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…. Tik Tok is one of the very few places to get real truth. Not because Tik Toc is all for getting the truth out, they are not, but because there are so many truth tellers on Tik Tok, it overwhelms their censorship efforts and the truth gets out anyway… at least for a short time.
But they censor just like they all do, as fast as they can, but so far, the truth manages to get out more than it is stopped.
Of the 40 or so videos posted by me on Tic Tok, I’ve got 9 community guideline violations. You’re allowed 10 violations before account termination, so I’ve gone about as far as I can go. And that’s with me just posting videos, with no commentary… because I know better… if I had commented on those 40 videos, my account would’ve been terminated, like on my 10th post, despite my happy, sweet, love everyone including globe-tard dip-shits, demeanor. Go figure.
I mean, what’s a poor boy supposed to do, you know?
Thank you.
Thank you very much.

.... he was in the middle of it all.... Mena Arkansas, Barry Seal, tons of cocaine, Bill and Hillary's kill list, Miami drug lords, Pablo Escobar, strip clubs ---- his girlfriend was a waitress at a Miami strip joint and she was selling 15 kilo's of coke a week. One customer wanted more than just a few kilo's of coke one time and he tried to rape her, so she killed him. It would figure a woman like this would have a boyfriend who's a black ops, CIA agent. --- So like, you see a cute waitress, who's obviously not a stripper, although she could be one if she wanted to, but you can see that she knows she's better than that... so you ask her out on a date.... she can't make that much money you figure so someone like you, raking in $60K a year, before taxes... would be quite a catch ....she might see you as a "ticket" out of this seedy underbelly .... so you ask her out, and she politely says no... and you'll never know you were competing head on, with a hard core CIA operative's girlfriend, and that she moved 15 kilos of coke every week.... So you write her off because she seems too dimwitted to recognize what a great life you could have given her... that is, as long as she does you a little favor, at the end of every day..... easy enough, so yeah, she could have had it all. And with that, you finish your beer beer, grab your smokes, and head over to the big Walmart, to see if you might can charm one of the cashiers... the odds have to be better over there, you're thinking.

.... I'd have to say this is total bull crap, I mean bull shit, pardon me. But the evidence presented here, is on par with that of the evidence presented in the case for, a globe earth. Whoa!!... I take that back, big time. Here, in this video, we're offered an actual observation, and we're shown an experiment, or a test, to validate the observation, and validate the "hypothesis" put forth, that the sky becomes clear, when vinegar is heated underneath it.... and now, anyone or whoever, can go duplicate these experiments, repeat these tests, and verify the assumption (hypothesis), or, discredit it.... that's The Scientific Method... observable, testable, repeatable. The backbone of science. That's why you'll never hear globe believers or NASA, mention it, ever, because all they have is pseudoscience, fake science, they have zero real science... none... not a drop...if it was possible to have less than nothing, that's what they'd have.... a big, fat, yeast infected, nothing burger. But go ahead and make up your own mind. Just don't be stupid when doing so.
Meanwhile, I'll wait for more testing to be conducted on this vinegar thing... it sure would be nice... but if wishes were kisses, I'd be kissed a lot more, and *** self edit *** damn, it's funny, but it's just too over the top ..... at least now you know I have standards.
Oink. Fart. I mean, good evening, pardon me.

…. The scum behind all this type stuff gets me upset…. but I can more or less live with the tree branches broken off all over the neighborhood, and a few wood fences down, and a few blocks of houses, a few miles away, being without electricity, for a day or two…. But where they cross the line, is with 2 little baby birdies I just found behind a house nearby… torn from their nests 24 hours before no doubt… they were tiny, one was hopping and had feathers and the other just stayed snuggled tight up against a wood fence… I found out it’s best not to try to help them since they could hop and had feathers, but that’s a rule of thumb for when they’re ready to fly, and they just fall out of the nest or they need another day or two to get it right … but these little birds were probably a couple weeks away from trying to fly… it makes me so fricken sick…. Compared to these scum, I literally love, hard core globe believers…I give them all all kisses… and tell them I’m an asshole, that’s how great the chasm of shit is that I have here. Probably every baby birdie for a hundred miles around is blown to the ground. These scum bags better hang. And killing animals better be part of the charges. Who ever ordered this, needs to go down, these white hat mother fuckers are starting to piss me off, it was bad enough with the ten’s of millions of illegal foreigners coming in, 95% being of boner age, I mean, military age, all flooding in, but now they’re allowing the slow killing of baby birds, right outside my door… probably 100,000 baby birds out there dying slowly today. Minimum. A sick show it is. There is one silver lining in all of this though, and that is, the earth is flat. And I’m only an asshole, when an asshole, is what you need, deep down inside… and no that wasn’t a pun, you sick’o…. who even thinks like that?

…. Who’s going to be among the last to know? If you fancy yourself a truther type person that’s well aware that many conspiracy theories are actually conspira-facts, but you haven’t taken on flat earth yet, you should get to it. You’re not getting any younger.
And if you haven’t taken on fiat earth yet, but you think you have, because of something like you’re relying on a lifetime of learning on the subject, so you already know the earth is round and you’re not going to waste a second on something so God damn ridiculous…. You are the one that will be hardest hit among all groups, when the truth goes hyper viral… and you’ll be left to have to realize, that if you could bunch together all the big conspira-facts that you’ve ever learned about, from across the world, and put all of them together, that won’t make up for the fact you missed the crown jewel, the great big grandma, of all conspira-facts. It was right in front of you, and you missed it…. those will be your thoughts, that spur a tear, to fall into your beer, on a day, that is near, my dear. That will be a lowly day for you.
You’d be much better off to chop chop, and get it done already.
Oh, so you want to bring up the fact that I didn’t “get” 9-11, until 16 years later, huh?… and how I was one of the last to know about that, huh? Well, let me tell you this… that’s a good point. Border line semi-moron. I go easy on myself with that term because of one reason… Michael Moore. The big fat guy. He just had to be wrong about everything.
You see, if instead it had been Neil DeGrasse Tyson, with his good looks, his weight-proportionate body, and his stylish afro hairdo, it coulda been a different story… is all I’m saying.
Something like that, whatever, stay on topic, this is about you, mf’er.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

3444 videos

Category Entertainment

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