jesus goes head to head with the Pharisees and other religious leaders who are all trying to catch him out in his words. Whether it's rendering to Caesar, or what is the most important rule from God, Jesus responds with truth and wisdom, leaving the religious leaders speechless. Jesus goes on to warn the masses about the religious experts and their bad example. Finally, Jesus praises a poor widow who gave all she had to the temple treasury, in sharp contrast to the rich who only give from their abundance.

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The gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels, but it is nonetheless an excellent recounting of the life and teachings of Jesus, which is remarkably consistent with what Matthew and Luke wrote in their gospel accounts. This is the seventh chapter of a fully illustrated/partially animated interpretation of the gospel according to Mark.

In this chapter, Jesus has a triumphant entry into Jerusalem, but upon entering the temple all he sees is people making money! The following day he returns to the temple and boy is he angry! Jesus causes quite a scene and rebukes the people for their greed. Of course, the Pharisees aren't best pleased, so they challenge Jesus, but when he flips their question back on them, they walk away in a sulk. Jesus also shows his disciples the power of faith when he curses a fig tree and explains to them how anything is possible when we're acting in obedience to God.

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Every day, we are all faced with a choice: to either choose to 'gain the whole world' or to 'save our soul'. What we decide to do with our possessions, our lands, our money, and our lives, will show us what we truly value.

Our inheritance is to become the Sons and Daughters of God. But to claim that inheritance, we need to give up everything we currently hold to. Are you willing to give up what you cannot keep, in order to gain what you cannot lose?

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What many people call their 'ministry' is nothing more than just a name for pushing their own agenda. The ministry we're all called to, is to be more like Jesus and to get HIS message out into the whole world, so it is HIS Kingdom, HIS power, and HIS glory that prevails and not our own pride. Please watch this video and consider how we can all work together to fulfil that end.

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Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. So, why is it that we continue to place our hopes in political solutions, in religious institutions or in other leaders and people? The answer: insanity. But there IS a solution, to all of our problems, and that answer is Jesus. The question is: Are you sane enough to put his teachings into practice?

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Protestants point the finger at Catholics for their use of the title 'father' in the Catholic church, while turning a blind eye to their own use of titles for their own ministers and/or the use of other titles Jesus forbade when convenient to do so. Yet there is one case where both protestants and Catholics (and even unbelievers) all use the same title to refer to one specific man, a title that Jesus only said should be used for Our Father, THE Father... i.e. God. It's the easiest command of Jesus to practice, yet one universally disobeyed. What are YOU doing with this teaching of Jesus?

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What is eternity? Can the concept of a dimension outside of time, space and matter, bridge the gap between human understanding of science and religion? From questions of what God is, the creation of the earth, to death and the judgement; this video explores how the concept of eternity could help to bring harmony between two very different realities.

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Humans have always worshipped the creation more than the creator. But idol worship isn't limited to pagan religions. There is an idol in Christianity that the leaders of the church say IS perfect, complete and was given to us from God. So what is this idol, and why do people worship it, in place of worshipping God?

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Psalm 23 is one of the most popular psalms in the Bible. Explore the meaning of this psalm in light of the eternal teachings of Jesus Christ, and discover the relevance it has for your life in a way you have never seen before!

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Zacchaeus was a tax collector who repented, and told Jesus, “Half of my goods I give to the poor". Giving half to the poor seems contrary to what Jesus taught in Luke 14, where we learn that we need to forsake all to follow Jesus. This video looks at Bible exceptions to what this channel has come to see as Jesus' standard for salvation. Do Christians have to obey Jesus? Are there exceptions? Watch and find out.

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It has been far too long since we did a live stream, so we have planned one for this weekend (well, Monday morning in Australasia). Apologies for the short notice, but if you cannot be here live, you can still watch the recording later.

We will discuss several aspects of what people traditionally think of as a cult, as well as so-called cult-busting, and its repercussions.


What is "A Voice in the Desert"?

The purpose of A Voice in the Desert is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.

If the message in this video had an impact on you, then please subscribe to stay up to date with more videos [].

The gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels, but it is nonetheless an excellent recounting of the life and teachings of Jesus, which is remarkably consistent with what Matthew and Luke wrote in their gospel accounts. This is the seventh chapter of a fully illustrated/partially animated interpretation of the gospel according to Mark.

In this chapter, Jesus sets the Pharisees straight on marriage and divorce. A young man comes to Jesus asking what he needs to do to have eternal life, but Jesus' answer is not what he expected. The disciples are astonished by Jesus' response, thinking nobody can be saved... until the penny drops. One night, Jesus tries to explain again what will happen to him in the future, but the disciples still don't get it, and are thinking only of themselves. And finally, on the way out of Jericho, Jesus is about to change the life of one blind beggar!

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The book of 2 John is the shortest book in the Bible, but it carries a heavy punch. John's message to the Bride of Christ is about hungering and thirsting after the truth through our application of the teachings of Jesus. It is in submission to Jesus we're able to love God and others in the way that he loves us. So... what are you doing with the teachings of Jesus?

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In this video we explore one of the most famous and inspiring psalms to have ever been written. God has spoken to all of us, through his creation, through revelation in teachings, and finally through his spirit speaking to our conscience. We can know him, if we're willing to surrender our lives, and seek his will.

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The gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels, but it is nonetheless an excellent recounting of the life and teachings of Jesus, which is remarkably consistent with what Matthew and Luke wrote in their gospel accounts. This is the seventh chapter of a fully illustrated/partially animated interpretation of the gospel according to Mark.

In this chapter, Peter, James and John get quite the surprise when Jesus takes them to the top of a mountain! Later, Jesus heals a boy with a bad spirit, but chides the people for their unbelief. The disciples argue who is greatest, so Jesus sets them straight on what being great in the Kingdom of Heaven is all about. And finally, Jesus makes it clear the measures we need to take if we want to enter his Kingdom!

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The real danger of Artificial Intelligence is how it will be used by evil leaders. Governments know this. The media knows this. The world knows this. But still, people look to human leaders, human organizations, and human technology to save us from the inevitable. Artificial Intelligence will be used to track, imprison, and kill believers in the millions in the coming years before Jesus returns.

There is no hope that the governments or tech leaders of this world can offer to evade the fate that awaits the world. But if your hope is in the One who lives in Eternity, then there is real hope that, even if they kill us, we will live again!

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With daily advances towards a cashless society, Worldcoin is just one more step towards the prophesied Mark of the Beast. So, what is Worldcoin and who is behind it, and what are their motivations?

While individuals and companies seek to make the world 'a better place', they're inadvertently helping to bring in the very thing they all fear. Until we humans forsake working for money and all it can buy, and turn back to God in faith and obedience, we will continue to play into the hands of the Anti-Christ and the final one-world government.

Will you let go of all you hold onto, and cast away money and greed, or will you be consumed by them?

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What is the 'rock' on which Jesus said he would build his church? Was it Peter? The Catholic Church? Or something more eternal?

This video explores the authorship of the Gospel of Mark, and questions whether it was an eye witness account from one of the apostles, dictated to John Mark.

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What's the biggest threat facing mankind at the moment? Is it climate change, artificial intelligence, or nuclear war, or the rise of a one-world government?

While the world continues to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the inevitable will not happen, people of faith will need to make a decision to stand against a flood of evil... in love for our enemies and in love for the truth. God has a plan for the human race... and that hope extends beyond the end of this world!

TO CONTACT: Email [email protected]

The gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four gospels, but it is nonetheless an excellent recounting of the life and teachings of Jesus, which is remarkably consistent with what Matthew and Luke wrote in their gospel accounts. This is the seventh chapter of a fully illustrated/partially animated interpretation of the gospel according to Mark.

In this chapter, the disciples have already forgotten the feeding of the 4000. Later the disciples get into hot water, but not because they'd forgotten to bring bread! After Jesus rebukes some miracle seeking Pharisees and gives sight to a blind man, he shows his disciples what will happen in the future. Unfortunately, Peter's emotions get the better of him, so he gets a scolding too. And finally, Jesus attempts to separate the 'hangers-on' from those who REALLY want to be his disciple.

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Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

277 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Sharing the truth that nobody wants to hear.