Whither Went the Whispering Willow

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Whither Went the Whispering Willow



I'll upload this to all my channels so that all my subscribers know. I was planning on getting back to watching the rest of Dr. Stone, but I guess I'll have to postpone that for now.

Looks like my real adventure is just beginning! (And also I talk about Shiek for about 5 minutes, lol.)

((*ノ・ω・))ノ チェキ☆チェキ♪

OP & ED Playlist:

Hey, guys! I'm back for another anime theme song video! This time I'm watching the openings and endings for the Pretty series! This one ended up being a lot longer than I expected, so I tried to keep the intro & outro fairly short. I think I'm caught up on most of my older theme song requests.

00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:37 - Commentary
01:28:48 - Outro

Game Theory: FNAF, The Clue that SOLVES Five Nights at Freddy's!


(*・ω・)FNAFの複雑なストーリーを理解したい人にゲーム・セオリーの考察動画をお勧めする! あくまで考察なので、彼が言っている事が全部公式だと思わない方がいい。 でもとても興味深くて好きなシリーズなので翻訳してみたかった。 (;^∀^)うp主は時々外国人みたいな話し方をするけど、頑張ってみます!

#フナフ #考察 #Vチューバー

OP & ED Playlist:

Hey, guys! I'm back for another anime theme song reaction! This time I'm watching Rewrite. Sorry for the super late upload. I've been dealing with some health issues that has been making it difficult to record videos on a more regular basis. I did see the doctor, though, so I'll probably get back to normal over time.

00:00 - Intro
00:56 - Commentary
14:09 - Outro

(´ω`)ゴジラはおっさんくさくていいよねww お前はそれでいいんだww

Hey, guys! I'm back for another Godzilla movie commentary video! This time I'm watching "Godzilla Raids Again (1955). Sorry it took so long to upload this one, but I wanted to try some digital painting for the thumbnail. Maybe next time I'll just use a screenshot, lol. Anyways, I think I enjoyed this one more than the first one. The first one had a more serious tone, but this one was slightly more cheerful and fun in tone. Plus, we got to see a new kaijuu!

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:42 - Commentary
01:24:10 - Outro

Looks like it's time to face Ganon... er, in the future.

00:00 - Explaining technical difficulties
03:35 - Gameplay

Fate/Grand Order Trailers:

Hey, guys! I'm back for another commentary video! This time I'm watching the trailers for Fate/Grand Order. I got a request to do this quite a while ago, so I'm trying to catch up on my request list.

00:00 - Intro
00:44 - Commentary
38:44 - Outro

OP & ED Playlist:

Hey, guys! I'm back for another anime theme song video! This time I'm watching the openings & endings for Bakuman. The premise of the show sounds interesting. I'd be interested in watching it someday.

00:00 - Intro
01:16 - Commentary
19:10 - Outro

Hey, guys! I'm back for some more Ocarina of Time! This time I cleared the Jabu-Jabu stage and got the Sapphire. Ruto used to annoy me as a kid, lol.

OP Links:

ED Links:

Hey, guys! I'm back for another anime theme song video! This time I'm watching the openings and endings for Jujutsu Kaisen. I found the art style of each of the theme songs to be very interesting. I'm not sure which one's my favorite, maybe ED 1?

00:00 - Intro
01:24 - Commentary
08:59 - Outro

Hey, guys! It's been a while since my last gameplay upload, but here it is! King Zora is always funny for some reason, lol. (Maybe a little annoying at times, depending on how often you play this game.)

OP & ED Link:

Hey, guys! I'm back for another anime theme song reaction! This time I'm watching the openings and endings for Fire Force! I think I just like the concept of this show; it's very unique. I think my favorites were OP 1 & ED 3, although I did also like the art style of ED 1.

00:00 - Intro
00:32 - Commentary
12:55 - Outro



(*・ω・)FNAFの複雑なストーリーを理解したい人にゲーム・セオリーの考察動画をお勧めする! あくまで考察なので、彼が言っている事が全部公式だと思わない方がいい。 でもとても興味深くて好きなシリーズなので翻訳してみたかった。 (;^∀^)うp主は時々外国人みたいな話し方をするけど、頑張ってみます!

(*´ω`)ありがとう、Nikoさん! おかげで好きそうな曲を探せそうww

Kyoto Animation OP & ED Playlist:

Hey, guys! I'm back for another anime theme song commentary video! This time I'm watching a bunch of different opening & ending theme songs from Kyoto Animation! Most of these were blind for me, and yet they were so familiar to me due to the amount of times I've seen them parodied on Japanese websites. It was new & nostalgic at the same time! (lol) A lot of these shows look pretty interesting. I should try watching some of them someday. Nichijou looks pretty enticing to me, for some reason, lol.

00:00 - Intro
01:32 - Commentary
55:10 - Outro

(*・ω・)東宝版ゴジラの初見反応! 初代ゴジラってどういう映画かなぁ~? 初代ゴジは可愛いおじさんみたいww (※5月31日にこの動画をレコードしたみたい… 遅いww)

Hey, everyone! This is my first time watching the first Godzilla (1954) movie! Since it's an older movie, it took me a while to get used to it, but I think I enjoyed it for the most part. I liked the imagery it had of the birds stuck in a cage, and then you saw the shot of the cage again made to look like Godzilla was the one trapped inside it. (At least, I think that's what I saw? I could be wrong, lol.) PS: I apparently recorded this video on May 31st. It took me a long time to edit and stuff, but it felt like it took just as long to upload the video, lol.

00:00:00 - Intro ・ イントロ
00:02:30 - Commentary ・ コメンタリー
01:39:49 - Outro ・ アウトロ

Hey, guys! I'm back for another Dr. Stone reaction! This time I'm watching episode 24. This was a really satisfying episode to watch. Everything just came together nicely. Now I'm curious as to what the other stories might be about.

00:00 - Intro
01:38 - Reaction
25:52 - Outro

Nice to see a little cameo for Mario & Luigi in this game (again). The way they present the brothers is always funny, lol.

(;=ω=)あの歌、やっぱどっかで聞いたことあるような気がするけど… 気のせい? 何かMADっぽいけど?

Hey, guys! I'm back for another Dr. Stone episode reaction! This time I'm watching episode 23. Sorry for the very late upload. I've had a stubborn stomach ache that didn't want to leave; so I found it difficult to edit anything, and I certainly didn't feel well enough to record new footage. (Good thing I pre-recorded some videos!) Anyways, this was another enjoyable episode! I swear I heard that song from somewhere...

00:00 - Intro
00:51 - Reaction
25:08 - Outro

The episode where I defeat King Dudingo and meet up with a hooker fairy (plz help me, lol).

(*´ω`)友情~♪ (゜Д゜(゜Д゜;)…きもっ!

Hey, guys! I'm back for another Dr. Stone reaction! This time I'm watching episode 22. I really enjoyed this episode; it was pretty funny, lol. I liked that they're finally working together with Magma. Maybe he'll be a dependable character someday? Senku better make him some cool stuff in return for his help today.

00:00 - Intro
00:53 - Reaction
25:06 - Outro

Time to go to Dodongo's Cavern! But first, a dance from Darunia, lol.


Hi, guys! I'm back for another Dr. Stone episode reaction! This time I'm watching episode 21. I didn't expect to see a Godzilla parody/reference in this episode, lol. What a coincidence, though! I announce that I'm going to start watching some Godzilla movies soon, and then he keeps showing up in these last few episodes, lol. (I recorded my reactions up to episode 24, so it was surprising to say the least, lol.)

00:00 - Intro
00:36 - Reaction
24:47 - Outro

Met up with Saria in the forest and learned a new song!

. 人人人人人
< ヤベー! >   (゜ω゜;)うるせぇ…

Hey, guys! I'm back for another Dr. Stone reaction! This time I'm watching episode 20. I really enjoy seeing these "science" episodes. They're always fun.

00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Reaction
25:15 - Outro


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

185 videos

Category Anime & Animation

🇺🇸 🇯🇵 Half-Japanese Vtuber - (*・ω・)ノシ Hi! You can call me Willow! I love cartoons/anime & video games! 🎮 The (mainstream) anime I'm most familiar with is Naruto. 🍥 🍜 The game company I'm most familiar with is Nintendo. 🎴

My Anime YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaS8afiH3WSQTm74sPe68OQ

My Gaming YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJoecuSyc8ydHiFhcBrl_Sw

My Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-483467

My Minds: https://www.minds.com/wwtww/

My Gab: https://gab.com/WWTWW