Australian Christian Lobby

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Australian Christian Lobby



In this thought-provoking fireside chat, former Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson AC joins ACL CEO Michelle Pearse to discuss the critical issues facing our society and the hope we have for Australia's future.

As a seasoned statesman, sought-after speaker, and popular podcast host, Mr. Anderson brings rich insights to the conversation. He shares eye-opening perspectives on the dangers of Western nations abandoning their Christian foundations and the aggressive gender agenda indoctrinating our children. While warning of a "civilisational moment," he also offers a beacon of hope, believing that the tide is starting to turn on these issues.

ACL is active in every state and territory, advocating for truth, freedom, and justice. Learn about our current efforts to secure parliamentary inquiries into gender clinics, protect parental rights in education, uphold religious freedom, and counter the corrosive identity ideology eroding Australia's moral foundations.

Explore how Christians can respond to these challenges with truth, justice, and the redeeming power of the Gospel. Discover ACL's vision for a nation that reflects righteousness and enables communities to flourish as God intends.

Don't miss this insightful and inspiring conversation. Listen now!
Originally broadcast live on May 14th, 2024.

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#AustralianChristianLobby #TheTideCanTurn #JohnAnderson #CulturalCrossroads #GenderAgenda #ReligiousFreedom #ParentalRights

One might assume that the Royal Children's Hospital guidelines for gender-affirming care adhere to global standards and undergo rigorous scrutiny to ensure the well-being of gender-incongruent children. However, Michelle Telfer's revelation in a 2020 interview paints a different picture. Telfer admitted, "We needed to actually reflect clinical practice in our guidelines and, in a search around the world, there weren’t guidelines that we could say that we were following that were evidence-based and reflected best practice. So being Australian, you know, we have that kind of larrikin element where we just go, ‘Right, well, we just have to make our own. We’ll just do our own’"

So are these guidelines or as they just making it up as we go?

So where did this all begin?

Medical “sex change” interventions are often advertised as the latest best practice, developed in response to a better scientific understanding of gender identity. In fact, they are neither new, nor particularly scientific.

Inspired by Hirchfeld’s sex change work over a century ago in Berlin, Henry Benjamin began to experiment with hormones in post-war America which, even though it was controversial, was developed into actual practice in the John Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic where John Money applied the principles to children for the first time. After little more than a decade, the clinic was shut down and the claimed benefits of “sex change” widely discredited. Despite this, those who still believed in it formed the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, which later became the Worldwide Professional Association of Transgender Health.

“The WPATH Files” confirm that clinicians associated with this organization are ignoring known serious harms associated with medical sex-trait modification procedures. The model of care pioneered by WPATH which has given rise to a significant expansion of a formerly niche field of medicine is now found by the Cass Review to “lack developmental rigor” and rests on “shaky foundations”

“The WPATH Files” argue that WPATH’s “approach to medicine is consumer-driven and pseudoscientific”, that its members “appear to be engaged in political activism, not science”, that “sex-trait modification procedures on minors and people with mental health disorders, known as ‘gender affirming care’, are unethical medical experiments” causing “harm without justification” and that “its victims are some of society’s most vulnerable people”.

Arguably, transexual and transgender medicine has been flawed from the start. The theory of identity that underpins these interventions keeps shifting and the suicide narrative that proponents use to justify it has been debunked. It’s time for all Australian..

Wouldn’t you rather have a live son than a dead daughter?’

This was the question Jude Hunter claims she was asked by medical staff in front of her daughter who was claiming to be transgender. Mrs Hunter claims they ignored a psychiatrist’s diagnosis that her daughter had borderline personality disorder and referred her immediately to an endocrinologist to begin testosterone treatment.

Parents across Australia are speaking up, complaining that the threat of suicide is being used manipulatively to pressure them into agreeing to gender transition for their children.

Parents who adopt a more cautious approach to gender transition are being characterized as hostile to the child’s best interests. Advocates reason that, if “gender affirmation” reduces the risk of suicide, then parents who object represent a danger to their child.

A great deal depends on whether this claim – that affirmation reduces suicidality - turns out to be true … or not.

Millions of school children are being taught to find their identity in their "gender identity" rather than their God-given biological sex, and that they can select from numerous gender identities. This has led to an increasing number of children visiting gender clinics globally.   

However, change is underway following the UK's ban on puberty blockers for children under 16 after an inquiry into gender medicine and practices. Following the UK's lead, several European countries and 22 states in the US have also backed away from these treatments for minors after independent reviews, with more countries following this trend. 

Despite substantial evidence and controversies, including leaked emails from the Worldwide Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) revealing links to fatalities from recommended hormone treatments and the carcinogenic properties of testosterone and other damaging health outcomes, along with the meticulously researched Cass review by Hillary Cass, former President of the Royal College of Physicians, Australia remains resistant.   

Why is Australia ignoring the urgent calls from medical professionals, detransitioners, academics, and politicians for independent inquiries?

Prime Minister Albanese has pivoted from seeking bipartisan support to negotiating with the Greens on a religious discrimination bill, this move highlights the complexities of political manoeuvring and the potential impact on religious freedoms. Additionally, the looming "Equality" Bill in NSW poses significant threats to religious institutions, challenging their teachings and hiring practices while introducing commercial surrogacy and decriminalised prostitution. In Queensland, there's a push for an inquiry into gender treatment practices, reflecting a broader debate on medical care standards along with a brave new Bill to protect babies despite the circumstances of their birth.

Learn more about the Equality Bill in NSW and send an email to your MP:

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This week marked significant turbulence in Australian politics, notably concerning religious freedom and discrimination laws. The Albanese Government's threat to drop religious freedom legislation without bipartisan support sparked controversy, especially as the opposition had yet to review the bill. Subsequently, the Australian Law Reform Commission's report, favouring sexuality over religious beliefs, proposed removing protections for Christian schools, potentially ending Christian education in Australia as we know it. Concurrently, NSW passed the Conversion Practices Ban bill, amidst debates on gender-transition therapy. In Queensland, a bill aimed at ensuring equal medical care for all newborns, including abortion survivors, was introduced and Tasmanians prepare for a pivotal election, with significant implications for parental rights and child protection. This week has underscored our nation's deep need for continued prayer and advocacy in every state and territory.

This week's wrap highlights shocking revelations from WPATH documents, exposing risks in transgender healthcare and prompting calls for an inquiry in Queensland. Concerns rise as a new bill threatens religious school autonomy, challenging their hiring freedoms. The episode also covers ACL's successful challenge against an assisted dying advertisement, ongoing advocacy in Tasmania and NSW against policies undermining Christian values. Amidst these challenges, the ACL continues to fight against NSW's controversial equality and conversion therapy bills, urging public action for a just and righteous society.

Sign the petition calling for an inquiry into the the QLD Anti-Discrimination Bill:

This week's Weekly Wrap highlights a concerning shift in Human Rights and Religious Freedom policies. 
The Australian Human Rights Commission has initiated a taxpayer-funded inquiry focused on transgender human rights, raising concerns about the entrenchment of transgender ideology in society and the silencing of opposition voices. Critics argue that this inquiry could suppress millions of Australians' concerns, particularly regarding the impact on children.  
Additionally, a draft anti-discrimination bill in Queensland threatens the autonomy of Christian schools, potentially stripping them of the right to hire staff aligned with their beliefs.  
Similar legislation in other states and the trend towards liberalised euthanasia laws in the ACT and Northern Territory signal a worrying shift towards policies that undermine fundamental freedoms and the dignity of life.  
Our time to speak is now. As William Wilberforce said: “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”    
Stay informed, engaged, and join us in shaping a society that values life and freedom.

Tasmania will conduct a general election for the House of Assembly on March 23, 2024. The state is divided into five electoral divisions: Bass, Braddon, Clark, Franklin, and Lyons. Each division will now elect 7 members for a term of up to 4 years, a significant change from the previous 5 members per division. Voting is mandatory, and due to the increased number of members, voters must now number at least 7 boxes on their ballots to ensure your vote counts. This adjustment is crucial, as there will be more than 7 candidates on your ballot paper, and casting preferences for each candidate maximizes the value of your vote.

To participate in the election, one had to be enrolled by February 21, 2024. . Early voting starts on March 4, 2024.

Marking preferences from 1-7, starting with candidates who best align with your values and concerns to those who least represent them, ensures your vote's influence even if your top choice doesn't secure a seat. Preferences play a role in the redistribution of surplus votes, contributing to an accurate representation of your views. This process strengthens the democratic process, shaping the assembly to better reflect the perspectives of the electorate.

For more information on how to make your vote count visit

The ‘Equality Bill’ - a proposal that, if passed, could seriously risk the safety of your family. Because this bill is not about ‘Equality’. At its core is the gender agenda and it comes at the cost your child’s safety and innocence.

An amendment to the 'Children's Care and Protection Act' would strip parents of their right to decide what medical procedures can be undertaken on their child. If this bill passes, gender clinics could have unrestricted access to taking your child down an irreversible path of medicalisation without your knowledge.

It's time for Australian's to stand up and tell their local representatives to speak up! They need to bin this 'Equality Bill' and protect our children and families, or they’ll face the consequences at the next election.

Join the movement to safeguard our children and take action now, the safety of our families depends on it!

In this weekly update, Tasmania's impending election and our concerns about the Online Safety Act review. Early voting for the Tasmanian election is approaching, and provides essential information on party positions and candidates. We recently engaged with the Online Safety Strategy and Research Team, expressing worry about potential freedom of expression constraints. Our message to the government emphasises the need to target harmful online content, implement age verification laws, and protect political and religious expression.

Stay informed by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. God bless, and see you next week!

Fuel your passion for positive change with another episode of Weekly Wrap, where Michelle brings you the latest breaking political news from across the nation, and breaks it down from a Christian perspective. Get ready to dive into the frontline of advocacy and discover how your voice, combined with fervent prayer, can shape our nation's future.

Tune in and lets march forward together to make God's truth public in Australia!

Tomorrow it will be 2 years since the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in what continues to be the largest attack on a European nation since World War 2. Thousands of Ukrainian lives have been lost. Thousands of Ukrainian children have been illegally deported. In this longer than normal episode of Fridays with Francis, Wendy takes us behind the scenes in an interview with Ukrainian doctor, Rudi Myhovych. It’s important to know the truth in order to pray for and support our brothers and sisters suffering from this illegal and immoral war.

Please watch, pray, and pass the video on to others so that we can understand better what God is doing in the world, and how ACL are seeking to influence government for good.

Join us for the Weekly Wrap, your go-to source for crucial political updates impacting Christians nationwide. From Adelaide's Walk for Life and concerns about abortion-to-birth provisions to setbacks in South Australia's inquiry on gender-confused children, we cover it all. Discover the stories of brave voices like Jay Langadinos and learn about our campaigns in Victoria and Queensland. Stay informed, stand up for values, and pray as we navigate critical issues together.

Sign the petition calling to reverse the SA Premier’s decision to stifle Gender Inquiry:

Sign the petition to stop the Decriminalisation of Prostitution in Queensland:

In this episode, ACL CEO, Michelle Pearse delves into crucial meetings with the Attorney General on the Religious Discrimination Bill, moral objections to the ACT's Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill, and concerns about a Queensland Bill allowing nurses to prescribe abortion pills. We also update you on our ongoing efforts to protect kids from online harm and how you can shape the Australian Government's digital safety frameworks.

Your prayerful action can make a difference in creating a more just and compassionate society. Thanks for your support, and stay tuned for more next week!

Since we held this webinar late last year, we've received many requests for the recording. We're pleased to be able to release it and pray that it is a fruitful resource for those seeking clarity on this critical issue as we navigate it together.

Key Topics:
- Understanding the historical roots of antisemitism
- The role of international law in the current conflict
- Understanding Jewish and Islamic viewpoints
- Strategies to counteract hate in our nation

Featured Speakers:
Michelle Pearse, (CEO, Australian Christian Lobby)

Special Guests:
Andrew Tucker (Director General, The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation)
Dr David Adler (President, Australian Jewish Association)
Rev Dr Mark Durie (Director, Institute for Spiritual Awareness, Senior Research Fellow/Lecturer in Islam, Melbourne School of Theology)

Join us in fostering a community of respect, understanding, and compassion. Together, we can make a stand against hate.

Sign the petition to say 'NO' against antisemitism:

In this week's Fridays with Francis, we cover Justice Wendy Abraham's groundbreaking ruling which exposes euthanasia euphemisms. She declares Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) a form of suicide, making online discussions on the subject criminal offenses. The ACL applauds the revelation and urges maintaining restrictions on telehealth communication promoting suicide. Tune in as Wendy Francis shares crucial insights into this significant development. Choose life—it's always the right time.

Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk has resigned, leaving behind a legacy of progressive reforms in Queensland, including groundbreaking laws on abortion, conversion therapy, euthanasia and the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act and National Director of Politics, Wendy Francis call for Christians to help bridge the gap in health care after Northern Territory Trip.

Sign the petition to say no to medical abortions by nurses and midwives:

In this week’s episode South Australia faces controversy over new Public Holidays Act, but public pressure prompts Malinauskas government to restore Anzac Day and Christmas titles. In Queensland, concerns arise as Palaszczuk government proposes a bill allowing nurses to prescribe abortion pills. We urge MPs, regardless of party, to reject the bill. Federal court rules discussing euthanasia via electronic means is a criminal offense under Commonwealth law. ACL advocates for enforcement across states.

Stay informed, follow us, and join the conversation!

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Since October 7, Australia has witnessed an alarming 482% surge in disturbing antisemitic acts. The rampant spread of hatred demands our collective voice and strong, decisive leadership.

As we face this unprecedented geopolitical crisis, our nation stands at the doorway of a dark, divisive chapter we are not prepared for. The soul of our nation is under attack, and history will judge our passivity swiftly. We must cut out metastasising hate before it consumes us.

Join us as we stand against hate, stand with the Jewish community, and raise a resounding voice for a safer, more compassionate Australia.

**Join our webinar "Confronting Antisemitism in Australia" on Thursday 14 December, 8PM AEDT - register here:

#SilenceNoMore #ConfrontAntisemitism #ACL #MakeTruthPublic

In this week's Fridays with Francis, Wendy Francis discusses the new Children's Advertising Code which came into effect on 1 December. Join her to explore how we can reclaim our public spaces and protect our children.

Our very own Wendy and her husband Peter Francis share of their joy of partnering with ACL, their sower’s hearts, and their desire to honour the Lord by stewarding the gifts He has given them.
Join us and become a change maker! Please consider helping us reach our end of year funding goal via: Thank you for your faithful support!

In this week's episode we update you on a concerning new development that could threaten religious freedoms and push for an inquiry into gender therapy in Victoria.

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In this week's episode we back the Hon. Frank Pangallo's call for an Inquiry in South Australia, report on the rise of medical professionals expressing concern over gender-affirmative therapy and give an update on Hon. Nicola Centofanti's Prostitution Reform Bill.

Support the Pangallo Inquiry:

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Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

34 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

The Australian Christian Lobby’s BitChute channel exists to broadcast our latest video content.

We advocate on Christian issues relating to life, women and life matters in Australia.

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Authorised by Martyn Iles, Australian Christian Lobby, 4 Campion Street, Deakin ACT 2600