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Zionism is a Jewish political ideology that zealously promotes the existence of Israel as their religious homeland. Since the Balfour declaration in 1917 signed Israel over to Baron de Rothschild, Jewish Zionists have been committing perpetual genocide against the non-Jewish (mostly Muslim) native Palestinians and have all but wiped them out. Nowadays Israel has accumulated incredible financial/political clout, and many have rightly pointed out that modern America and Great Britain act as mere satellites of Israel and Israeli policy.

The Zionist Jew World Order

Zionist Occupation Government

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"I didn't say 'lock her up'" -- Trump, on Fox & Friends and facing possible jail time, tries to distance himself from the ubiquitous "lock her up" chants about Hillary Clinton at her rallies.

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The Third Reich is supposed to have carried out genocide by the most ridiculous methods imaginable. Hitler’s Germany must have won a competition to devise the costliest, most time-consuming, ineffective and laughable methods of ethnic-cleansing imaginable.

This documentary was banned by YouTube. It comes in 30 episodes, with a total length of 4 hours 15 min. A brief synopsis of each episode is here:

The Twentieth Century Was A Hoax!

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century

Holocaust Or Holohoax? 21 Amazing Facts

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Israel receives 3.4 billion annually from America but only 15 million was spent on the whole 9/11 investigation. The 9/11 commission was originally allotted only $3 million. Eventually, after much begging and haggling, the commission was given another $12 million. Yet a CNN article lists the cost of the Lewinsky investigation at $30 million.

Stop Funding Israel

Persuasive viewpoints of over 1,700 architects and engineers who believe the unsettling theory that scientific forensic evidence points to explosive controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11, 2001.

Indisputable Evidence Confirms 9/11 was both an “Inside Job” and a “Mossad Job”

9/11 Inside Job Exposed By Insider

24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked

The 9/11 Fairy Tale from Hell

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“The Mossad has the obligation to obtain complete superiority in the world of espionage. We cannot be second best in terms of manpower, in defense against cyber-attacks, in espionage. We cannot be second best.”
- Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen

52 Years Ago the US Covered Up an Israeli False Flag Attack that Killed 34 Americans, Wounded 173

If American's Knew

USS Liberty Survivor Says a US Submarine Filmed Israel’s Attack & Torpedoed The Ship

Lyndon Johnson's Jewish Mother and the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty

“Sacrificing Liberty” Premier

The USS Liberty: A 50 Year Old Cover Up

MOSSAD Eyes and Ears, Mathilde Krim, LBJ and the USS LIBERTY

Mirrored with thanks to TruNews

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Nancy Schaefer, a former Georgia Baptist officer and a pro-life and anti-corruption advocate, was found dead with her husband in their home in 2010. Even before the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) stepped in, media outlets began pronouncing that the Schaefers’ death was a “murder-suicide” and shut off most public comment posting on their websites. The narrative centered around Bruce Schaefer murdering his wife. When doubted, the use of weasel words and shadow language — “conspiracy theory” — quickly prevailed in the media regarding this story.

Was Georgia Sen. Nancy Schaefer Assassinated for Exposing Child Trafficking?

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The Global Cabal has a few at the top that actually know the agenda and its intended sinister outcome, but through compartmentalization and everyone involved on a need-to-know basis, they contribute to the agenda, oftentimes not even knowing that there is an agenda or that they are contributing to it, but they all work as one unit in quest for the same outcome. That is how these large organizations such as the World Economic Forum can get so many large, wealthy and powerful entities all together, while thinking they are contributing to a noble cause to end things like world hunger and inequality, while they are actually being used to accomplish the agenda of the Global Cabal.

"It's a big club and you ain't in it."
- George Carlin

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"They got to you first, but they’ve underestimated how important you are. If they knew what I know, you’d probably be dead."
- Morpheus

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Gary Waterman has exposed a “huge government fraud” surrounding the illegal practices at Companies House and the registration process. Importantly there is also irrefutable evidence that links this system to Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Maxwell and Max Clifford.

Explosive Evidence of Government Fraud From Former Police Officer Who is Now in Hiding

Mirrored with thanks to A_Warrior_Calls

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Matthew Tower of TruthTower Podcast delivers an excellent and succinct history of Israel's hostile takeover of Palestine, America and The Western World. Their Absolute hate and evil for mankind and their intention to create a One World Government.

9/11, Boston Bombings, & Sandy Hook

Who Destroyed the WTC?

Larry Silverstein: 9/11’s INSIDE MAN

WTC Insurers Pay Out Huge Amounts to Support Official 9-11 Fairytale

Will Larry Silverstein ever be brought to justice for 9/11 insurance fraud?

Israel Did 9/11

Israeli MOSSAD, destruction of the 9/11 towers.

9/11 Points to Israel

Why JFK and 9/11 Still Matter

9/11 Missing Links

“The chances of the buildings collapsing symmetrically into their own footprint at freefall speed by any other means than by controlled demolition are so remote that there is no other plausible explanation”
- Paul W. Mason, structural engineer of Melbourne Australia

The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been revolutionary in the world of genetic research. However, as genetic engineering moves into human applications, it's now time to ask how far is too far when it comes to altering the human genome?

May 8, 2024 Former Australian Barrister JULIAN GILLESPIE - FDA hid GMO status of Covid drugs .
Are the Covid-19 drugs produced by Pfizer and Moderna GMOs or genetically modified organisms?

An Australian Federal Court case has evidence to say they are GMOs
Case File Number: VID510/2023
Dr Julian Fidge v. Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd & Moderna Pty Ltd
Dr Fidge is an Australian medical doctor and trained pharmacist.

The case has been brought under the Australian Gene Technology Act 2000
Section 10 of Gene Technology Act defines what a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is.

First, an Organism is:
‘any biological entity’
‘capable of transferring genetic material’

Julian Gillespe

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Operation Coronavirus is a silent operation using fear, trauma-based mind control and other ritualistic elements. It has the hallmarks a false flag operation like 9/11; look at the history of false flag ops and the history of fake pandemics. How many people do you know who are stuck inside the COVID Cult, trapped in fear, giving away their power and worshiping the official narrative?

"The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."
~ James R. Shannon - National Institute of Health

"Cancer was practically unknown until the cowpox vaccination began to be introduced... and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person."
- New York Press, January 26, 1909, from a report by W.B.Clark

Mirrored with thanks to TheLionAndTheLamb

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Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy's oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies.

Were The 9/11 Attacks Coordinated By CIA And Mossad?

9/11 Missing Links

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"What we have to do now is make the public aware that what we're looking at is not an historical event but a racket."
- Ernst Zündel

"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is ... a normal and healthy sentiment."
- Adolf Hitler

An Economic Miracle

A Jew Speaks The Truth About Hitler and National Socialist Germany

Adolf Hitler - The Man Who Fought the Bank (Version 4.0)

Adolf Hitler's Economic Reform

The Nazi Economy - Hitler's Economic Miracle

Adolf Hitler: Artist, Architect & Designer - Ernst Zündel (1983)

We Are Doomed!

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Benjamin Netanyahu is quite happy because he sees that Trump is basically following his orders. “Thanks to President Trump’s unequivocal support for Israel,” he has said recently, there is “a marked change in the positions of some of our key friends.”
Newsweek, September 20, 2017.

Trump Is Acting Like Israel's Puppet, Not Russia's

Trump controlled by Mossad

Benjamin Netanyahu: Donald Trump is Israel’s Best Puppet Thus Far

The Secret Covenant

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His story began in 1985 when Dennis Lee introduced his Super Heat Pump in his native state of Washington on a risk-free 'system-for-savings' program. The heat pump was so efficient it could save 70-80% of heat and hot water costs, and when his marketing program proved to be highly successful, the central utility was not pleased with the competition. They encouraged the Attorney General's Office to bring a suit against Lee's company. The baseless lawsuit was an attempt to discredit him and the technology. Subsequently, his factory was broken into virtually every night, The media splashed bad publicity across the papers regularly, his financial backers were encouraged to pull out, and the Attorney General's Office encouraged his customers to back out of the deal. Papers stolen from his factory turned up in the possession of the Deputy District Attorney. Although it was in no one's interest (except perhaps the utilities) to put his company out of business, the Attorney General's Office attempted to do just that.

The Story of Dennis Lee

Making a Run at Alternative and Free Energy

The Secret Covenant

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Kevin Barrett speaks with intelligence community whistleblower Dmitri Khalezov and Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff. They discuss whether an infamous Mossad agent named Mike Harari brag of organizing 9/11? Dmitri Khalezov, author of The Third Truth About 9/11, was arrested in Thailand along with Mike Harari. Khalezov says Harari was his friend at the time of 9/11, invited him to a party on 9/12/01 celebrating the successful operation, and subsequently let it be known, in so many words, that he, Harari, was an organizer of the 9/11 false-flag event. Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, knows the intelligence community well and says Khalezov should be taken seriously as a potential witness in the 9/11 mass murder case.

Audio by Edward Rynearson and Kevin Barret
Images by

The Tuskegee Experiment, which was conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) from 1932 to 1972, was an unethical and deadly study that infected 600 African American men with syphilis without their knowledge, consent or treatment for 40 years.

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In the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Ezekiel classifies the charging of interest among the worst sins, denouncing it as an abomination and metaphorically portraying usurers as people who have shed the borrower's blood. (See Ezekiel 18:13 and 18:17). The Torah and Talmud encourage lending money without interest, but the halakha (Jewish law) prescribes that interest-free loans only applies to loans made to other Jews.

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So much has been written and said about Texas radio host Alex Jones’ whoring for the Zionist establishment that one could write a fair-sized book about it. If people haven’t yet been convinced that he is an outright shill and operative for the Jewish money power in this world, then I am not sure what will.

The Growing Complexity of Alex Jones’ Israeli Connections

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Despite continuing to play the victim card, Israel continues its full-fledged siege of Palestinians and is getting its allies to put more pressure on the Palestinian Authority. Ever-more sadistic forms of revenge shore up a collective and historic sense of Jewish victimhood while deflecting Israelis’ attention from the reality that their country is a brutal colonial settler state.

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"In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians," demonstrators chanted at Saturday's march, described as one of the largest political protests in U.K. history. "I am horrified by the tone, language, and incitement our own government is using to whip up hatred against its own citizens—citizens who are standing up in solidarity with the besieged and bombed citizens of Gaza," British Army veteran Nadia Mitchell wrote for OpenDemocracy

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If the anti-Semitism laws the Jews seek to enact become law, then all information about the Jewish involvement in 9/11 will be scrubbed. Any mention of Jewish messianic prophecies and their impact on non-Jews will be prohibited by law. The holocaust lie will last another 70 years and the tyranny will only get worse.

CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) is operated entirely by volunteers. If you believe you can help, please go to our Volunteer page to view the many ways you can participate, and please donate to help achieve our mission to repeal anti-Revisionist anti-free speech laws around the world.

The CODOH Revisionist Forum

"In the late '50s, when I was at Rocketdyne, they did a feasibility study on astronauts landing on the moon. They found that the chance of success was something like .0017 percent. In other words, it was hopeless." As late as 1967, Kaysing says, three astronauts died in a horrendous fire on the launch pad. "It's also well documented that NASA was often badly managed and had poor quality control. But as of '69, we could suddenly perform manned flight upon manned flight? With complete success? It's just against all statistical odds."
- Bill Kaysing

Bill Kaysing Tribute Website

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"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little."
~ Sydney Smith

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