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NSM in Orlando

Racial Politics

Munn Park Pride Fest in downtown Lakeland, Florida

Protesting the semi-hidden drag queen story hour at Icon Park in Orlando

Goyim Defense League, NSM and White Lives Matter protest

White Unity Event

NSM Nationals 2021

Commander Colucci and others speaking.

Commander Burt Colucci discusses the new President and his Communist agenda.
One caller asks about Conservative commentator Jewish Ben Shapiro

My personal favorite part of the Detroit LGBTQ protest. No Watermark, because it was released publicly days after the event unedited.

Video evidence that the NSM walked through downtown Detroit with absolutely no police assistance.

The NSM took 14 members to Downtown Detroit and stood up against 50,000 Outnumbered 4,400:1 the NSM owned the day!!!

2020 NSM speakers in Ulysses, Pennsylvania

The City wouldn't give us a permit, so we went anyway.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

14 videos

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