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A very detailed explanation from this very learned and religious man as to why the holocaust was based on emotions rather than FACT.

It is simply not worth helping these guys on crack or fentanyl. They will just shoot you dead the first opportunity they get. Better to let them die.

She kept on shouting like a broken record: Don't touch me....but he never touched her and she punched him - just like a decent lady would. So why this idiot security guard did not floor her with one or two punches is beyond me. You have to stop crazy violent women like these with violence. That is the only language they understand. This is NO LADY she is a BEAST.

The majority of the Jewish citizens are helpless and cannot stop their mad dictator in his quest to destroy Gaza and take over their land. It is just like us western citizens whose corrupt governments continue to flood us with violent, raping murderous asylum seekers and we can do nothing to stop it.

The Middle East pretends to be a wealthy area of the planet, but in reality they hire these dumb morons from India to work as slaves in extremely hot climate, no protection from the sun and no water or even allowed to go to the toilet for urine breaks. Result, permanently damaged kidneys. They were tricked into going to the rich Middle Eastern countries under the promise of good wages and got treated as slaves and returned as handicapped citizens of India. The super rich Arabs are nothing short of DEVILS who thrive on cheap labour.

Deep down she doesn't like Muslims and favours the Genocide currently being conducted by Israel (who are her paymasters). But she has to pretend that she is doing her best for Gaza, even though she REFUSES to use the word GENOCIDE. All for muslim votes to secure her place in the future government of UK.

He expressed how much he hated the guy filming him.

He walked into the driveway when he saw the ladder outside, then noticed the shoes in the carport and stole both items. This is how Asylum seekers thank us Brits for taking them in and offering them food and shelter from the shitholes they came from. They want to turn Britain into the same shithole that they ran away from.

This is the FIRST American city to become fully ISLAMIC and their leaders are now slowly but surely turning the city into a Muslim one where the women are totally subjugated and animal sacrifice to appease their MOON GOD becomes the norm - just like in Pakistan. They even have the cheek to say that ISLAM is America's last hope. Talk about stabbing your host in the back for being kind to you and taking you in.

Am I missing something here? I looked up the ingredients of Warburtons Half and Half bread and there is nothing there to cause alarm. I reckon this turd is just lying for clicks. This is the SAME MORON who was eating RAW MEAT at the butchers:

These WOKE Brits can all see the country getting flushed down the toilet with millions of violent, raping asylum seekers living for FREE everywhere and they get called RACIST and jailed if they dare to complain. They have had enough and they want their country back. Next step will be CIVIL WAR if the government does not change its secret policy for White British genocide.

Don't forget we Brits are NOT allowed to own guns legally. But for some unknown reason, ALL of our violent criminals own guns and shoot away with impunity, knowing that they will never be caught by our DUMP, useless PIG police. Notice how this news report focusses on the little girl who got accidentally shot but they REFUSE to tell us who did get shot and WHY??? This is our corrupt MSM for you, they always hide the truth from the British public and that is why we all hate them, starting with BBC, Sky News and then onto the others. ALL TOTALLY CORRUPT and USELESS. They NEVER give you a full picture in case you are intelligent enough to criticise the situation, police or government.

She wants them to make their boys stronger and more manly at a young age instead of crying to the teacher over small things.

This moron was allowed to enter Europe and you can see how he is going to behave once he is let into the country.

This guy was caught driving whilst his licence was suspended. So he got his lawyer to appear in court to defend him and was so SUPER STUPID that he made a zoom call to the court whilst he was still driving at the time of the Zoom call. As Judge Judy says: DUMB IS FOREVER.

Not sure if it really works, but masses of Muslims are queuing up to get him to spit in their water before they drink it.

Looks like he paid her in full for her services because she seemed to walk off happily.

She couldn't believe her ears, he actually said the N word to her and she had already slept with him several times. Lets hope she used birth control otherwise there will be serious problems now.

This guy made the mistake of picking up someone who wanted to take him to the HOOD and once there, the guy got out and started beating him up as the guy filming laughed and laughed. I doubt any UBER driver will be driving any of them back to the hood anymore. They can walk. many, many muscles that NO ORDINARY MAN desires or wants. She can keep on bodybuilding and forget sexy. NO normal man will fancy this one. We men want good looking, soft, feminine creatures just like nature made them. Not some bulked up piece of meat in a dress.

Amazing how they have been brainwashed into such a painful routine under the pretext of looking pretty for their moronic men. She would have been better off telling the males to EFF OFF forever. I mean how do you even eat with the rubbish stuck to your lower lip?

I prefer to call him/her an IT. This one is just too far gone in life to ever bring back to normality. All we can hope for is for IT's piercings to turn septic and finish IT off forever. Not fit for human society anymore - just too much confusion in the brain to ever be normal again.

Their punches were like little slaps to him as he demolished them. This equality bullshit is getting out of hand now. Girls go fight other Girls instead of a fat man.

The dog is just as crazy as the owner. She needs to train her mutt better.

He got angry that Muslims were the focus of the demonstration as they refuse to integrate into German society and even after several years in Germany, most have not bothered to learn the language, find a job or even integrate into society. In short, most of them are still living for free on benefits and producing lots of kids as they have nothing to do during the days and nights. Life is easy when you get everything for free forever.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

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Category News & Politics

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