Quickie Oracle

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Quickie Oracle

Quickie Oracle


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

90 videos

Category Entertainment

🔮 Contact [email protected] for a reading just like you see on this channel! Please put "Reading" in the title of your email and briefly summarize your question. There are some situations which I will not read about, so please contact me with a summary before sending payment! A summary of your question/situation is required. Your private video link will be emailed to you. Orders may take up to 72 hours to fulfill. Personal Readings: $60

💖 Quickie Oracle readings are timeless, and meant to be found by those who need to hear them at just the right time. If you were called toward a specific reading, it means that the message was what you needed to hear at that time. There may be one point (or many points) within the message that resonate with you, but no matter what, you were meant to hear the message. If some messages do not resonate, that means they were either meant for someone else, or they may someday spark your memory when you are met with a particular situation.