USATODAY Animalkind

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USATODAY Animalkind



NASA Administrator Bridenstine on the brilliant move JFK made months after taking office - setting the moonshot timeline for the end of the decade.

When Stray Rescue of St. Louis in Missouri saw two dogs in need, they never would have guessed they'd end up crawling through the woods looking for 13 newborn puppies.

A pair of Galah's were spotted preening themselves on a power cable in New South Wales. Nature photographer, David Simon, says it appeared they were trying to "take a shower."

15 baby ducks trapped beneath a storm drain in Iowa were reunited with their mother thanks to construction workers.

Tulip was almost euthanized after being found in terrible conditions. Months later, the sweet donkey's caretakers woke up to an incredible miracle.

This is hard to watch... and even harder to think about how long this amazing bald eagle had been this way.

This beach cat leads a much more exciting life than we ever will.

He started CPR on a newborn puppy, not knowing if it would be enough to save her.

Reuniting this otter pup with its mom is important for the survival of this threatened species. All it took was one big hurl and a lot of faith.

There's nothing like a mini horse with a bow to brighten your day.

When these baby orangutans lost their moms, they didn't know how to survive in the wild. Now they have a fighting chance.

He might terrify you at first... but he's here to help you relax.

This is hard to watch... and even harder to think about how long this amazing bald eagle had been this way.

Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your goals today

This dog was thrown away like trash. Crystal couldn't leave him there to die.

This diver thought he was just going to observe the manatee from afar, but this gentile giant had other plans.

He had no idea if he could save this cat, but he dove in head first with nothing but his boxers on to try

After escaping a hunt club, spending 2 years on her own in the wild, journeying across three different states, this dog finally found her home.

She must have some strong arms to carry a puppy for 19 miles!

Puppy bowl > Super Bowl

At least someone is enjoying all this snow.

What was supposed to be his new dog’s first walk by the lake...turned into a near-death nightmare.

Lee and his beloved dog were sleeping beneath an underpass when she got spooked and ran away. He thought the one thing he had left had been lost forever.

This devoted beagle still gets credit for bravery... even if its services weren't needed.

Chickadee has slow-motion-hair-in-the-wind moment and we’re mesmerized.


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

220 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife