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Rings of Power season 2 has been mocked into oblivion by everyone!

Aaron Rodgers is out there dropping the truth on Fauci

I am not sure where this came from but Patrick Bet-David is not happy

Rings Of Power will never be a thing. The show stinks, everyone knows it stinks.

Bill Burr went on Bill Maher podcast and made him look foolish

You just love to see it

Donald Trump Still Has it!

Colleges are just importing outside agitaters.

The trial should be over immediately

Dave Rubin is long past his prime

there are some based chics still out there!

Ben shapiro has made some enemies for sure.

Hey, I'm all for the grift, I just didn't see Daily Wire selling c*m pills lol

Target has removed all Pride Merchandise for this upcoming year

the price of food has gotten insane, I wonder if people will still vote biden.

This Gen Z girl is living in a garbage dump

I'll never get tired of people complaining on tiktok.

Meghan McCain got roasted expertly by Tim Dillon


Created 6 years ago.

8154 videos

Category None

Social commentary channel that covers mostly gaming related things like Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer, etc. but I also talk about things going on around the world and try to have a little fun while I do it.