ufology, paranormal, para-politics, & the occult

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ufology, paranormal, para-politics, & the occult



Uri Geller warns NASA should prepare for an alien invasion after the discovery of a huge energy source 4,000 light years away and discusses his life as one of the world’s most investigated and celebrated mystifiers.




Use Your Psychic Powers to Have It All: Release Your Psi-Force for Health, Wealth, Success & Peace of Mind

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F-22s Scrambled To Investigate A Mysterious High-Altitude Balloon Off The Coast Of Hawaii
Mystery Deepens As China Denies Owning Space Junk Set To Crash Into Moon

With important elections just hours away we are joined by public servant, award-winning actor, and student of history, Athen Walton to discuss the history of American politics. Athen will take us through the race-based identity politics of historical and modern progressivism and show how it is rooted in the post-Civil War KKK and early eugenics, long before Adolf Hitler adopted the same policies from Britain and the United States. He will likewise help us to understand how modern black folks are kept within a racially justified psychological prison and how “black culture” has nothing to do with Africa but instead is a manufacture stereotype to further degrade black communities which were devastated far more after the 1960s than in the years immediately following the abolition of slavery. In essence, modern race-based politics and welfare stands as an obstacle to true equality on the basis of a backwashed history. Find Athen on Twitter: @AthenWalton

The world’s power brokers, who attempt to control all aspects of our lives, play the role of Diabolists – agents who wish to collect souls to be brought down to Hell. It appears the media and all of the followers of the New Normal have lost their souls to the technocracy – they delight in telling you how easy it was to round up the herd and have them do their bidding. Humanity needs to identify those who promote evil and stop their advance. It is a real spiritual war we are engaged in – we either fight for God or the Devil. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with exorcist, Bob Larson about DIABOLIST – MY SOUL TO TAKE.


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UAP Investigations / Crystal & Human Skulls

Thursday - May 26 2022
George Noory
Ross Coulthart, Cheryll Jones

Australian investigative journalist Ross Coulthart has been intrigued by UFOs since mysterious glowing lights were reported and filmed near New Zealand's Kaikoura mountains when he was a teenager. In the first half, he discussed his investigation into UAPs and UFOs, which is explored in his book and documentary "In Plain Sight." One of the early cases that fascinated Coulthart was the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident, in which a strange sphere was observed near the Bentwaters military base in the UK. He interviewed witnesses who described seeing an intelligently controlled object hovering over where nuclear weapons were stored, and it was sending a light down, presumably scanning the area.

One of the Rendlesham witnesses, Sgt. Jim Penniston, described seeing a craft in the forest with hieroglyphic symbols and was said to receive a telepathic download at the time, he added. Coulthart recounted an October 1973 incident at the Harold Holt Naval Communication Station (jointly run by the US & Australia), wherein a dark, unidentified sphere hovered over the base during a DEFCON 3 situation. Coulthart also reacted to the recent US congressional hearing on UFOs (the first in over 50 years), commenting that he thought there was some deliberate evasion among witnesses. He expressed surprise that the witnesses were unfamiliar with the Eric Davis memo detailing his meeting with Admiral Wilson, which included a conversation about back-engineering UFO crash materials. For more check out, Coulthart's podcast series, Need to Know, that he hosts with Bryce Zabel.


In the latter half, C2C's investigative reporter Cheryll Jones presented her interview with historian and archeologist Mark Olly. They delved into his new book Crystal Skulls and Human Heads, which explores the amazing qualities of quartz crystal and how elongated skulls and human heads from ancient civilizations may hold and reveal information about the human race and evolution and extinction. Regarding the elongated skulls in Paracas, Peru, Olly said that genetic testing on them showed they were not alien in nature but rather a recently extinct branch of the human species that lived around the globe. Because they presumably had a larger brain mass than modern humans, they may have been better stewards of the planet, he suggested.

Discussing crystal skulls, Olly told Cheryll that he believed only three genuine ancient crystal skulls exist, including the Mitchell-Hedges skull. The rest of them are likely copies or fakes, he remarked, noting that it's difficult to date objects made of crystal. According to lore, if twelve of the original ancient crystal skulls were brought together, they would create a powerful message or change. He connected this to new technology that allows information to be stored on silica glass discs. During the last hour, Cheryll and George took Open Lines calls.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Kevin Randle



In Plain Sight

Bumper Music:

Midnight Express (The Chase)
Giorgio Moroder
Baby Love
The Supremes
Big Log
Robert Plant
I Know You’re Out There
Moody Blues
The Fox And The Lady
Blue Velvet
Bobby Vinton
Massive Attack
Fly Me To The Moon
Franks Sinatra
Principles of Lust
The Way It Is
Bruce Hornsby
Love Is Alive
Gary Wright
Smell Of Desire
Lips Like Sugar
Echo & the Bunnymen
Inca Dance

Richard Dolan interviews Allan Lavigne, who not only was an active member of the Anomalous Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) from 1974 to 1980, but was close to its founders James and Coral Lorenzen. Allan has never given an interview before and has a great deal to say. He was the first person to speak with Travis Walton after his abduction encounter in 1975, he was one of the first to speak with Jesse Marcel, Sr. about Roswell, he was a lead investigator in the remarkable Charles Moody abduction case of 1975, and much more. Allan has much to say about how APRO itself was run, how incredibly busy it was (sometimes over 800 UFO reports per month!), and what it was like working with Jim and Coral Lorenzen. This interview is more than two hours, and is only the first part in a multi-part series.

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Stop in at the Official Richard Dolan Store for autographed items, unique limited supply, and items not available anywhere else. http://bit.ly/DolanShop

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?

#RichardDolan #APRO #UAP #alienabduction #UFOhistory

For the home of exclusive content from author, historian, and radio host Richard Dolan. Join his member site here: http://richarddolanmembers.com/

The Official Richard Dolan Store: http://bit.ly/DolanShop

Sign up for the free newsletter and stay up to date on appearances and broadcasts: https://richarddolanmembers.com/newsletter/

Richard has dedicated the last two decades to uncovering the truth about UFOs and, more recently, the dark covert operations known as false flags

Check out books by Richard Dolan at https://www.richarddolanpress.com/

You’re not alone if you’ve noticed social media is not reaching as many people anymore. This is known as a shadow ban. Whether it’s because the content doesn’t fit an agenda or there’s a concerted effect to promote certain content over others, there’s no doubt it is happening in secret and it’s not being applied equitably.

Director of Humanity Assemble, Christy Kelly, a mother and life-long Democrat, joins us to discuss the donkey in the room. We tend to recognize the elephant in the room, regardless if we choose to address its presence. Move the elephant out of the way and you have another animal, a vile donkey, dead center in the room. The donkey demands that we focus out attention on the elephant and ignore everything else.

We watched in the last year as millions of voters switch registration from the Democrat to Republican party. We’ve seen independents more recently, even libertarians, shifting their support to the Republican party. This is statistically verifiable even if ads are on billboards claiming that John from wherever owns a gun, is republican, but is voting for democrats.

The donkey in the room is this: Contemporary Democrats are obsessed with skin color, even to the point where if you don’t vote for a Democrat, they don’t consider you black or Hispanic, as if your skin color inherently determines your political ideology.Contemporary Democrats are obsessed with sex and gender, even to the point where pornography is placed into the hands of children in the name of education, and even to the point where as a woman you are expected to vote Democrat to protect your right not to be a strong mother, but to murder your child up to the point of birth, and after. This is extremism, not healthcare.

This ideological cult sees only skin color, sexual preference, identity in the mind that ignores the biology of the body, and personal virtue that can be achieved by obsessively using words like racism, sexism, transphobia, white nationalism, Nazi, etc.

Such an ideology is akin to the class warfare of Maos China. In the name of safety, the demand of mobs to ban, cancel, and censor is akin to Maos struggle sessions, book burnings, and cultural revolution. Calling people names, making up stories about them, claiming they have no ideas, no policies, should be arrested as political opposition or prevented from running for office, and shouldn’t be allowed to speak, are tactics of those with unpopular ideas, or no ideas at all, and no enthusiasm.


Some scientists claim that if a meteorite fragment entered the earth’s atmosphere with an explosive impact on the surface, possible pathogen contamination could spread “hundreds of trillions of infective viral particles.” Curiously, this may have occurred in China about 2 months before the world knew of COVID-19. Perhaps it’s a kind of Andromeda Strain evolution process whereby an alien organism is proliferating within the human host. We are now seeing a significant increase in fungal infections throughout the Earth’s inhabitance. Can any of these so-called physical breakdowns be attributed to space microbes or space jelly? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Jason West about THE BLOB – THE REAL FUNGUS AMONG US.


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'Dead Star' & Cataclysms / Sociopaths & Psychopaths

Wednesday - May 25 2022
George Noory
Matthew LaCroix, Donna Andersen

In the first half, author and researcher Matthew LaCroix updated his work on lost civilizations and ancient cataclysms. He has concluded that catastrophes occur on Earth every 13,000 years as part of a gravitational effect that happens throughout the solar system. According to LaCroix, this is due to an immense "dead star" on the edge of the solar system, and when it moves closer, it affects our sun. As evidence that we are part of a binary star system and for the existence of the dead star, he noted that it's depicted, along with a mysterious 'Planet 10' in the 1987 Science and Invention Encyclopedia. The 13,000-year-cycle correlates with the disappearance of civilizations, and the start of ice ages, he said, adding that we are due for the return of this cycle.

As signs of past cataclysms on Earth, he cited geologic layers and vitrification, indicating that parts of the planet heated up as high as 2,000 degrees. LaCroix suggested that past civilizations like ancient Egypt were aware of these cycles and tried to balance the energetic poles of the planet. Yet, he believes our high-tech society has the best chance to avoid an upcoming cataclysm associated with the dead star. By using geoengineering techniques and 'Tesla technology' we can artificially alter "the orbital axis track of Earth to prevent pole shifts or flips that would cause massive destruction," he stated. For more on this topic, view a documentary with LaCroix and Paul Wallis.


Psychologist, journalist, and founder of Lovefraud Education and Recovery, Donna Andersen offers webinars to help survivors and professionals identify, escape, and recover from sociopaths, narcissists, psychopaths, and other manipulators. In the latter half, she discussed the traits of these abusers and how she escaped from the sociopath she had married. Both psychopaths and sociopaths exhibit antisocial personality disorder (characterized by a disregard for other people), and while there are some differences between them, Andersen uses 'sociopath' as an umbrella term to include the various manipulative types. On average, around 12% of the population may exhibit some of these qualities. She noted that there is no age limit to sociopathy-- her latest work looks at this trait among seniors.

Could you be dating a sociopath? Some of the 'red flags' to watch out for include the person being initially charismatic and charming and presenting themselves as a "sudden soulmate," she revealed. "The sociopath studies you, figures out what it is you want, and makes himself or herself into that person," she explained. Among their negative traits, she continued, are excessive lying, always blaming other people, and trying to make you feel sorry for them. There appears to be a genetic predisposition for sociopathic qualities, Andersen reported, but if caught in childhood, there is more of a chance of treating it, as opposed to adulthood when these characteristics become more fixed.

News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Mish Shedlock

Matthew LaCroix YouTube Channel


The Illusion of Us
The Stage of Time
Senior Sociopaths
Red Flags of Love Fraud
Love Fraud

Bumper Music:

Midnight Express (The Chase)
Giorgio Moroder
Bur Said
I Believe
Josh Groban
Right Now
Van Halen
Don’t Fear The Reaper
Blue Oyster Cult
Tupac Amaru
I Can’t Help Myself
Four Tops
Edgar Winter
Turn! Turn! Turn!
The Byrds
The End Of The World
Skeeter Davis
The Magnificent Seven
The Clash
Psycho Killer
Talking Heads
Turn Around
Love My Way
Psychedelic Furs
Inca Dance

Richard Dolan interviews an anonymous co-author of a new paper titled “Loose Threads” that analyzes a number of recently leaked documents (Davis-Wilson, Oke Shannon Notes, Jack Houck notes) along with other documents, publications, and interviews to piece together a fascinating story of a group of individuals in the classified world trying to penetrate the secrets of UFOs and aliens. This is a very long interview that covers a lot of ground.

You can access and download “Loose Threads” PDF here:

Follow the authors of “Loose Threads” on Twitter here:

Special thanks to James Iandoli of Engaging the Phenomenon. Visit his channel here:

Join MEMBERSHIPS here on YouTube

Stop in at the Official Richard Dolan Store for autographed items, unique limited supply, and items not available anywhere else. http://bit.ly/DolanShop

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?

#Loosethreads #aliens #uap

For the home of exclusive content from author, historian, and radio host Richard Dolan. Join his member site here: http://richarddolanmembers.com/

The Official Richard Dolan Store: http://bit.ly/DolanShop

Sign up for the free newsletter and stay up to date on appearances and broadcasts: https://richarddolanmembers.com/newsletter/

Richard has dedicated the last two decades to uncovering the truth about UFOs and, more recently, the dark covert operations known as false flags

Check out books by Richard Dolan at https://www.richarddolanpress.com/

As the world braces for pending war on many fronts, we discuss the latest developments during open lines.

News Links

The Thing About to Crash Into The Moon May Not Be a SpaceX Rocket After All
Largest comet ever observed bumps Hale-Bopp from pedestal

Safe and Reliable is the new Safe and Effective. Experts and fact-checkers tell us that US elections are so safe, reliable, effective, and perfect that to question oddities or inconsistencies is to threaten the very foundation of representative government. President Joe Biden then brazenly declared that ballots will need to be counted for the mid-terms days after the election to ensure ‘legitimate’ votes are ‘legally’ counted. Just in time for voters to make last minute low information and emotionally inspired decisions, men in tactical gear are showing up at ballot boxes, illegal immigrants are breaking into Democratic headquarters, and the Democratic House Speaker’s husband is attacked with a hammer, sort of, by another illegal immigrant. When Republican canvassers are assaulted, someone tries to assassinate Supreme Court Justices, or someone questions why Obama is campaigning with known racists, the cameras shut off and people are forcibly carried away by security.

For some people, Halloween is seen as an evil holiday, and rebukes those who participate in this dark and festive time of the year. Yet, for others, it’s a fun, traditional celebration that includes costume parties, watching scary movies, and listening to some really spooky and goofy music that makes you cringe. Centuries ago, the devil was said to exist in a particular musical tone known as the “Devil’s Interval” – it’s a wicked-sounding combination of notes designed to create a chilling or foreboding atmosphere, and used most effectively with heavy and death metal bands. Why do we have such a fascination with hiding behind a mask while being tantalized by evil? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Demento and Mr. Lobo about BEYOND MONSTER MASH.

#CTM Tonight
Topic: Alternative Economic Evolution
Start: 8:30pm CDT

We The People Have A Voice! Tonight we open up the phone lines to allow you to exercise your 1st Amendment! It’s a “Free Speech Friday” On Caravan To Midnight!


AM/FM Radio
iVlog TV

Government Overreach / Breaking Curses

Tuesday - May 24 2022
George Noory
Michael J. Daugherty, Lisa McGarrity

In the first half, government whistleblower and former CEO of a cancer detection laboratory Michael Daugherty recounted how in 2010, his business LabMD faced extortion from a cybersecurity company named Tiversa, which told him there'd been a security breach of his patient files. But he later learned that Tiversa itself hacked into LabMD, trying to force them into hiring them to fix the "breach." When Daugherty refused to comply, Tiversa reported LabMD to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about the so-called breach, and the FTC ended up taking Daugherty to court over the issue. Though Tiversa's scheme was later exposed and their company raided by the FBI, the FTC never apologized to Daugherty, he reported.

The FTC case against LabMD was eventually dropped after years, and Daugherty said they had to spend millions in lawyers' fees to fight the case. Under the Equal Access for Justice Act, they were able to recoup just $800,000 in reimbursement for legal costs. "We have to get rid of our assumptions that justice in this country right now is equal for all," he remarked. He has formed The Justice Society, "training Davids to beat Goliaths" and to demand accountability from the government. Daugherty's case remains a rare instance of going up against the FTC and government overreach and winning.


Psychic Medium Lisa McGarrity is the owner of the popular Long Island metaphysical store Envision Crystal. In the latter half, she talked about the wide variety of curses that plague people and the various ways to identify and break these curses. Humans have a powerful will and can intentionally focus their anger on influencing and hurting others, and this can create negative energy around a targeted person, she explained. According to McGarrity, a person may be under the influence of a curse if they have a repeating pattern of negative things happening to them, even when they are behaving well or staying out of trouble. There are also ancestral curses, she said, that can last for generations until they're broken (the so-called 'Kennedy curse' could be an example of this with the family suffering from premature deaths, accidents, and assassinations).

To counteract a curse, she suggested prayer, meditation, or aura-cleansing remedies like burning sage or frankincense or taking a sea salt bath. If these techniques prove insufficient, an individual might want to turn to a spiritual practitioner for help, she added. McGarrity also detailed how a person can tune into angels for guidance-- particularly the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Michael is particularly suited for combating negative forces, she noted, while Raphael deals with healing, and Gabriel can help people open up their intuition and psychic awareness. Offering readings to callers in the last hour, McGarrity said she receives messages from deceased loved ones. A part of a spirit still maintains its identity even after incarnating in a new life, she revealed, though typically, a soul waits around 80 years before starting a new existence.

News segment guests: John M. Curtis, Charles Coppes



The Devil Inside the Beltway

Bumper Music:

Midnight Express (The Chase)
Giorgio Moroder
Rhythm Of The Wilderness
Johnny Angel
Shelley Fabares
Swan Lake
It Don’t Come Easy
Ringo Starr
Ghost Dance
Hold Your Head Up
Beautiful Girl
Every Breath You Take
The Police
Return To Innocence
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
The Beatles
Two Step
Dave Matthews Band
With Or Without You
Silence Must Be Heard
Stand By Me
Ben E. King
Inca Dance

After almost sixty years, the murder of President John F. Kennedy remains an unresolved trauma in American and indeed world society. That's because the truth behind his killing remains officially unacknowledged. The President was assassinated in a conspiracy, one crafted by the U.S. intelligence community and what we today would call the Deep State. Richard Dolan interviews Jack Roth, author of the new book "Killing Kennedy," a unique approach to the infamous assassination. Roth interviewed numerous JFK experts and assessed the negative impact the killing of the President has had on our society ever since.

See Jack Roth's Killing Kennedy here: http://www.jackrothauthor.com

#conspiracy #jfk #deepstate

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Stop in at the Official Richard Dolan Store for autographed items, unique limited supply, and items not available anywhere else. http://bit.ly/DolanShop

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?


For the home of exclusive content from author, historian, and radio host Richard Dolan. Join his member site here: http://richarddolanmembers.com/

The Official Richard Dolan Store: http://bit.ly/DolanShop

Sign up for the free newsletter and stay up to date on appearances and broadcasts: https://richarddolanmembers.com/newsletter/

Richard has dedicated the last two decades to uncovering the truth about UFOs and, more recently, the dark covert operations known as false flags

Check out books by Richard Dolan at https://www.richarddolanpress.com/

It is widely believed that confirmation of an alien presence would shatter religion as we know it. Dr. Joel L. Parkyn postulates that Christianity and extraterrestrial intelligence are not theologically incompatible, but it will require a reorientation to accommodate the possibility of ETI.




Exotheology: Theological Explorations of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life

News Links

NASA Details Its Plan For The End Of The International Space Station In 2031
US Space Force’s ‘Orbital Prime’ Project Aims To Attack Space Debris By Recycling Or Removing Junk

November 2nd we remember our dead as the New Year in the Old World commences. The Navajo, countless other Indian tribes, and numerous cultures believe that their ancestors are always with them or remain close by at all times as guides and protectors. On a recent Halloween camping trip to Utah, we witnessed yellow-white pulsating lights which moved erratically but intelligently near our campsite in Monument Valley, Navajo territory. Without pressing with details, we asked the owner of the land in the morning if he had seen anything strange in the sky there before. He immediately pointed to the monument and described the exact features and movement of what we saw the night before. He called them the 'elders' and believed they watched over the area.

A top U.S. spy chief said pilots nationwide were reporting numerous UFO sightings that could be of alien origin. Avril Haines, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) admitted that strange encounters with unidentified flying objects need to be highlighted for more investigation and thus, gain a better understanding of these unidentified aerial phenomena. Recently, pilots from Southwest Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, and several others spotted multiple aircraft in the night sky, leaving them scratching their heads, wondering what was happening. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Ben Hansen, former FBI agent, aviator, and host of the Discovery+ show, ‘UFO Witness’, about PILOT LIGHTS.

UFO Update Episode 23

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