CANST - Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!

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CANST - Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!


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Woke influencer lists all of the "terrifying" things that Trump will do if he wins and accidentally made him the most epic campaign ad ever.



Was Eddie Bravo effecting a snake sound?

Trump is a CONSTRICTOR 🐍

Richard Citizen Journalist PROVED that we are watching a show

Archiving this re-post from Nerdrotic and Price of Reason:

Rolling Stone deleted their negative Acolyte review
Why @RollingStone ?


This is what the article initially said, for your records:
Part 1: The Jedi barely appear in the original Star Wars trilogy. Obi-Wan and Yoda are both hermits hiding from their own failures in distant corners of the galaxy, and both die after teaching Luke Skywalker a bit about the Force. Luke himself never technically completes his training, though he gets close enough to be considered a Jedi master in later films. So the Jedi exist more as a exciting symbol in those early films, as well as a mystery: How could a group of people so wise and powerful have just ceased to exist?

The solution to that mystery unfortunately robbed the Jedi of most of the mystique that Obi-Wan and Yoda gave them in the early movies. It turns out the Jedi got wiped out because they were soft, self-congratulatory, and far too hung up on rules that did more harm than good. If Mace Windu had just told young Anakin that he was allowed to go kiss Padme, for Pete’s sake, the Empire never would have been created. The Clone Wars and Rebels cartoons did a bit better by the Jedi, but on the whole, they are, like Boba Fett(*), a George Lucas creation where the more they get to do, the less thrilling they become.

(*) A.K.A. the guy who turned out to be so boring, his own show had to morph into a Mandalorian bonus season partway through.

The newest Disney+ Star Wars series, The Acolyte, at least attempts to openly confront the reality that the Jedi are smug, complacent, and kind of terrible. But the execution of that idea is spotty throughout the four episodes given to critics. And the decision to set it a century before the rise of the Empire seems to defeat the purpose of the whole thing, because the Jedi of The Phantom Menace have learned exactly zero lessons.

The Acolyte was created by writer-director Leslye Headland, who was one of the co-creators of Netflix’s great sci-fi comedy Russian Doll(*). Headland has built her whole story around the institutional failings of the Jedi. A young woman named Mae (Amandla Stenberg) is seeking revenge on a quartet of Jedi masters — the wise Sol (Lee Jung-jae), the stoic Indara (Carrie-Anne Moss), Wookiee master Kelnacca (Joonas Suotamo), and young Torbin (Dean-Charles Chapman) — for a family tragedy. And the more we learn about the history, the clearer it becomes that Jedi law — and questions of who is and isn’t allowed to study the Force — played an unfortunately huge role. Meanwhile, Mae’s twin sister Osha (Stenberg again) is working as a mechanic after washing out of Jedi training, and she has to again speak with her former teacher, Sol.

(*) Two of that show’s actors play Jedi here. Rebecca Henderson is Vernestra, a green-skinned, high-ranking member of the order. Charlie Barnett is Yord, a Jedi nerd with an unfortunate rooster haircut.

Lee Jung-jae, the Emmy-winning star of Squid Game, isn’t fluent in English, and as a result his line readings can be halting at times. But he otherwise brings a necessary amount of gravitas, warmth, and regret as Sol. His relationship with Osha is easily the best and most fully-realized aspect of The Acolyte. Stenberg, Headland, and their collaborators regrettably struggle to differentiate Osha and Mae from one another, even when they’re wearing different clothes and pursuing different agendas. (It’s even worse in the third episode, a listless flashback where the two girls, played by Leah and Lauren Brady, are styled identically.)

Most of the pieces are uneven at best, if not simply underwhelming. Carrie-Anne Moss is used well in an opening action set piece (once again getting to work with bullet-time effects, 25 years after the first Matrix) but is otherwise wasted, and the later fight scenes aren’t as dynamic. There are some amusing bits of business regarding interpersonal dynamics among the Jedi — Yord is so disrespected that even Sol’s padawan, Jecki (Dafne Keen, from Logan and His Dark Materials), feels comfortable acting superior to him — but not a lot.

There's absolutely no way this should be a surprise; of course they're working in concert to effect their child trafficking [not to mention the 7 oz rock]! 🪨


Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for all agency records relating to the Department of Justice or Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigations of Hunter Biden and all records relating to efforts to interview lawyer Patrick Kevin Morris regarding Hunter Biden (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (No. 1:24-cv-01537)).



It'z gunna be anuddah shoah, goyimzes!

At the beginning of the portion the verse says, “And the earth became corrupt before God and was full of hamas” (Genesis, 6:11). In Hebrew, what does the word “hamas” mean? The Midrash, the ancient rabbinic commentary on the Bible, says that hamas means violence and murder, complete moral destruction (Breishit Rabba 31:6).

Hamas, the terrorist organization, is living up to its despicable name – at least according to its Hebrew meaning. In Arabic, in addition to being an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyya – The Islamic Resistance Movement, the word means “zeal,” “bravery” or “strength.”

If God forbid you had to be in Auschwitz, who would you rather be: a Nazi guard or an inmate?

Not only do these terrorists commit barbaric acts of evil, they distort and pervert them as acts of bravery, creating moral confusion and corruption.

This Shabbat I will repeat to my son a question Rabbi Noach Weinberg, his namesake, often asked his students. If God forbid you had to be in Auschwitz, who would you rather be: a Nazi guard or an inmate?

Unfortunately, today we can rephrase the question: If God forbid you had to be in southern Israel two weeks ago, who would you rather be: a Hamas terrorist or one of the civilians who was murdered?

It’s a horrific question, but Rav Noach was making an important point, one that I want my son to digest as he becomes a bar mitzvah. There are forces of good and evil in the world. Don’t confuse the two. Don’t minimize the sheer destructive power of evil that was unleashed two weeks ago before the eyes of the world, who are already attempting to push it away, shift blame, and distort the picture.

Noach, you are engaged in a moral battle between good and evil. Dedicating your life to being good is so important it’s even worth willing to die for it. You would rather die as a good Jew in Auschwitz than survive as an evil Nazi because being good is more important than life itself. It’s choosing eternity.

The Torah gives us moral clarity. Without it, one could pervert the hamas of violence and murder and dress it up as the hamas of zeal and bravery. In a world filled with a flood of moral confusion, the Torah is our ark, our refuge. It’s what protects us.

Noach, in addition to being called up to the Torah and getting an aliyah, you are being called up to the army and deployed to serve God in the battle of good versus evil. Now that you are a young man obligated to observe the mitzvot, you are joining the ranks and need to do your part, with dedication and motivation, fueled with the realization that every mitzvah you do makes a genuine difference in bringing God’s light the forces of good into the world. Ima and I are so very proud of you, and look forward to seeing your unique contribution you will bring to the ranks of the Jewish People.

In Israel this week, President Biden said that Hamas unleashed “pure unadulterated evil upon the world. There is no rationalizing it, no excusing it. Period. The brutality we saw would have cut deep anywhere in the world, but it cuts deeper here in Israel.

October 7th…became the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust… The world watched then, it knew, and the world did nothing. We will not stand by and do nothing again. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.”

How fitting it is that in Spanish the word “hamas” has an entirely different meaning. It means: “never again.”


Anons bust (((hamas))): 🔯


Dr. David Martin, addressing the European Parliament at the International COVID Summit III, made a startling assertion that the COVID-19 pandemic, responsible for millions of deaths worldwide between 2020 and 2023, was a pre-meditated act of domestic terrorism. Speaking before the audience, Dr. Martin presented evidence supporting his claims and highlighted the historical context of the pandemic.

Dr. Martin, the founding chairman of M Cam Asset Management Company and an American patent-auditing expert, commenced his speech by asserting that COVID-19 was first isolated in 1965, more than 50 years ago. He highlighted that at the time, the virus was recognized as a pathogen with the potential for modification and utilization in various contexts. Dr. Martin underlined that the virus was identified as a potential tool for biological warfare, characterizing it as a “financial heist” and a “financial fraud” in which the scientific community was manipulated. This presentation took place on May 3, 2023, during the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III held in Brussels.

In his speech, Dr. Martin addressed the significance of speaking at the European Parliament, recalling his previous engagement with the institution over a decade ago when he warned about the consequences of weaponizing nature against humanity. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to address the parliament once again, highlighting the increased public awareness and engagement surrounding the pandemic.

Acknowledging his wife, Kim Martin, for her role in encouraging him to share his knowledge and information early in the pandemic, Dr. Martin noted the transition from mainstream media appearances to engaging with the public directly. He expressed his preference for standing among the individuals present at the summit rather than being part of his previous fame in the media.

The crux of Dr. Martin’s presentation centered on the historical timeline of coronavirus research and manipulation. He highlighted that coronavirus was first isolated as a model pathogen in 1965, and by 1966, it was utilized in transatlantic biological experiments involving human manipulation. The following year, in 1967, human trials were conducted using modified coronavirus, indicating that the development of the virus as a potential weapon had been ongoing for over five decades.

Furthermore, Dr. Martin emphasized that coronavirus research continued throughout the years, including the modification of the pathogen in animals such as pigs and dogs. Notably, in 1990, Pfizer filed the first patent for a spike protein vaccine for coronavirus. He underscored the significance of this finding, disputing the notion that spike proteins were only recently identified as problematic. Dr. Martin also questioned the credibility of Operation Warp Speed, emphasizing the long history of coronavirus research and its documented ability to mutate rapidly, rendering vaccines ineffective.

Dr. Martin concluded his presentation by posing important questions about the responsibilities of humanity and the kind of society people aspire to be. He urged the audience to recognize the implications of allowing the manipulation and spread of a pathogen like coronavirus, calling attention to the lack of global conversation surrounding these issues in the past.

Dr. Martin’s assertions and evidence presented during his speech serve as a thought-provoking contribution to the ongoing discussions surrounding the origins and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Disclaimer: The views and assertions presented in this article are those of Dr. David Martin and do not necessarily reflect the views of Today News Africa. The article aims to present the information and context provided during Dr. Martin’s speech at the European Parliament’s International COVID Summit III.



VfB nailed it on May 16, 2020: COVID19 is YOUR ASSIGNED MACHINE ACCESS CODE 🤔🤭🤫🤯

I’m gonna make you my girlfriend - Mike Tyson 😂



What if a legendary boxer and a UFC champion went to war against each other? And what if Jon Jones and Mike Tyson filled those shoes and engaged in verbal warfare? The amusing but hypothetical scenario would definitely take the combat sports world by storm. The fans would flock to the press conference, and the exciting fight would shatter the PPV records. A recent clip offers a glimpse into what would go down if the two combat sports titans threw verbal sludge at each other.

‘Bones’ and ‘Iron Mike’ remain two of the most dominant forces in their respective sports. While the MMA fighter has cemented his legacy as the GOAT in the UFC, there are few doubters of Tyson’s title as the ‘baddest’ man on the planet. However, with their careers stretching over different timelines, the chances of a fight between the two are rather slim. But the UFC’s heavyweight champion came across a clip that left him in splits as he apparently engaged with Tyson in an electric exchange.

The 36-year-old fighter turned to his Instagram handle and shared a clip on his Instagram story. Notably, in the edited clip, the fans can spot the interviews of both fighters juxtaposed in such a manner that both appear to be in heated arguments with each other. And it appears the decorated boxer is already agitated.

The UFC champion started the proceedings by poking fun at Tyson. He said, “Oh, you so mad that I can hear it in your voice. F*cking b*tch. Hey, b*tch, are you still there?” The sheer disrespect didn’t sit well with the American boxer.

Flustered, Mike Tyson brings the fight to Jon Jones

Tyson hit back with a scathing response as he declared, “How dare you talk to me like that! You should get up and kneel to me now and I’ll spare you on the night of 28th. Ok, I don’t know why you talking to me like that when you know I’ll kill you for it.”

Following this, Jones pointed out, “Coming from a kid who is 5’10.”

At this point, Tyson had enough, as he had made his usual prediction of their supposed fight. He expressed, “Oh man, I can’t wait till 28th. I’m gonna make you my girlfriend. I’m gonna make sure you kiss me good with those big lips.”

The comical but fabricated interaction caught Jones’ attention, and he even left a comment on the post. He responded, “😂”.

Markedly, Tyson’s original remarks were directed at Canadian boxer Donovan ‘Razor’ Ruddock in the lead-up to their rematch on June 28, 1991. With a stellar victory, he established himself as the number-one contender in the division. On the other hand, Jones had blasted Daniel Cormier with his choice words in the build-up to their match at UFC 182 and subsequently defended his title.

Jon Jones will fight Stipe Miocic at UFC 295 in November at Madison Square Garden. Meanwhile, Tyson is helping Jones’ MMA rival Francis Ngannou train for his boxing debut against Tyson Fury.

What do you think of this hilarious verbal exchange between Jon Jones and Mike Tyson? Do you believe an actual banter between them will be more entertaining? Let us know in the comments

RFK Jr. rattles off an absolute corker of a tale, and Taintless Timmie eats it up 😋



Full show:

The Storm
Greatest Military Operation in the History of the World
Global White Hat Nine Nation Military Alliance Under President Donald Trump Is On The Verge Of Dismantling The Zionist Deep State Cabal.
Black Swan Event:
Global Financial System Implosion Expected Around Sun. 9 June When Petrodollar Ends.
Gold To Kill The Fed.
As Mass Arrests of Pedophile Zionist Deep State Child Sacrificing Occultists Continued.

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First Lady Dr. Jill Biden departed a hearing in her son Hunter Biden's federal gun trial.


Excerpt from

What are the federal gun charges against Hunter Biden?

In the three-count indictment, the president's son is charged with making false statements on a federal gun form about his drug use, certifying he was not a user of or addicted to any controlled substance during a period when prosecutors allege he was addicted to crack cocaine. Biden purchased a Colt Cobra .38 Special revolver, and it remained in his possession for 11 days before it was discarded in an outdoor receptacle by Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden's romantic partner at the time.

Hunter Biden's attorneys have decried the charges and argued they were "unconstitutional" and "unprecedented," as well as in violation of the diversion agreement they maintain was still legally binding and valid.

A flurry of motions to dismiss filed by Hunter Biden's attorneys were denied by Judge Noreika, and a federal appeals court rejected his motion to dismiss the gun charges in May.

Prosecutors are expected to introduce evidence that details Hunter Biden's use of controlled substances leading up to and during the period he purchased the firearm. In their trial brief, they reference his own admission of drug addiction in excerpts from his memoir, Beautiful Things, as well as photos and videos from his laptop and text messages.

The government also intends to include testimony from Hunter Biden's former romantic partners recounting his substance abuse, including his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle and Hallie Biden, the widow of his late brother, Beau Biden, and expert testimony from FBI and DEA agents.

Hunter Biden's attorneys seek to call their own expert witnesses on addiction and forensic psychiatry and forensic toxicology.

The charges were brought by special counsel David Weiss who was appointed U.S. attorney for Delaware by former President Donald Trump and named special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland in 2023. Federal probes into Hunter Biden, led by Weiss, spanned five years over the course of both the Trump and Biden administrations.

Attorneys for Hunter Biden asserted that Weiss "buckled under political pressure to bring more severe charges" after the plea agreement elicited a "sharp rebuke" from former President Trump and his Republican allies when it was first made public. Weiss' office slammed claims that the charges were fueled by politics and were pursued to appease Republicans.

"The charges in this case are not trumped up or because of former President Trump—they are instead a result of the defendant's own choices and were brought in spite of, not because of, any outside noise made by politicians," prosecutors said.

Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines if convicted on all counts.

A jury has been seated in Hunter Biden's federal firearms case

The Moon Map The Astronomical clock in Prague confirms this👌



THE LEGEND OF THE ASTRONOMICAL Clock in the Old Town of Prague seems to have come straight from the Brothers Grimm. The dark tale is set in the fifteenth century, when the clock is said to have been created by the great clockmaker Mikuláš from Kadaň. Such was the reputation of his craftsmanship that Mikuláš was approached by many a foreign nation, each wishing to have its own town square topped with a marvelous astronomical clock. Mikuláš refused to show the plans of his masterpiece to anyone, but word got back to the Prague Councilors.

Overcome with fear that Mikuláš might build a bigger, better, and more beautiful clock for another nation, the Councilors had the brilliant clockmaker blinded, ensuring that their clock would never be topped. Driven mad, the clockmaker took the ultimate revenge, throwing himself into his extraordinary work of art, gumming up the clock’s gears and ending his own life in one stroke. In doing so, he cursed the clock. All who tried to fix it would either go insane, or die.

While this is only a legend, it stands as a testament to the extraordinary nature of the Prague Astronomical Clock. The clock has been modified, destroyed, and repaired many times since its creation in 1380. It is perhaps the most well-known astronomical clock in the world, with four moving automatons (including a skeleton ringing his death knell for each hour), and rotating statues of the 12 apostles. It displays Babylonian time, Old Bohemian time, German time, and Sidereal time. It also shows the moon’s phases and the sun’s journey through the constellations of the zodiac. The calendar dial, just below the clock, shows the day of the month, the day of the week, feast days and allegorical pictures of the current month and sign of the zodiac.

Though the legend of Mikuláš is apocryphal, Prague is not without a dark history - the cobblestones of the Old Town Square below the clock are marked with 27 crosses commemorating 27 beheaded Czech noblemen. Be sure to go upstairs for a tour of the interior of the fascinating clock.

In Czechia, the Prague Astronomical Clock is known simply as the Orloj, from the Latin word horologium.

As the saying goes, imitation is the highest form of flattery. When it was created, the Prague Astronomical Clock was an outstanding technological achievement. In modern times, Koreans fascinated by the Orloj built a working replica of the clock and the tower of the Old Town Hall. Their building in Seoul is called Castle Praha Hongdae.

Update January 2019: After nine months of restoration—the most extensive since the 1940s—the clock has been returned to its former glory and is back on view.

Anons calling out psyop agents: 🫥

People like "SirLoinofBeef", "Golemspeaks", "John Connor", etc are all insufferable holier-than-thou cringe commenters butting into every conversation

with their retarded Flat Earth "wisdom" that makes them look more insane with every word they type LMAO

Redpill Drifter - FORMER FEMA EMPLOYEE WARNS OF FINAL DEPOPULATION MOVE FEMA Camps are found all throughout the US, and if we don't win this war, the DS has plans to throw all domestic terrorists into reeducation centers. If you can't be reeducated, you will be executed.

Re-posting a comment [reply to pinned comment]

VfB constantly says: "Blaming all of this on Trump is LAZY THINKING"

So, let's all go ahead and hang Trump like they hanged Qaddafi...does all of this end?
Dumpster fire: 🔥


Trump is the cutout put in front of you, just like every (((President))) in every country, as the (((homosexual banking mafia))) picks the country clean

You all know whom the guilty parties are, and you have [or know someone whom has] suffered from their predations; VfB doesn't need to spell it out for you 🥸




The thumbnail article is from 2020...let's list the established camps:

JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii - by Daniel K Inouye International Airport (HNL)
Great Lakes Training Center Navy Base, Illinois - by O'Hare International Airport (ORD)
Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, Texas - by Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)
March ARB, California - by Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
Travis AFB, California - by San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
Dobbins ARB, Georgia - by Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Fort Hamilton, New York - by John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York City
Naval Base Kitsap, Washington - by Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA)
Joint Base Anacostia, Washington DC - by Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD)
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey - by Newark International Airport (EWR)
Fort Custer Training Center, Michigan - by Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW)

"There will be no crueler or more deserved irony than the day that today’s self-absorbed, traffic-blocking, soup-throwing activists realize they’re not revolutionaries — but rather the same authoritarian, censorship-wielding, group-thinking, malleable automatons they once thought they were fighting against."

Anons want in on this: 🫥

ok jew. get in the oven

We Jews are the Palestinians and Americans greatest ally.

i am american. bend over backwards and die


this was done once before less then 500 yrs ago bunch of pigs

Another question is where did the orphans come from?

If the orphans were “created” it would be plausible that the NPC culture is connected to the Orphan Trains

Could the Orphans and their offspring be the Useless Eaters w/ no inner monologue so commonly refered to by the elite



What were the Orphan Trains and what did they do for children? It’s an intriguing story. It’s considered the precursor to modern foster care in America.

The orphan train movement in America was a unique experiment in child welfare. Back in the mid-1800's, there were not a lot of options for poor, homeless, abused, and/or neglected children other than orphanages or almshouses. The issue of these types of children was especially noticeable in New York City, where there were estimates of over 30,000 children living on the streets in the 1850's. These children often lived in groups and were susceptible to disease and abuse from strangers. Many of them looked for ways to make a little money by selling match sticks, rags, and other small items. Others turned to crime. Police had no idea what to do with these children when they were caught stealing food or other items they needed to get by on the streets, so they put them in jail. While they were housed and fed in jail, they were also kept with the adult prisoners, which was not always a good situation for the children, especially since children as young as five years old were sometimes jailed with violent adult criminals.

Charles Loring Brace, a minister, and philanthropist thought there should be a better way for these children. He did not believe the orphanages and almshouses did them any good, as they received no education or job training there, and only learned to depend on charity to get the things they needed. He wanted to teach these children how to work and earn a living on their own while giving them good homes, so they could be independent as adults. These beliefs led him to start the Orphan Train movement.

With the Orphan Trains, street children abused and neglected children, and orphans were taken from wherever they were residing in New York City, and placed on trains to the West. Brace believed the pioneers in the West could use extra children to help on the farms. The children were to be treated just as any other child in the family, and older children were to receive wages for the work they did while living with their new family. Employees of his Children's Aid Society, which operated the orphan trains, were to periodically check in on the children to make sure they were being treated well by the people who took them in. If they weren't, they could be moved to new families.

While there were times that a placement didn't work out, the program was by and large successful. Most of the approximately 200,000 children who were sent away on an Orphan Train between 1853 and 1929 grew up to do well for themselves. There were even a couple of future governors among the Orphan Train children. The program only stopped when it did because of the onset of the Great Depression, when having an extra child was just not feasible for most families, and when more organized and better run state care options, like group homes and foster care, were available to needy children, not just in NYC, but in every state.

There were some critics of the program, of course. The main criticism was that children were placed with families in situations that resembled slave auctions. While the children weren't being bought, and indentured servitude was forbidden for the families taking these children, the arrival of each trainload of children was advertised, and local people encouraged to gather at a large meeting place to see the available children. They would examine the children for physical strength and endurance that were appropriate for farm work, sometimes even looking at their teeth. Siblings who went on trains together may be chosen by different families. And, while there was a nominal vetting process for families at first, it wasn't really kept up, nor was the process of checking in on the children once they were placed. Some children were abused by the families who took them in, some were treated like slaves, and not every child got the education and job training they were promised. Some children ran away, either because of abuse or because farm life was too different from what they were used to in the city.

In spite of some issues with the program, the Orphan Trains were, by and large, a success, and the children who traveled on them benefited from the new lives they were given. There are some Orphan Train children still alive today, from the later days of the program, and they can tell the true stories of the Orphan Train experience. As for Brace, he is now considered the father of modern foster care.

MAVERICK X - Miley Cyrus Publicly Admits Being a Drag Queen



Miley Cyrus recently married her longtime boyfriend Liam Hemsworth but she has also been vocal that she identifies as pansexual and gender-fluid. In an interview with Vanity Fair, she delved into how she feels being a queer person in a heterosexual relationship.

“The reason that people get married sometimes can be old-fashioned, but I think the reason we got married isn’t old-fashioned — I actually think it’s kind of New Age. We’re redefining, to be f—ing frank, what it looks like for someone that’s a queer person like myself to be in a hetero relationship. A big part of my pride and my identity is being a queer person,” Cyrus, 26, says.

She continued on that she loves Hemsworth not because he is a man but because they connect on “almost a spiritual level.”

“What I preach is: People fall in love with people, not gender, not looks, not whatever. What I’m in love with exists on almost a spiritual level. It has nothing to do with sexuality,” Cyrus says. “Relationships and partnerships in a new generation — I don’t think they have so much to do with sexuality or gender. Sex is actually a small part, and gender is a very small, almost irrelevant part of relationships.”

“Like, who gives a f— if he’s a guy, if I’m a girl, or if he was a woman—who gives a f—? We really are stronger together. One is the loneliest number,” she added.

The story also included a personal essay by Cyrus on the topic in which she says she is “redefining” what a relationship can be today.

“Being someone who takes such pride in individuality and freedom, and being a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, I’ve been inspired by redefining again what a relationship in this generation looks like. Sexuality and gender identity are completely separate from partnership,” Cyrus wrote.

This is why Aether was removed from periodic table in 1908👌



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

CEO of Ohio 🙃 posted: 💉

Also medical books in the 60s had no viruses. This illness was called parasites. Changed in the 70s. They planned what happens now at least for over 50 years

Anons grok hiss-srory: 🐍

they corrupted a lot of books doesnt matter how old, its all corrupted now

the ''''history''' you were told in school is an absolute JOKE

kill them all
we need to start killing the people repsonsible for this
strangle them with their own entrails.

It would be satisfying, it's necessary and it would be FUN!!
God damn you people are so fucing stupid!!
Songs aren't going to fix this you morons
They need to be killed!! Until you're willing to kill the evil, they're going to rape your lives
What kind of moron would create a song about this?
They need to be SHOWN they are NOT and never were Welcome here!!
If they're niggers in Europe, peel their skin off
If they're sand niggers in Europe, cut off their heads

if they're 3rd world filth, kill them the way they do their own people in their 3rd world shit hole
The sand nigger in this video should have been skinned while bleeding from bullet wounds
Then he should have be crucified


then his balls should have been cut off and fed to him

along with the contents of his bowels

lol you talk like it was some niggers who corrupted your history?

wait.. are we all on the same video?

oh myyyyyy

McDonald’s has officially unveiled a world first automated restaurant chain in Texas, which does not involve any human staff working at all, giving customers a glance at the future of fast food.

Food preparation, serving and payment are all done by artificial intelligence robot, just one more thing to make people less social, while corporations will be pulling in a larger scale profit.



Just an excerpt:

How do automated restaurants work?

Automated restaurants use robots to carry out the entire process, from taking orders to delivering food and beverages to tables and cooking. They are a booming business model: more and more countries have restaurants with these characteristics.

The purpose of restaurant automation is to facilitate and streamline the core operations of the establishment. The first step in the evolution of the service was the installation of touch screens -called "click and collect kiosks" in marketing terms- to order your food or drink. McDonald's was one of the pioneers in installing this type of service.

Some time later, restaurant automation went from partial to full automation, as in the case of the new McDonald's restaurant in Texas, where the purchasing process depends exclusively on the customer and the robot, without an employee to intervene.

Music: Gigi D'Agostino (L'Amour Toujours)
Lyrics: Dissident Doctrine
Vocals: Some fucking awful A.I. (If anyone wants to record a proper vocal, let me know)

I banged this together in time for whiteboy summer. Play it in your car. Play it loud. Big Romans o/


Female Voices, Tonight 👁‍🗨 10 PM EST w/ LogosRising

A montage of cuteness 😸

Anyone gets the full version of the thumbnail, drop it in the comments

Devon stack's mix of it:

SIGN the petition to FREE SAM MELIA!

Einz zwei polizei, gettin stabbed by D.E.I. 🎵

All from the Think🪖Tank


This was planned over 15 years ago, to my reckoning; 2008 was when VfB became aware of #LONDONISTAN: Foreknowledge Of Londonistan Ten Years Prior And Of The Attack Upon The USS Liberty

Just to recap: machete munky goes ape, gets restrained...and what does the polizei do...?

They un-restraint the attacker!

As the polizei begins to 'assert authoritah' upon one of the the restrainers, machete munky goes right for his neck!


w e w

When the Director General Tedros of The World Health Organisation who pushed Covid Vaccines to “save millions of lives” didn’t take the Vaccine himself - perhaps you should start asking obvious questions.

And yes millions upon millions of vaccines have now been disposed of, so they did have plenty.



AltCastTV & Odysee thumbnail:

Just for laughs, let's include the other fence in this gatekeeping effort:

Reality comes back to CURBSTOMP #COVIDIOCRACY into a coma ⛰ witness the face on Man Mountain Marvin at the end 😂

Hello everyone, this is YOUR Daily Dose of Internet. In this video, a guy commits crimes in front of a judge.

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Baby Fish:


Credit Card:

Bike Fall:



Cat Stretch:

Liquid Nitrogen:


Duck Wind:


Duck laser:

Baby Quack:

Rest of the videos:


Blue Nights by Amine Maxwell / aminemaxwell
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library

Track: Flexy — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: • Flexy — Land of Fire | Free Backgroun...
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Track: Indigo — Nelvian [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: • Indigo — Nelvian | Free Background Mu...
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Purple Dream by Ghostrifter Official
Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
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Music promoted by Audio Library • Purple Dream – Ghostrifter Official (...


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[email protected] posted:

This man needs to obtain Them (British Accredited Registry). Judge and Attorneys Oath Of ,office and Surety Bond information from the Secretary of State , its usually a 1 Million Dollar coverage and be obtained threw the Secretary of State Office ,and file a case code MM in the States District court for violating his Civil rights to travel for business or Pressure He is (Traveling) in his Private not for hire Automobile Not Driving a motor Vehicle ,That fake kangaroo court has no Jurisdiction with out a complaint or wittiness to testify against a crime and them British employees need to stand down . The British Crown are DEAD last i knew so is Crown merit time law

Of all the videos to place this comment...but that's how it goes 😸

At 92 years old, Larry Silverstein, the man who redeveloped the World Trade Center site, is still shaking things up. The founder of @SilversteinProperties is spearheading a mammoth office-to-residential conversion. He's thrown his hat in the ring for the city casino bid. And he's turned a new page in his social life, embedding himself with the young new crowd that has flocked to Lower #Manhattan.

Listen to the full episode, kicking off the season 3 premiere of #Deconstruct HERE:

#TheRealDeal #RealEstateNews #TRDNewYork #CommercialRealEstate #OfficeMarket


VfB came up with his own nickname for ol' Lucky Larry - 'Two Sheds'; Monty Python fans will immediately get the reference, but for everyone else, you'll recall that the settlement over the building's destruction was deemed to be TWO TERRORIST ATTACKS, and he was paid TWICE 🎰

Such a deal, goyimzes!




Now that Trump has been found guilty...The precedent has been set.
It's time to retroactively go after every single war criminal President and do so without remorse or regret.

Trump just opened the door that no one had dared to do so before.

Indict every criminal who sat in the White House.


Thumbnail: - this was the reasoning prior to yesterday's court decision, orchestrated by Juan Merchan


Throughout the Watergate investigation, it was unclear whether the President could be subject to criminal prosecution prior to being convicted upon impeachment.7 The Court, however, resolved that courts may require the President to testify or produce documents in criminal proceedings.8 This principle dates to the earliest days of the Republic, when Chief Justice John Marshall presided as the Circuit Justice for Virginia over the treason trial of Aaron Burr. In that case, Chief Justice Marshall concluded that President Thomas Jefferson could be subject to a subpoena to provide a document relevant to the trial.9 Specifically, Chief Justice Marshall declared that, in contrast to common law privileges afforded the King of England, the President was not exempt from the general provisions of the constitution, like the Sixth Amendment, which provides the defense compulsory process.10

Nonetheless, Chief Justice Marshall recognized that while the President could be subject to a criminal subpoena, the President could still withhold information from disclosure based on executive privilege.11 In the two centuries since the Burr trial, the Executive Branch’s practices12 and Supreme Court rulings unequivocally and emphatically endorsed Chief Justice Marshall’s position that the President was subject to federal criminal process.13 In its 2020 opinion in Trump v. Vance, the Court extended this precedent to state criminal proceedings, concluding that the President was not absolutely immune from state criminal subpoenas.14

Finally, with respect to civil liability, the Court held in Nixon v. Fitzgerald that the President is absolutely immune in actions for civil damages for all acts within the outer perimeter of his official duties.15 The Court’s close decision was premised on the President’s unique position in the constitutional scheme, that is, the Court conducted a kind of ‘public policy’ analysis of the policies and principles that may be considered implicit in the nature of the President’s office in a system structured to achieve effective government under a constitutionally mandated separation of powers.16 Although the Constitution expressly afforded Members of Congress immunity in matters arising from speech or debate and was silent on presidential immunity, the Court nonetheless considered immunity to be a functionally mandated incident of the President’s unique office, rooted in the constitutional tradition of the separation of powers and supported by our history.17

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Black Panther activist Quanell X is going viral for calling out a former Houston elementary school teacher who was fired after videos of her filming pornographic material on school campus during school hours.

Quanell famously stated “We have a teacher stripping down naked in the classroom and all you can see is cellulite and pubic hair.”



RICHMOND, Texas — Disturbing allegations have emerged regarding a former teacher from Lamar Consolidated ISD, who is now under investigation for reportedly shooting sexually explicit videos inside an elementary school classroom.

According to Lamar CISD officials, the woman resigned in February, though the specific reasons behind her resignation were not disclosed at the time. It wasn’t until Wednesday that the district became aware of the videos in question.

The nature of these videos is almost too explicit to be shown publicly.

During a news conference, community activist Candace Matthews expressed her shock at the content of the videos. Matthews, alongside activist Quanell X, claimed that the ex-teacher can be seen stripping in the classroom and engaging in explicit acts in a school bathroom during school hours.

The incident is said to have occurred at Gray Elementary in Richmond.

Last year, ABC and Disney appeared to cave to political pressure from Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, and Democrat leaders in the Senate. As a result, a key scene that was critical of the Clinton administration's mishandling of Osama bin Laden never made it to broadcast television. To this day, Disney refuses to release the movie on DVD.


Source: ttps://


@CANST Jews orchestrated 9/11 … it’s almost irrefutable

Please attempt to discredit any of this information


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

3223 videos

Category News & Politics

Formerly a writer for Room Eight, now exiled. This, however, allowed me to clear my head and I've now found my true calling - spearheading the eradication of FrankenFoods from our food supply. It is irresponsible and foolhardy to allow our food supply to be suborned by the likes of Bayer/Monsanto, Sygenta, BASF and all other companies involved in the creation and promotion of genetically modified organisms. I hope to convince you to join me.

I am also beginning an effort to DRAIN THE SWAMP. I would appreciate your assistance, in any way that matters. My initiative is titled #CANST.

CANST stands for Children Are Not Sex Toys 🎎

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Thanks for the legal notice, Doc! 🩻 [Steve Turley]

All clips are for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015)

[Quick word from VfB - if you've, for whatever reason, (((muted))) me, and then you come to post will be tolerated...until you are NOT]