Coronavirus Plushie

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Coronavirus Plushie

Coronavirus Plushie


00:00 to 09:12 is from a 2001 Discovery Channel documentary called Beyond Human Limits.
09:12 to 22:45 is from a 2002 BBC documentary called The Day I Died.

Videos on my 'other' You Tube channel:

Also . . .

All the world's religions speak of an afterlife and have some concept of a subtle body that survives physical death. In this video it is explained that neither the subtle body, nor the ātma (true self), die when the physical body dies:

And . . .

Skeptiko com│Near Death Experience Science Debate│Dr Jeffrey Long Vs. Dr G M Woerlee

I'm currently on a retreat and I will be here for a while. Any videos I make while I'm here will be for the only You Tube channel I upload to these days, which you can find at the link below. If you are interested in the kinds of videos I put on that channel, feel free to subscribe to me there:

Here's the post I made in Twitter back in March, just before I left for this retreat:

I'm currently on a retreat and I will be here for a while. Any videos I make while I'm here will be for the only You Tube channel I upload to these days, which you can find at the link below. If you are interested in the kinds of videos I put on that channel, feel free to subscribe to me there:

Here's the post I made in Twitter back in March, just before I left for this retreat:

Of all the egregious violations perpetrated in the last 3 years, denying vaccine exemptions for those injured by their first #covid shot, even when they had an exemption from their doctor, must rank as one of the most diabolical. And that is exactly what 'Sir' Ashley Bloomfield did.


Health Secretary urged to release data that ‘may link Covid vaccine to excess deaths’
MPs and peers criticise ‘wall of silence’

Tweet from Andrew Bridgen with the letter in full

Health Secretary urged to release data that ‘may link Covid vaccine to excess deaths’
MPs and peers criticise ‘wall of silence’:

MPs and peers have accused the Health Secretary of withholding data that could link the Covid vaccine to excess deaths

A cross-party group

“growing public and professional concerns” UK’s rates of excess deaths since 2020

Demand to be shown the underlying data for to support the Government’s assertion, “no evidence” linking excess deaths to the vaccines for Covid-19.

21 MPs and peers

“If those data do indeed exist, please share them; if thorough investigations have already ruled out such a link, please share the relevant reports,”

“There is no place here for blind faith.”

Written to

Health Secretary

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

Potentially critical data, which maps the date of people’s Covid vaccine doses to the date of their deaths,

have been released to pharmaceutical companies but not put into the public domain.

Data should be released “on the same anonymised basis that it was shared with the pharmaceutical groups, and there seems to be no credible reason why that should not be done immediately”.

“Questions about these trends, however, have to date been met by a relative wall of silence from your organisations and other public health officials.”

A DHSC spokesman

“We are committed to data transparency and publish a wide range of data on excess mortality. The datasets published are kept under constant review.”

I made this one on March 4, 2022. If I were to make it now, I would do a few things a bit differently in it, but anyway, this was then.

I made this one on March 4, 2022. If I were to make it now, I would do a few things a bit differently in it, but anyway, this was then.
Thanks to Adam and Rick of Authentic Media for the video footage. Here’s their Telegram channel:
Please watch my other videos that expose the lies that Jacinda Ardern, the police and the mainstream media have been telling about Camp Freedom and the protestors:

Heather du Plessis-Allan & Barry Soper: Acid or Pepper Spray?

Camp Freedom, Wellington, New Zealand . . . According to the “Single Source of Truth”

And check out this video of the Freedom Convoy too:

You Better Get Ready Wellington, The New Zealand Convoy is Coming

I only put certain videos here in You Tube, but all my videos can be found on my Bitchute channel

And my Rumble channel

And I'm also on nTelegram:

Thanks to Mendeleyev for his version of Richie Haven's "Freedom' which I used at the start:

And if you are the person who took the iconic image of the protestors standing in the rain right at the end of my video, please make yourself known to me. Its a great photo and you deserve credit.

(Yes, I know, it really has negative efficacy). How many people would have taken the Pfizer shot if they'd have known that the risk reduction wasn't 95%, as we were all told, it was actually 0.84%?

A few clips from videos from Oct and Dec 2021, juxtaposed with what has now ACTUALLY happened. The Stuff videos are from their 'The Whole Truth About the Covid Vaccine' series, the purpose of which was counter vaccine misinformation. The Whole Truth. Countering misinformation. Oh the irony.

I know it's not actually funny, but if you don't 😂 😂😂

Dr. Matt Shelton of NZDSOS speaking outside parliament yesterday, when a letter demanding the immediate halt of the covid-19 mRNA injections was handed over to deputy PM Winston Peters.

Dr. Alison Goodwin of NZDSOS speaking outside parliament this morning, when a letter demanding the immediate halt of the covid-19 mRNA injections was handed over to deputy PM Winston Peters.

Dr. Emanuel Garcia of NZDSOS speaking outside parliament yesterday when a letter demanding the immediate halt of the covid-19 mRNA injections was handed over to deputy PM Winston Peters.

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson leads a roundtable discussion titled,“Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” where a panel of experts will expose the truth about COVID.
The speakers will expose how the COVID Cartel -- federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech -- engaged in censorship and coverups.

This discussion will also shine a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.

Monday, February 26, 2024


U.S. Senator Ron Johnson
Dr. Robert Malone, MD
Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD
Mr. Ed Dowd
Mr. Kevin McKernan
Dr. David Gortler, PharmD
Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD
Ms. Barbara Loe Fisher
Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD
Mr. Del Bigtree
Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD
Dr. Pierre Kory, MD
Dr. Christian Perronne, MD, PhD
Dr. Raphael Lataster, PhD
Ms. Lara Logan
Mr. Jason Christoff
Mr. Rodney Palmer
Dr. Mattias Desmet, PhD
Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD
Mr. Randy Hillier
Dr. Sorin Titus Muncaciu
Mr. Rob Roos
Mr. Phillip Kruse
Dr. Ryan Cole, MD

Original Rumble video:

Deputy PM Winston Peters accepts a letter from New Zealand Doctors speaking Out With Science demanding an immediate halt to the covid mRNA injections. Then he gives a short speech (sorry about the sound of the wind)

Internationally renowned molecular geneticist Dr Michael Nehls author of the trending book The Indoctrinated Brain says the spike protein is being used to shut down the mental immune system of the brain.

‘ It shuts down the production of nerve cells that should be procused in order for us to have mental energy to think. To have a high level of resilience. To be curious and even to be able to have doubt about things that are happening.’

Aligning perfectly with the globalist transhumanist/AI agenda to dumb down and control the population in order to introduce a new operating system.

"We had enough data in VAERS alone in January 2021 to shut down the rollout of the COVID shots...There were 634 reports of death that were successfully filed to VAERS by January 30, 2021...In 1999, a rotavirus vaccine...was pulled from the market due to a intussusception safety signal emanating from VAERS which comprised 584 cases. So my question is if 584 intussusception cases were enough to prompt product removal, why weren't 634 death cases not enough to prompt product removal?"

Source, Chief Nerd X

Discover the untold story of vaccines in our latest documentary. Explore the evidence challenging the "safe & effective" mantra and dive into the history and consequences of vaccine propaganda. Are we following science or a belief system? #TruthTideTV

"One of the things that's happening right now is as obvious as I think vaccine injuries are, the COVID Cartel, they're just explaining that as Long-COVID right?...These are the people that...invented PsyOps. They're good at it. They're the experts at it and they're the ones that created this monster...It's obvious this is a man-made virus. It was obvious within months. But look at how good they've been able to cover it up...The one agency, the CIA, who probably knows more than anybody in the world about exactly what happened here, funded USAID. They're the one U.S. government agency that's still going well, 'You know, we think it came from nature.' That tells you something."

Source, Chief Nerd X

Olympic Champ Jamie Salé & NHL Legend Theo Fleury Share Their Emotional Journeys from Being Celebrated to Vilified by the Canadian Media for Speaking Out Against the COVID Narrative

"We all know in this room now that we were not a 'fringe minority' as our disgrace of a Prime Minister has labeled us...It's been obvious what the goal is here - to silence me, to cancel me. It's been really hard living in a so-called democracy and not being allowed to have our own personal autonomy and question what our so-called 'health experts' and governments were pushing on us. This is not the Canada that I grew up in."

*From the 2/23/2024 International Crisis Summit-5 (ICS-5) in Washington DC

Source, Chief Nerd X

The suppression of early treatment.
Making the case count look higher than it is.
Creating a reaction that's out of proportion to the reality, with lockdowns, fears, economic suffering, etc.
All these things to make the pandemic way worse than what it is
More fear, suffering, hospitalisation, death, loneliness.

"The fact checkers who told you this DNA won't get into the cell are proven wrong by this data. We can see DNA in there. It's a very high copy number...We've also found two genome integrations. This has not been replicated like all of our qPCR data, so this is very early, but we have fusions of DNA between the spike sequence and Chromosome 12 and between the spike sequence and Chromosome 9. This needs to be confirmed with long read sequencers where we can span the entire integration event...But we shouldn't be seeing any of this...So a little bit more validation to do in this but still a little bit concerning."

"The headline makes it sound like you have nothing to worry about, the opposite it true...They identified these very significant problems that were neurologic, cardiac, or hematologic issues...There were a handful that were flagged as safety signals that were 2-3x times higher...than expected...There's tens of millions of people out there screaming from the rooftops saying that after they have a vaccine they have suffered...symptoms that have impaired their activities of daily living...Why are we not looking at those things?"

Earlier today in X, someone called the 2022 Wellington Parliament anti-mandate protest a "filthy, shambolic hatefest". I asked the person who made this comment if their perception had been formed as a result of them actually being at the protest and experiencing it firsthand, or was it because they believed what they were told about the protest by the mainstream media and Jacinda Ardern?

The fact is, there was a gulf of difference between how the protest was presented by the mainstream media, and what it was actually like, prior to that final day when the police waded in. I put together this short video with the hope that it might dispel the misconceptions of the person that committed as they did.

A filthy shambolic hatefest? No, it was the complete opposite of that. But you really had to be there to truly understand.

Video in X:


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

2163 videos

Category Education

My Telegram Channel:

My first you tube channel, now deleted, but archived here:

My second you tube channel, now deleted, but archived here:

I got up to 20K followers in twitter, but was suspended from there on Jan 17.