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Band: Absurd
Country: Germany
Genre: Black metal
Album: Totenlieder
Year of release: 2003

My gear:
Guitar: B.C.Rich ASM1
Audio interface: Lexicon Alpha
Headphones: AKG K77
Tone: Free VSTs

I know that there are hundreds or even thousands channels that have been deleted for ridiculous reasons by YouTube and my case is nothing new or special but I decided to share it anyway. The more we speak about the injustice and the double standards that sites like YouTube impose, the more evidences we will have about the silent dictatorship that we are forced to live in. This video can also be considered as my introduction to BitChute.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

2 videos

Category Arts & Literature

A continuation of a channel that was banned forever in YouTube that contains mostly videos of playing guitar. There should not be censorship in art in any form nor any kind of double standards.