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this guy is paul washer. never heard of him before this seems he really feels the love of the Lord. he gets choked up quite a bit, at least in this interview. this video is about the judgement from God. how we should live for the love of Jesus and not for the passage to eternal life. when you live your life and make your choices , the forethought shouldnt be doing these things to be able to live for eternity in the kingdom of heaven. but to do those things because of the love of Jesus and when a love is so strong it over takes all other thoughts and actions. living for eternal life is selfish and not of Gods design. living to reciprocate the love Jesus showed us is what God wants and will lead to eternal life.

i kind of see it as using the window instead of the door to get in. for in the end, God will judge us all. not just by our actions but or thoughts and practices. to feel the love God has shown us is to pour out that love in your thoughts and actions while alive. i learned that from this guys interview. i find myself asking do i feel Gods love at random moments of the day . i do. and i want to reconstitute that feeling in my actions. we all need to prepare to me thy God.

grant horner.... .... you know i find this quite often,when you listen to pastors and, in grants case, a professor or someone giving a lecture you hear them talk about their life. how god brought them out of despair or drug abuse and reckless self indulgence. i dont think i know a single person who sees their life as flawless or undesirable at some point. weve all sinned and in Gods eyes all sins are the same. one does not weigh more than another. there is no kinda bad or mostly good. grant talks about being at that point of wanting change and controlling his sins, or not giving into temptation. looking back on mistakes can make a person grow stronger in wanting and obtaining a less sinful life. like God does, rejecting the sin and not the sinner.

livin in this world and not for the world sounds more complicated than it is. to live to do all things for Gods glory takes discernment. to understand what God wants from us. to have Him in our forethought before everything and when we do anything. to live like Jesus, helping others, valuing nothing but Gods love and control. its not so you arent a part of this world and community but when you socialize or work or enjoy entertainment it is with the though of making God proud of what you said , did, or watched.

i thought this video interview was pretty insightful. clarified what i thought or heard the holy spirit tell me, even if i was in slight disbelief. be a part of this world as a vessel for Gods desires for us and love. thanks. God loves us all, be a part of Him while you are here.

so i never saw this guy before the other day. mike servin. better known as the pop lockin ex gangster turned to Christ. his story is pretty wild. raised in columbia, he says, he grew up watchin american gang movies and at 12 he wanted to be a gang member. did almost as many crimes as saul before he took that road to demascus and changed to paul.
as strange as mike is i do believe he is a true believer in Jesus.does he know the scripture in and out.? no. but he believes in it all. he says he calls out Jesus' name so much when he need help or is lost in words or is just lost. God works in us all differently and we are all different. when the Holy spirit enters us it doesnt change us to be someone who we arent, it fills us with the thoughts and words of God. we arent ment to be a certain cookie cutter image man has created as a Christian. we are just suppose to love Jesus and follow His teachings, spread His word in the annimations that make us the unique persons we are.
thanks for watching. Dont forget to tell God you love him when you talk to Him. He likes to hear it.
ps. my computer machine had a hard time rendering this one for some reason. some spots are miss aligned and studder. oh well. next week ill make a new one and ill forget all about it.

i stumbled on this fellas bitchute page last week. really enjoyed his devotion to Jesus and it really comes through in his energetic vidios. i asked him if i could make some music to put behind one of his videos and he said yeah go ahead. i kind of rushed this one. all the good stuff about it God did, i just pressed some keys and clicked the mouse a million times. ill try harder next time. thanks for loving God.

this guy is- blessed beyond belief

from one of oral roberts tent sermons in the 1950's. i think the thing i got out of this the most was how he portrayed when Jesus cast out the demons in Legion, a man riddled with demons living in the wild. He softly spoke "demons, come out.... come out" Legion attacks Jesus and He says.."PEACE.....PEACE". in the midst of a fear and scary moments, Jesus was calm. knowing God will win and is more powerful than anything. He didnt get mad or defensive or argumentative or scared. He just said..come out. and peace. THAT IS THE POWER OF FAITH IN GOD. other stories i can think of when Jesus acted in peace in the midst of despair are the temptation of Christ and His crusifiction.

im gonna look for more stories of how Christ acted and responds to fear and evil and try to make some more vids. Its a great lesson for us, for how we should be acting in these times of distress. we ALL should be more like Christ.

thanks for watchin and God be with us all.

im feeling better about some of these videos ive been putting out. God is truly guiding me in my journey to get better at making things more put together and coherent. think i need a lot more practice with video editing yet but the music and audio part is really getting more refined. like any music, its always better on headphones or a stereo. i started off not knowing what i wanted to do on this account but God directed me in this direction. im not lookin to have a big audience. just making music for God. thanks for tuning in. God be with you all.

vocals from one of pastor charles lawson's sermons...

this interview was done on the end times productions website. the guy that does the end times productions videos does a great job and always has great insightful people he interviews. most topics seem to be about linking the Bible to aliens and demons and portals. ive been watching his videos for years and he does a great job so i decided to take one of his interviews and make some music and remix it.

Timothy Alberino is the interviewee . his back ground is pretty interesting. read about him here ...

end times productions ...
personally i dont condone youtube but a lot of people dont see any harm in it.

thanks for watchin, the few that do. God loves us all

By One Man, Adam, Sin Entered the World. By One Man, Jesus Christ, Hope Came into the World. Sin Bringeth Forth Death, Sin is Deceitful, and Sin Entices. But Jesus Christ is the Friend of Sinners, and He Gives Us Hope and the Promise to a New Life in Him. Scripture: Genesis 4:7

not sure what to think of this lady. if she is anything that she talks about she doesnt seem all that bad. i guess time will tell. marjorie taylor greene

Marjorie Greene has a lifetime of business experience, having grown up working in her family’s company. In 2002 Marjorie purchased Taylor Commercial, a commercial construction and renovation company. The company has since managed a quarter of a billion dollars of construction projects.

Marjorie successfully started, grew, and sold a thriving CrossFit gym here in Georgia which has become one of the top CrossFit gyms in the country. Marjorie has a unique perspective on how to succeed from the ground up, through true hard work and financial responsibility.

Marjorie graduated from the University of Georgia and received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Marjorie has been actively involved in her community, in her children’s schools, and been active on a national level as National Director of Family America Project.

Marjorie has a strong Christian faith and believes we must continue to protect our great freedoms and work to keep America a great country for our generations to come.

Marjorie has three children, Lauren, Taylor and Derek. Marjorie believes the best part of her life is being a mother and spending time with her family.

I havent post anything for a few months. i started this song in january and lost my drive to finish it. then the other day i watched one of marmit's videos.(mitch and marry ) and she said stop being afraid or lazy and post the messages Jesus wants you to share. it really hit me. she was indirectly talking to me, or i should say, God was speaking through her to me. i felt like i was wasting my time making these songs. then i thought if this one lady in australia can impact a guy in america who could i impact at some point. so ill keep making music and hopefully the videos get better. im gonna do my best and get better along the journey. thanks mitch and mary and God be with you forever

even at the worst moments of our lives we should be grateful to be alive. with Jesus and the Holy spirit after this life is an even better life, free from satan.

a person only needs to ask Jesus to come into their lives and forgive them. the Holy Spirit will guide you the rest of the way.

the kea bird. some sort of parrot. totally reminds me of my cat. i wonder if this was one of the birds on Noahs ark or is this a product of cross breading over time. one of those questions that will be answered in heaven, or in heaven our brains wont even care to think about such questions. time will tell.
God loves us all.


I know this is a video site but i didn't feel like making a video for this one.

1 Corinthians 5:5
To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

This is an important and complicated verse. Paul has commanded the Christians in Corinth to remove from among them a man who was sleeping with his father's wife, a form of sexual immorality even their own pagan culture condemned (1 Corinthians 5:1). By tolerating such open sin and perversion, the church was inviting shame and judgment (1 Corinthians 5:2).

Now Paul writes that by the power of the Lord Jesus (1 Corinthians 5:4), they are to deliver—or hand over—the man to Satan. Paul is the one who has commanded this action, but it is the church in Corinth that must carry it out. In doing so, they will take responsibility as a group for confronting the sin that is among them. This openly incestuous person is to be given over "to Satan for the destruction of the flesh." The purpose is not for revenge, or even punishment. Rather, it is "so that his spirit might be saved" at the Lord's judgment.

I lose so much motivation by the time i get done making the music and audio edits i just slam together effects in the video.. if i dont, the audio just sits in my folder on my computer till i delete old stuff.. at least this way its not gonna be deleted by me. hah. i suppose even when i spend more time on it im never really impressed with the final cut. not sure if im just bad at it or inexperienced. ill figure it out one day.. i do know that i like makin the music side of it. ill have to pray on it for a while.

pastor charles lawson saying we pretty much only get mad to God because of our own actions and personal desires. i always thought it was interesting to be a deciple of Christ you must deny youself fully of your wants and desires and belongings. then , once living for God and by His desires he will give you what you need and desire. not when you want it or think you need it, but when He knows you need it.

seems like it would be stress free. to not only give up everything and live for God, but to also truly desire and love it. to only think of how God wants us to be . everything else just happens, like breathing. i dont think about breathing 99.9% of the time, my body just breaths.

i never knew jim caviezel is a christian. i just assumed all actors didn't know Jesus. it seems like a job that actors to the secular world. how can you say things and act out things you firmly have faith in are the works and words of the devil. maybe its in his contract he wont say things or act a certain way. im not sure. maybe thats the hardest thing about sinning, knowing exactly what you shouldn't be doing or saying but doing it anyway. it's a sadness in your heart it brings to knowingly sin. maybe it's God saying to you at that moment, I'm disappointed. To ask for forgiveness for giving into the flesh knowingly is hard but we can not let it over take the privilege to actually ask Jesus for forgiveness. we must also ask for strength to over come the desires and compromises we make and decided when we sin. i must ask myself, IS THIS FOR GOD, about eighty times a day.

im pretty sure jim is spot on saying what we do on earth is pointless if it isnt for God. fame and glory can come and go so quick. one moment you can be on top, everyone knows you and loves you and the next you are not. forgotten and hated. but but in heaven God he never forgets you. He never stops loving you.

Charles Lawson again. I have to keep telling myself to stay away from the people and places that tempt me to sin. We all do it, it's hard, but anything is possible with God and His Holy Spirit.

If you have any pastors or preachers or sermons you like, let me know.. Chuck Missler is great too. pastor Arnold Murry is good at bible studies. I know there is controversy with that guy but i think his sermons are good.

Thanks for watching and God bless

pastor charles lawson talking about being saved. about how there are points in everyone's lives where God puts it on them its time. a true conviction. giving up all old ways and desires and not looking back. having the feeling that you did not lose anything but gained so much. i'm not baptist, but i think this man has God in his heart and flowing out his mouth. his sermons impact me.

you know when it's your time to give your life to Jesus and let him take control. He'll put it in your heart no matter how lost you are.

i made some music for the background. possibly to heavy for a lot of people but i just followed my heart during the whole process knowing it was for God. Maybe this video is for one person in the whole world. Maybe they wont see it for a while. months, years... who knows. All i know is God put it in me to make this and post it.

i have another video i've been workin on for months.. i lost ambition around the 16 minute mark.. its a 33 minute video about the different types of angles. maybe put it in your prayers i find the patients to finish it... i really like it so far, but it takes so much time.
july 17, 2023

Saw this preacher, Charles Lawson's, video about hell and decided to make some music to put behind it. never edited a video before this so its a little rough. the message is clear, we need to ask Jesus into our hearts and minds, fill us with Gods holy spirit and hold on tight.

original sermon-


Created 1 year, 1 month ago.

19 videos

Category Entertainment

Who cares about boring intros, smashin like buttons, monetization, advertisements and catch phrases. corporate television has programmed us for so long that many people just follow their templates and structure of making a show or video. Getting away from that is a goal i wish to reach. Nothing is ground breaking here. But just an attempt to document and relay videos i enjoy.

Maybe at some point i will make my own videos. I've been an unregistered viewer of bitchute for a long time. There are a couple channels that are putting out great content. I'll try to link them in the channels tab if i can figure it out.

God be with us all.