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Writer J. Ishro Finney conducts a class on writing horror comics. Hosted by Mysterious Galaxy

Detective Hank Flynn returns for another case that will lead him into the darkest corners of Lovecraft’s most cursed city—Arkham, Massachusetts. When an old friend shows up at Flynn’s office waving a gun and rambling about “the Abyss of the Shoggoths,” the detective is pulled into a case of love, revenge, and an elite family’s generational feud—one which just so happen to have interbred with the spawn of a Sumerian God

Created by author/artist team Josh Finney (Utopiates, Titanium Rain, World War Kaiju) and Patrick McEvoy (Call of Cthulhu, Game of Thrones), CASEFILE: Arkham seamlessly fuses the hardboiled styles of Raymond Chandler with the eldritch horror of H.P. Lovecraft’s Mythos.
Published by 01Publishing. www.01publishing.com found on Amazon.com and where fine paperbacks are sold


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

2 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Visceral Horror – Dark Science Fiction

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