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This story was proven a couple months after the fake story about Childrens remains and "Mass Graves" in some of the Residential Schools in Canada. All did is weaponize mass groups of Natives that will never ever admit to the truth, in order to gain more power and money from the country, they have effectively been turned into the weaponized Jews that believe there was an attempted Genocide of their people in a fake Holocaust, which that lie has garnered more money for Israel and has been the justification for more inhumane death and destruction for over 70 years.

Dan Dicks speaks to Josh Sigurdson about the state of the World, Europe, The Attempted Assassination of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico because of his Honesty and Opposition against the Covid-19 Scamdemic and his Opposition to the WHO Pandemic Treaty....

Fico was shot four times by 71-year-old poet Jurj Cintula, a man with a long history of activism, after attending a government meeting on Wednesday. Fico was greeting supporters in the town of Handlova when the would-be assassin struck.

Tucker Carlson sits down with Kyle Kemper, Justin Trudeau's Half Brother and discusses his opinions about his Brother Prime Ministership and what has become of Canada under the Authoritarian Rule of his Brother.

In December 2020, major pharmaceutical companies rushed to market with new vaccines meant to curb a global pandemic. Produced with unprecedented speed, based on new formulations of previously problematic mRNA biotechnology, the mainstream media hailed these vaccines as a Godsend. Governments around the world held them up as a triumph of innovation and insisted they were both safe and effective. We have learned the truth.

Unsafe and Ineffective is the true story of the biggest lie ever sold to the American people.

Chakaruna Media Production:

Lol, Of Course. They've already passed the Laws in most countries years ago to be able to do this..

I had this video on my WTVideos channel which no longer exists. For years I have been saving videos I thought were important, this is one of them. I have several removable hard drives filled with truth videos. This video was youtube at one time but then the channel it was on was terminated. Years ago when I researched EMF dangers and found out that it is harmful to us, plants and animals I knew I had to get rid of WiFi in our home. I hard wired all devices instead.



Alandra Markman was born into a global Satanic cult and was ritually abused and tortured throughout his childhood. Markman then turned whistleblower to the Satanic ritual abuse atrocities that he experienced at the hands of some of the world’s most powerful and famous people, including Jeffrey Epstein.

Rumors regarding the depraved pedophilic tastes of the elite have been circulating the world for centuries, but it takes a very brave and principled person to risk their life to speak out about what they have experienced.

The global elite are determined to suppress information of this kind. Videos and blog posts are routinely scrubbed from the internet. Brave whistleblowers are often murdered in bizarre, sickening ways as a warning to others. That’s why what Alandra Markman has to say is vitally important.

The truth has never been more obvious. The Israel/Palestine Lies and Coverup Pushed by the MSM has Conclusively Proven, they Truly Are Fake News.

The MSM lies to both the left and the right. They are all controlled by the same puppet masters and corporate plutocrats.

This is from the YouTube channel "Second Thought"
The video creators First Thoughts on this YouTube channel - "Second Thoughts"

His Coverage of the Israel/Zionist Agenda is very accurate. But Beware: Second Thoughts is a Socialist. Just be Aware of his Political Leanings if you choose to follow more of his work

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as AIPAC.

AIPAC openly brags about this on their official website, because they don’t have to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires agents of foreign principals to register and provide transparency.

I was born in 89 and since I can remember at the youngest of age I recall people warning of the plan to Chip, Control and Own Everyone, 34 years later, as it is happening before our eyes, The Majority of the General Public still cannot accept this truth....

It's Much Much Worse than This People...

Alex Jones breakdowns over the years with guests about how the Government is in control of all technology and can use it to Frame, Scapegoat, and Create Fake Lawfare against any Individual.

President Of El Salvador: Nayib Bukele

True Words, Only The Stupid cannot understand. Spoken Like a true Revolutionary.

Soylent Green....

This is Sickening and Scary but not Surprising at all, Cops behave like this all over the world. Police need to be put into much stronger Legal, Constitutional and Lethal Check by the People of every country of the world.

Perfect Example of Predictive Programming. And this is how many of our parents felt and thus taught these same values to their posterity.

I have never used one and never will.

Trudeau is freaking out and attempted the Hillary Clinton Tactic from the 2016 Trump Election to Denigrate Poilievre and paint him as an Alex Jones Conspiracy Theory Candidate

The Poor Duchess has met her Demise.

Greg Reese dives into the allegations of Elites and Monarchs secretly being shape shifting Reptilian Beings and how their Blood Rituals are used around the world

Whitney Webb gives her two cents on the coming Economic Crisis.

Greg Reese dives deeper into Viral Theory and how it's been used to subvert Natural Health.

Greg Reese breaks down the simple facts of the mythical Virus...

Weather Control has been an official thing since the 60s


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

196 videos

Category Education

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